Chapter 122 Is it delicious?

Ma Lan looked at Qin Zhihuan unexpectedly, but suddenly heard the owner of the salt merchant say, "I heard that Mrs. Ma's adoptive daughter is married, but I never knew who it was.

Before coming this time, the guy in my family was still talking about how the shopkeeper Ma took care of my family many times even though we had never met each other.

Before going out this time, I was specifically asked to visit me, and now I met here. "

After a moment of silence, he said again: "I heard that the girl married a nobleman in Kyoto, why did she come here?"

Ma Lan looked at Qin Zhi and couldn't help but be proud.

Her family's business is getting bigger and bigger, and she can be known to everyone without Qin Zhihuan's name.

After the dinner was over, the two went back to the house.

Ma Lan wanted to ask for an explanation, but just called out: "Sir."

Then Qin Zhihuan flicked his forehead with his finger, "Look a little sweeter."

Malan fell silent.

This time it was Qin Zhi who asked her: "Now do you know who I am?"

Ma Lan raised her head, looked at the gentle face in front of her, which was the complete opposite of her cousin's, hesitated for a long time, and finally uttered with difficulty, "Got it."

Qin Zhi also frowned, and his black eyes fell heavily on her face, "Again, I didn't hear clearly."

Ma Lan's eyes trembled a few times, but he finally accepted it: "Sir..."

Only then did Qin Zhihuan get up slowly.

After washing at night, the two of them were lying on the bed, and Ma Lan summoned up his courage and said, "I don't think this is appropriate..."

Forget about anything else, if he uses his family name to do things, if he offends someone who shouldn't be offended...

Isn't the family wronged?

Qin Zhi also turned over, hugged her into his arms, and didn't give her a chance to continue: "Don't move, my poison has not been cured, so I need to be more careful."

It was only then that Ma Lan noticed that his hand touched the wrong place inadvertently.

His face turned red all of a sudden, his mouth was hard to distinguish, and he was completely silent.

But her instincts were right.

On the second day, the two left the merchant's house and continued on their way. When they arrived in Luoyang, it was night.

After riding in the carriage for a day, Ma Lan's ankle didn't hurt anymore, and she could barely get off the ground, but her mind was shaken dizzily. She thought she would have a place to rest for the night, but before she got out of the carriage, she saw Qin Zhi still throwing A set of men's clothes came over: "Put on."

Ma Lan thought at first that he was so kind, and finally figured out how to change her identity, but he took her to the flower house in the capital.

Ma Lan glanced at the group of girls in light clothes who were waving round fans in front of the gate of Hualou, chatting with the passing young masters, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Sir..."

"You didn't always want to meet."

Qin Zhi still remembered at this time that she had always wanted to visit Hualou.

Ma Lan stood there motionless.

Qin Zhi still supported her arm, helped her in, and whispered in his ear: "I have no eyeliner here, and no one to protect your safety. You have to stay by my side these days."

Luoyang is under the jurisdiction of Chen Wei.

In order not to scare the snake, Qin Zhi has not contacted any informants. This time there will be no Nanqu troupe, nor will there be a second Qixia Temple.

You must be cautious in your words and deeds along the way, and pay more attention.

Ma Lan froze from the shock of his solemn tone.

Qin Zhi also patted her shoulder again: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, relax..."

Ma Lan only knew that she was married to a man who loved to visit flower houses, but he had never been in a flower house, nor had he seen what it looked like inside. Today, he had entrusted his husband's "blessing" to see it with his own eyes.

Under the neon lights, the girl is eye-catching.

The intermittent sound of the pipa, together with the little song, covered the sound of Fengyue Jiaoxiao on the corridor, and as soon as the song fell, a soft and joyful sound came into my ears clearly: "Master, be gentle..."

Malan shuddered.

A girl beside her stepped forward to hold her arm.

When those hands were about to stretch out to grab her, Qin Zhi who was beside him promptly handed over a piece of silver.

Not far away, the mother's eyes lit up and hurried up to meet her. After taking the money, she asked the two of them with a smile, "You two, do you want to spread the shop today, or stay in the house..."

Although Lapu is also looking for girls, there is a time limit.

If you live in the bureau, you can have a one-night stand in the spring night until dawn.

Ma Lan was stunned and couldn't answer at all.

Qin Zhihuan, who was beside him, said very familiarly: "Set up the dinner."

Malan still couldn't understand.

But the mother understood, and hurriedly sent a few girls to accompany the two of them up. When they arrived in the wing room, not long after the two of them sat down, they saw some girls walking in with wine pots and pipas in their arms.

As soon as the music sounded, a girl in light clothes beside her snuggled up to Qin Zhihuan, peeled a grape for him, and handed it to Qin Zhihuan's mouth: "Master, try it..."

Ma Lan had just held a few cups of tea, and looked at him so nicely.

Ma Lan's eyes were so careful that he almost turned his head away.

Qin Zhihuan suddenly turned his head and glanced at her, his deep eyes were dark and heavy, Ma Lan's heart for watching the theater was caught, his eyes rolled slightly, and moved in time.

Qin Zhi turned his head again, lifted his feet skillfully, and forced the girl to take two steps back, then took out ten taels of silver from his pocket, put it on the table, and said simply and plainly: " Inquire about someone with you."

Although the female patrons in Hualou are ruthless, the advantage is that there are many people coming and going. I have seen many people, and there are many people who come here to look for them.

Seeing that the young man in front of her was extraordinary, noble and handsome, the girl's face turned red suddenly, and she said softly, "I don't know who the young master wants to ask about."

"Xue Yuanwai."

When the girl heard it, there was a bit of surprise in her eyes.

Qin Zhi also explained one more sentence, "Last year when the salt boat capsized, he still owed me some money."

This time the girl didn't feel any strange look on her face.

Last year, Xue Yuanwai owed a huge amount of debt due to the capsized salt boat. In the past six months, even Shanghualou has started to pay on credit...

The girl stretched out her hand to collect the money on the table, and said back to Qin Zhi, "Young Master, it's a coincidence that you came today. In the past, Xue Yuanwai was a regular visitor to my Hanxiang Building. I don't know what happened. He didn't come again yesterday." .”

After finishing speaking, he said kindly, "If the young master wants to find someone, I'm afraid I still have to go to Xue's residence."


Before Qin Zhi asked any more questions, he put his arms on his knees habitually, rubbed his fingers against the black brocade, tapped lightly, and after a while of contemplation, took a sip from several cups of tea before turning his head to look at Malan.

With just one glance, his expression was fixed there.

The small mouth of the person beside him was opening, and he saw a grape in the girl's hand, "Gulu" stuffed it, and she sucked it into his mouth.

The corners of his mouth moved a few times, and he ate quite vigorously.

And on the wooden table in front of him, there is already a pile of grape skins.

Qin Zhihuan's eyebrows twitched suddenly, and he withdrew his propped up leg, leaned over to stare at her slightly puffed cheeks, and asked softly, "Is it delicious?"

Just now I saw that Qin Zhi was still talking to the girl, and Ma Lan had nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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