Chapter 119
Mrs. Gu was dragged by her arms all the way to the door.

It's true that the two of them haven't been alone for a long time, and it's a lie to say that they don't want to.

Mrs. Gu was intentionally explaining a few words to Ma Lan, but when she turned her head, she heard the sound of teacups breaking in the room.

Mrs. Gu froze.

Looking at Ma Lan, who was only separated by a door, his head twitched a few times: "Why did you fall on something?"

If you can't say something well, you have to smash the good things.

"It's really not serious. When did I quarrel with you and break something?"

Da De pulled her out: "Be careful not to hurt Chi Yu, let's go back to sleep, why bother to mess with the two of them."

A master, a master's wife, neither can offend.

Mrs. Gu blushed: "Anyone who wants to sleep with you is shameless."

Terribly tugging at her and not letting go: "Today I want you..."

There was no movement outside the house, and there were only Qin Zhihuan and Ma Lan in the house.

Qin Zhi was still looking at the broken porcelain pieces all over the floor, and slowly raised his head: "I'm just so angry."

Just now he wanted to carry him back to the bed, but Ma Lanfei struggled desperately, bumped into the teapot on the table, and it fell to the ground in a mess.

angry?Can't talk about...

Malan glanced over.

There is nothing to be angry with him, but his face is definitely not good.

Who knows how she had convinced herself early in the morning that the ancient world was different from the modern world, that gunpowder was not regulated.

Qin Zhihuan was also a victim. He felt ashamed of the people, but forgot to help.

He could accept that Qin Zhi had set a fire yesterday out of helplessness, and he could convince himself that Qin Zhi still wanted to kill Qin Da.

But she really couldn't accept that the people next to her pillow didn't take people's lives as their own.

It is also unacceptable, Qin Zhi still treats the law and human life as a trifling matter.

She always felt that no matter how bad a person is, he should be punished by law.

Once the rules are established, they must be followed, and it is nothing to destroy and change at will.

The gunpowder exploded last night, and many lives were separated.

If this is counted as a crime, it is not much better than Master Sun and Qin Zhi.

How could he pretend to be ignorant and say, "He deserved to die."

If the law is not needed, what is the point of enacting it?

Malan's face turned red and white.

She had never seen such a murderous person.

I've seen it before, when he first met Qin Zhihuan, he poisoned himself.

Obviously she is just a stranger who has done nothing wrong.

Ma Lan struggled just now because Qin Zhi wanted to hug her forcibly despite her wishes.

She struggled violently not to hit the teapot, but just to keep Qin Zhi away from her.

At this time, she wanted to be alone.

I don't want to talk to Qin Zhi.

Especially thinking of Qin Da's grateful kowtow to her, and the mourning common people.

Her heart seemed to be blocked by something, stuffy and uncomfortable.

"It's just a teapot. Let someone clean it up." Ma Lan didn't feel guilty at all, and said with a straight neck: "At worst, I'll lose money."

Chen Wei's men had already reached the foot of the mountain, and it was impossible for Qin Zhi to stay here all day long.

Those who didn't know, thought that Ma Lan didn't know how to keep Qin Zhihuan, so that he wouldn't deal with business.

"There are so many things going on outside, Lord Hou, if you need it, just get busy."

It's not the first day that Qin Zhi doesn't live in the room, Ma Lan is happy without him by his side.

What's more, what he said has reached this point, if Qin Zhi still understands, he should leave.

But Qin Zhihuan stood there and didn't leave, just staring at her.

After a long while, he said, "Are you driving me away?"

Malan's jaw trembled again.

Turning around, ignoring the pain in his feet, he hurriedly jumped back to the inner room, and closed the door of the inner room firmly.

How could she explain to others what she didn't even think to understand.

It was her fault that he reasoned with someone who didn't know about equality and freedom.

She felt uncomfortable, an indescribable discomfort.

Qin Zhi also watched the door slam shut, and reached out to touch his nose.

I quickly went through it in my mind, and suddenly found that no one seemed to dare to do this to him in the past 27 years.

He was not reconciled, and went through his mind again to confirm that it was not.

The candles in the back room hadn't been extinguished yet, and he suddenly wanted to see how Malan could be pampered by him.

He didn't go in or go out, he just sat by the fire and read a book slowly.

There is a bookshelf outside, and there are picture books that Ma Lan likes to read on weekdays.

Turning over a page, there are seven large characters written on it, Merry Widow, Prince Qiao.

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows, glanced at the room, and opened the book thoughtfully.

In the middle of the night, Qin Da was worried that it would be inconvenient for Ma Lan to get up at night, so he came here to have a look.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Qin Zhi still sitting by the stove, flipping through the picture book she bought.

Thinking of some content inappropriate for children, Qin Da's face turned red three degrees.

Looking around, he didn't see Malan.

Apart from Qin Zhihuan, there was no one in the outer room.

Qin Dazheng wondered where Ma Lan had gone.

He heard the sound of Qin Zhi hitting the table with his fingers: "Make something to eat and bring it in for her."

After spending most of the day in prison, and busy cooking and barbecue, my son must be hungry now.

Qin Da was taken aback for a moment before he noticed the closed door.

My heart skipped a beat.

There was a wild thought in my mind, and I couldn't think of what happened to the two of them just now.

Hou Ye has always doted on and loved his wife, why did he lock him up now.

Or did Madam leave Lord Hou just outside the door?
During the meal earlier, she could see that the madam was angry with Master Hou, so why didn't they reconcile until now.

When Hou Ye brought his wife back, both of them had smiles on their eyebrows, why did their kung fu change all of a sudden.

In vain, she deliberately stayed away, and stayed in the house for a long time before coming to see what she needed.

Looking at the situation in front of him, it's useless for Master Hou to say anything now.

She was distressed for a moment, but she forgot that Qin Zhihuan was still reading her book in his hand.

The vegetarian food in the temple is no better than that at the foot of the mountain.

Porridge is the main food.

Fearing that Malan would not like it, he warmed up the rest of the barbecue and served it up.

The temple is a clean place, there should be no meat or fish.

The monks here don't care about these at all, you eat your meat and I drink my porridge, and the well water does not violate the river water.

As long as you don't use my porridge pots and pans to cook meat and meat.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy, Qin Da didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried out and called Zi Yan.

The two prepared two meals together.

When he went back, the candles were brightly lit in the room, and Qin Zhi was already reading a different book.

The book cover reads Blue Bird vs. Zombie.

Seeing that Qin Zhi was still reading this book, Zi Yan's eyes were red with anxiety.

She had recommended this book to her wife, but Ma Lan didn't read it after turning two pages, saying that she couldn't understand it because she was too imaginative.

She wanted to go quietly and take the book away while Qin Zhi was still eating.

Qin Zhihuan ignored her, and only pointed to the back room, motioning for her to bring things in.

(End of this chapter)

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