Chapter 121 Another Explosion
Qin Zhihuan gently rubbed the top of her head with his palm, and habitually circled her head and brought her into his arms.

He closed his eyes and cut off the words: "There are many things that the law cannot solve."

The law pays attention to evidence. Without sufficient evidence, even if you are devoid of conscience and do all kinds of bad things, you will not be punished.

Even if the evidence is solid, they will escape repeatedly because of bribing high-ranking officials and making friends with officials, or because the relationship is strong enough.

Such scum who escaped the law had no choice but to lynch.

He's just acting in an extraordinary way.

Although he killed people, it was by no means indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Most of the people who died at his hands were those who did all kinds of bad things.

He was rather curious as to why Ma Lan never had a distinction between superiority and inferiority, but was full of thoughts about being born equal.

He had never seen a lady from a wealthy family who would eat at the same table with his maid without shy away.

No matter how good the relationship is, it is necessary to distinguish between the superior and the inferior in front of people.

But Malan never seemed to care about all of this.

Ma Lan was distracted by him again and again, and the anger in his mind had long since disappeared.

Qin Zhi also saw that she didn't speak, and her eyes didn't open, so he turned over with a chuckle and hugged her in his arms: "Go to sleep."

It's time to rest after a tiring day, and I have to go on my way tomorrow.

Malan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I don't know when, the two of them have gotten used to this sleeping position.

Qin Zhihuan's arms would always go through his neck and take her into his arms, hugging her to sleep.

It was raining rustlingly outside the house, and fell from the eaves with a crackling sound.

The sound of rain urges people to fall asleep, and Ma Lan, who was not sleepy at first, gradually became sleepy and fell asleep slowly.

The sound of rain is in my ears, and there is a taste of the tranquility of the years.

The rain drips down, it is calm and peaceful, it is comfortable and joyful.

It rained until midnight.

As soon as the rain stopped, there was movement at the bottom of the mountain.

The black dead men, like beetles bubbling from the soil after rain, spread up from the foot of the mountain and surrounded Qixia Temple.

A group of people went up the mountain quietly, and arrived at the gate of the temple in a blink of an eye.

A signal flare appeared from nowhere, and the flames burst out, revealing the unknown dead in an instant.

Then came the second flare, and the third flare.

As the signal bombs lifted off one after another, loud bangs erupted in the sky.

Ma Lan was awakened by the sound, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the flames all over the mountains and plains.

Just as he was about to see what was going on outside, Qin Zhihuan picked him up from the bed.

"Go to sleep in the carriage."

The carriage is just outside the door.

Qin Daziyan and the three had already packed their things and waited at the door.

Just wait for the two of them to get in the car.

After they came out, they pulled the carriage and went to the back door without any delay.

Those who went to the back door together also included You De and Mrs. Gu's carriage.

Ma Lan was pulled out of the bed by Qin Zhi, and there was no time to bed clothes.

She was wrapped in a thick quilt on the bed, and her legs and feet were inconvenient, so she didn't get out of the carriage.

Let Qin Zhihuan get out of the carriage alone to say hello to Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu was standing outside the carriage.

Ma Lan lifted the curtain of the car and looked out, just in time to meet Mrs. Gu's eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Ma Lan smiled guiltyly at her with the quilt tightly wrapped around her body: "Thank you Madam Gu for taking care of me these few days."

Madam Gu thanked her without politely nodding.

Ma Lan didn't know how to answer the conversation, so she heard Mrs. Gu say: "I will take care of your inn for you."

Ma Lan was overjoyed: "Thank you, madam."

"I'll wait for your thank you next time we meet."

Madam Gu interrupted her and took two steps forward, and took out a book from her arms: "Master Qin said that you have always wanted to learn some kung fu."

This is her family's martial art, which is most suitable for girls to practice.

Send it to Ma Lan to think about it on his own, so that he will have the power to protect himself in case of danger in the future.

Ma Lan took it in a daze, "Thank you, Mrs. Gu."

After thinking it over and over again, before leaving, Ma Lan explained again: "Although the inn is full of girls, they all have good skills."

As long as the craftsmanship is good, it doesn't matter if it is a man or a woman.

Mrs. Gu paused, then turned her head: "If I really have the ability, why don't I use it."

She is also a woman, so she naturally knows how difficult it is for women to live in this world.

Ma Lan raised her head, admiring Mrs. Gu even more.

The people in this world who are willing to help girls are still girls.

Mrs. Gu turned and got into the carriage, and Qin Zhihuan also came back after talking with him.

The wheels rolled, Ma Lan put down the curtain, turned his back to Qin Zhi and changed his clothes.

It was eerily quiet along the way.

She didn't ask Qin Zhihuan where he was going, she only knew that the journey would not be peaceful.

Qin Zhi must have known a great secret, and Chen Wei will not let him go in order to prevent future troubles.

Malan looked down at her feet, praying that she would protect herself if she was in danger, at least not to hold them back.

"It still hurts?"

Qin Zhi also squatted down and opened her trousers to observe carefully.

The redness and swelling on Ma Lan's legs had subsided a lot.

"Get some sleep while it's still dark."

Ma Lan couldn't sleep.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, I heard a loud noise.

It was the location of Qixia Temple, and there was a lot of movement, even bigger than the bombing of Zhizhou Mansion.

Ma Lan was calm, but also a little flustered.

Isn't gunpowder only for the army? It's available all over the world as if it doesn't cost money.

Possession of gunpowder was a felony no matter in that era.

Ma Lan suddenly wondered what Qin Zhi knew that made Chen Wei so anxious to kill Qin Zhi.

Turning around to ask, I heard that Qin Zhi had already closed his eyes and leaned on the carriage, falling asleep.


Knowing that he was not asleep, Ma Lan called softly.

She didn't want to know any shocking secrets, she just wanted to know when she could go home.

When the fallen leaves return to their roots, you can't really lose your life here.

She also wanted to understand what happened yesterday. Everyone has their own way of going wrong.

She has memories that don't belong to this era, so she feels that they are doing something wrong.

But thinking about the development of this era carefully, she is the one who is out of tune with this era.

Furthermore, she was forced to live and die with Qin Zhi.

Qin Zhi also gave an "um" and did not open his eyes.

"Where are we going?"


Co-authoring is not going home, nor going to Chang'an.

Ma Lan curled up and opened the curtain of the car, looking at the Qixia Temple that had already been burned.

In a trance, I always feel that I am dreaming.

A dream within a dream where Qin Zhi and Qin Zhi are still tied together after time travel.

The carriage went all the way up and lived in the inn.

When the carriage was stable, Ma Lan got out of the carriage after Qin Zhihuan.

A person came out of the inn to greet him with a smile, but when they met, they called out: "Young Master Wang."

Ma Lan was stunned, and Wang Zhihuan and Qin Zhihuan used fake names when they went out.

When she and Qin Zhi first met, he used this name.

All the people living in the inn are businessmen, and there are entertainments at night.

Several people sat in the hall, and Qin Zhihuan started discussing the business with those businessmen, and asked about the embroidery business of Lengxiu Pavilion.

It was only then that Ma Lan realized that Qin Zhi was still using her husband-in-law's identity on this trip to Luoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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