Chapter 123 Decree
I don't know what is important for him to find Yuanwai Xue, but I know that he is a big man, so the person he is looking for must not be easy.

Ma Lan didn't want to eat either.

The girl in front of her wanted to feed her, so she had to open her mouth.

Once there is the first one, there will be the second one. Ma Lan was still thinking, is it true that every guest who comes to the flower building to have fun will be fed by the girls like this? What is the meaning of Hualou.

It's better for her to buy a few catties of grapes and ask a few maids to peel them for him...

"I'm not hungry."

When Ma Lan was asked by him, he also found an opportunity to reject the girl in front of him. Looking at the table of wine and food on the table, he remembered that the last meal was a piece of dry biscuit gnawed on the carriage, so he picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. A piece of peanut crisp was delivered to Qin Zhihuan's mouth, "Do you want to eat some too?"

Qin Zhihuan's eyes were on the tip of the chopsticks, and he paused for a while, his black eyes slightly raised to stare at Ma Lan, and slowly moved closer.

The sound of the pipa in the room fell silent with a slight tremor, and the girl who knelt before her and fed the Malan grapes also backed away consciously.

I haven't seen anything big in the woods.

It's not a rare thing to use the land of Hualou to meet lovers or to practice Longyang's love.

The girls knew very well that the two people who came here today were probably just looking for a place, and there were so many people outside that it was inevitable that they would look at people with colored glasses.

Seeing the love between the two of them, they all lowered their heads knowingly, and retreated one after another.

The door closes lightly.

After the room became quiet, Qin Zhihuan straightened up and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

Accustomed to being a spirit, he looks like a fairy reincarnated.You can tease him quietly.

Malan was instantly relieved.

Both hands were numb, I didn't see him eating, and I didn't see him not eating. I regretted how I stretched out my chopsticks. Now that the girls in the room have all left, I turned around and said innocently, "They all Let's go, or I will call them back again"

Qin Zhi ignored her.

After a while, there were two more knocks on the door, it was the mother's voice just now: "Is the young master there?"

Qin Zhihuan's eyes dimmed, he put down the teacup in his hand, got up and pulled Ma Lan up, walked to a window in the room, opened the window and explained to her seriously: "I'll go down first, you Check it out and jump."

Before Qin Zhihuan could finish his sentence, a figure flashed in front of him.

The breeze swept over Ma Lan's face, and in the blink of an eye, Qin Zhi had landed firmly on the ground.

Ma Lan had never done such things as climbing over windows and walls, so he was dumbfounded.

Not to mention that her legs and feet have not recovered yet, even if she is in good health, she will not be able to jump.

Unlike Qin Zhi, she has learned martial arts and can fly and dance.

Qin Zhi was still downstairs, reaching out to her: "Come down."

Ma Lan looked down, and found that there was a distance of five or six meters.

Thinking of the safety lessons I learned in my previous life, seven meters is a safe distance, and I shouldn't die if I jump down.

He mustered up his courage and wanted to jump down, but his legs were weak because of the distance.

Qin Zhi was still urging below: "Come down quickly."

Ma Lan thought about it too, but she didn't dare.

There was already movement at the door of the house, as if someone was knocking on the door.

Both died before and after, and died slower after Qin Zhi.

Ma Lan gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and jumped down.

Qin Zhi also reached out to catch her and held her firmly in his arms: "Don't be afraid."

Ma Lan's feet landed on the ground, this time without waiting for Qin Zhi to explain, Ma Lan took the initiative to ask him: "Where should we run..."

She is ready.

Without the Nanqu troupe, without the famous monks, with Qin Zhihuan, Qin Daziyan and the others, it would be extremely difficult to return to the capital alive.

Qin Zhi still looked at her little face as if facing a big enemy, and was speechless for a while.

He really has to thank her for not being a pretentious official lady.

No matter when and where, she can stay rational and make the right choice.

Qin Zhi stretched out his arm, clasped the back of her head with his palm, and moved forward: "Go to the county government."

Half an hour later, the two sat in the lobby of the county government office.

Qin Zhi also used his identity back.

Immediately showing his waist card, Zhixian came out with a lamp, bent his waist to his chest for a moment, invited the two of them in with a nod and bowed his head, and asked cautiously with a smile: "I don't know what instructions you have for visiting Luoyang..."

Qin Zhi also glanced at the several office servants around him.

The county magistrate understood, and hurriedly screened away the people in the house, and there were only three people left. Qin Zhihuan said slowly: "His majesty's oral order, let me come to see the two of you."

When Nazhi County heard the word "Your Majesty", he immediately knelt on the ground.

This is also the second major event that Qin Zhihuan came to Jiangnan this time, and the emperor explained it. Qin Zhi also directly asked the county magistrate: "Where is Yuan Xue?"

The magistrate was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Xue? Does your lord know what he has committed..."

Before Qin Zhi answered, his eyes raised his head and fell directly on Nazhi County's face.

The county magistrate felt his back go cold, he quickly lowered his head, and said nervously: "Your Excellency, rest here for a while, and the next official will go invite someone..."

After the magistrate finished speaking, he walked out of the house.

Hastily went down two steps, and almost fell into a dog's shit. When he walked out of the lobby, he called a person in a panic: "Hurry up and inform Mr. Chen that he has come."

There was a thin layer of sweat on the magistrate's forehead, his face was pale and he said: "Let's just say, let's say that Master Qin came here to bring people..."

As early as the maid fell into Qin Zhihuan's hands, Chen Wei had already sent a letter to the magistrate, and the magistrate only transferred her out yesterday.

Qin Zhi is here today.

Still following the imperial decree, how can the county magistrate not be afraid...

The two gunpowder fights in Zhizhou Mansion and Qixia Temple all hurt Master Chen's people.

The two confronted each other, and Master Qin was clearly superior in terms of strategy.

After learning that Qin Zhi had left Qixia Temple, Chen Wei didn't dare to delay for a moment, and began to chase after him without stopping.

Qin Zhi also hid his whereabouts very well, and Chen Wei did not find his trace all the way.

After chasing all the way to Hualou, there was news.

After arriving, it was still a step late.

The girl in the flower building who was inquired by Qin Zhi just now knelt on the ground, and tremblingly reported the characteristics of the two of them.

Then the people from the county magistrate came: "My lord, he is in the county government office."

Chen Wei was obviously taken aback.

Unexpectedly, he would be sent to the door to seek death.

Qin Zhi was still scheming and afraid that he had other thoughts, and he suffered a lot in the matter of Qixia Temple.

The person is right in front of him, and it's impossible not to go. If you miss this time, you don't know where to catch Qin Zhihuan.

After getting the news, Chen Wei turned around and rushed to the county government office. When he left the building, the county magistrate followed behind and quietly reported: "Your Excellency said that Master Qin came here this time because of an order..."

Chen Wei's body froze, and his footsteps stopped there.


The expression on Chen Wei's face slowly changed, and a trace of panic surfaced in his eyes, which was suppressed by the rising anger. He had already told her that those two people could not stay, the mouth of a dead man Only the most reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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