Chapter 120 The Way To Get Angry Is Wrong

Zi Yan had no choice but to knock on the door: "Ma'am."

The door inside opened with a "squeak", and Malan stood at the door with his feet raised.

It has been about an hour since she came in, and she didn't eat a few pieces of barbecue because she was angry.

It took a lot of physical strength and energy to start drawing cards when I came back, and I happened to be very hungry at the moment.

Zi Yan looked at Ma Lan's half foot with a look of astonishment, and a lot of words piled up in her mouth.

Before she could ask, Ma Lan's voice was heard: "Is he still there?"

Zi Yan naturally knew who she was asking, and nodded: "Yes."

Although Zi Yan didn't know what happened to the two of them, she could probably tell something by looking at their expressions.

It doesn't seem like Master Hou is angry, but it seems that Madam is unhappy.

"Qin Daqian is here, Master Hou ordered you to prepare meals for you, in case you are hungry..."

Malan's eyes flickered, but he didn't answer her.

Zi Yan put the tray on the table and hurried to help Ma Lan: "What are you doing so angry?"

Only when you are in a happy mood can your leg injury heal faster.

Ma Lan was injured, and her legs and feet are inconvenient, so she should learn to be better, and she has nothing to lose her temper.

In the end, it was me who was in trouble.

Ma Lan didn't want to mention it: "I want to be alone for a while."

In the final analysis, she has not yet understood the rules of survival in this world.

Ma Lan's attitude made Zi Yan completely puzzled.

After Ma Lan had eaten, it was already dark, and the lights in the Qixia Temple were turned off to rest.

After taking a bath and tidying up, I heard Qin Zhihuan's order: "Go and prepare some melons and fruits to send in."

It is easy to get tired after eating too much barbecue, and eating some fresh melons and fruits will relieve the tiredness, and people will feel more comfortable.

After Zi Yan cut up the fruits and sent them over, she heard Qin Zhihuan's voice: "She is afraid of the cold, so go and deliver her a mattress."

Then let Zi Yan move the stove in again.

Ma Lan stayed in the room all the time, and Zi Yan kept running back and forth to deliver things.

Finally tired, he put his things on the table: "Ma'am..."

She didn't say anything, but looked at Ma Lan with teary eyes, and Ma Lan understood what she meant.

This is where Qin Zhi returned, and there was only one bed in the room, and it was hard to justify not letting him in to sleep in the middle of the night.

Before she could come up with a good solution, Qin Zhihuan offered courtship one after another, making all her plans come to naught.

Now that this is the case, let him go out and find a place to sleep.

Zi Yan almost broke her leg from running, she was so tired.

Ma Lan gritted her teeth and thought for a while, but finally couldn't bear to look at Zi Yan's pitiful eyes.

Sitting half propped up on the head of the bed: "It's late at night, if my husband is tired, come in and sleep."

After finishing speaking, he didn't go to see Qin Zhihuan, and lay down on the bed with his eyes closed, and was ready to sleep with the quilt covered.

After a while, there was movement in the outer room.

After a rustling sound, the sound of water came from the clean room.

Knowing that Qin Zhi was still washing up, Ma Lan covered his ears, turned over and continued to sleep.

The sound of water splashing inside could be heard, and Ma Lan couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

Until Qin Zhi came out, he saw Ma Lan occupying the whole bed, and patted him: "Come in."

Ma Lan rolled around in a circle, hung the quilt firmly on her body, curled up into a ball and rolled into the bed.

After a long time, no movement was heard, Ma Lan thought that there was not enough space, and wanted to move inside.

The quilt on his body was suddenly lifted by someone, and the coolness rushed in immediately.

Before Ma Lan could react, Qin Zhi spoke first: "Don't move."

Ma Lan looked up, just in time to see Qin Zhihuan holding the ointment.

Qin Zhi still held her leg tightly and didn't look at her.

Pulling Malan's leg out of the bed, gently peel off the gauze on it, and wipe off the medicine residue on it.

Malan looked at him in astonishment.

Seeing that Qin Zhi dug out herbs from the medicine jar and applied them, carefully wrapped them in gauze, and inserted wooden boards.

The movements were skillful and careful, and Ma Lan didn't feel too much pain.

After the dressing was done, he didn't say a word, and went out with the medicine jar.

When he came in again, he took another Mrs. Tang and handed it to Ma Lan: "You are afraid of the cold."

Malan was stunned.

He also heard Qin Zhi reply: "He can't go into the house to sleep tonight, and he can't warm her bed, let her warm herself with Tang Pozi."

Before Malan could react, Qin Zhi stuffed something into his hand and went out.

The one who came in again was Zi Yan with a frowning face.

"Master Hou asked me to give my wife a message."

Ma Lan no longer expected Qin Zhi to say anything good, but still asked, "What?"

Zi Yan had a bitter face: "Say Madam, don't hurt yourself anymore.

At the beginning, when he worked hard to marry his wife, he came back because he liked her being gentle, virtuous, beautiful and generous. If there was something wrong with her, he was afraid, afraid..."

Zi Yan bit her lip, unable to say the following words.

Ma Lan was slightly puzzled: "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to bear the blow, and I want to stay with my wife through life and death."

Ma Lan held his breath in his chest, his eyelids twitched, "Bastard!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a gust of wind outside the house, with raindrops mixed in, and the windows "slapped" and slammed.

She obviously told Qin Zhihuan to come back to sleep, so what does she mean by saying that now.

Malan's teeth itch in anger.

After a while, he squeezed his throat and said softly: "It's late at night, come in and sleep, Mr. Xianggong."

With such an aggrieved look, he didn't know that he thought she had repaid Qin Zhi for ill-treating him.

Zi Yan trotted out and said this, Qin Zhi pursed his lips in satisfaction.

When he entered the room again, not only the bed but also the quilt were left empty for him.

Malan, who was sleeping on the inside, curled up, revealing a furry top of his head.

Qin Zhi also raised the corners of his mouth, pulled off the quilt and lay down slowly.

The lights in the back room were turned off, and there was a moment of silence in the room.

Ma Lan's injured foot suddenly felt uncomfortable, and Qin Zhi noticed it just as he wanted to move it.

He stretched out his arm naturally, and fished out Malan who was buried under the quilt: "It's still not smart, I'll teach you how to get angry."

Ma Lan opened his eyes instantly and looked at Qin Zhihuan.

Qin Zhi also smiled slightly: "The next time you encounter such a thing, don't make it difficult for yourself.

If you hadn't met me, you would have opened the door for me hungry. "

The husband is the guide for the wife, so there is no reason for a wife not to let her husband into the room to sleep.

When Qin Zhi changed Ma Lan's dressing just now, most of the anger in Ma Lan's heart had disappeared.

At this moment, he was provoked by another sentence.

Turning his head, he stared at Qin Zhihuan's face, wanting to see what he could say.

Qin Zhi leaned against the head of the bed with half-opened eyes, and reasoned with her unhurriedly: "Smart people get angry, not to make themselves uncomfortable but to make the other person uncomfortable.

Wouldn't it be better for the other party not to notice that you are angry, but feel guilty when they see you, and take the initiative to find their own faults? "

Wouldn't it be better for him to take the initiative by waiting for him to find out his mistakes before admitting to you and apologizing to you?
Qin Zhihuan's reasoning can be regarded as telling Ma Lan about his way of being an official over the years without even a trace of concealment.

No matter how angry he is, the one who is anxious is always the other party.

Ma Lan stared at him blankly, half understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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