Chapter 124 Zhuangzi
But she insisted on not listening, and insisted that the man was not dead, and she wanted to find her through these two people.

If he really didn't die, he should have come to him for revenge.

I haven't been here for 20 years, how can I still be alive.

Back then, it was he who set the fire with his own hands, and it was he who personally sent people to hunt her down and gave her a fatal blow.

Earlier, when Qin Zhi was still in Zhizhou Prefecture, when he was negotiating with him, the inside and outside words had been revealed. He came to the south of the Yangtze River to find Xinting, and it was His Majesty's intention to check Sima's house.

Chen Wei was lucky at that time, thinking that His Majesty just saw him suddenly coming to the south of the Yangtze River, so he was suspicious by nature.

Now seeing that he actually issued a secret decree to let Qin Zhihuan come to Luoyang to find those two people, all the luck in his heart was shattered.

Obviously, His Majesty has grown suspicious.

The events of that year quickly flashed through my mind, and my heart was pounding.

The veins on Chen Wei's forehead and heart popped out instantly, and he felt that all this was slowly beginning to expand, a little bit beyond his control, his eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and told the man, "Notify the county magistrate, kill without mercy. "

After Chen Wei finished speaking, he didn't go to the county government office.

He got on his horse and hurried off in another direction.

Two people who should have died more than [-] years ago, just because he was confused for a while and listened to the woman's words, living now has finally become a trouble.

Three quarters later, Chen Wei's horse stopped outside a Zhuangzi.

Malan's body was tightly pressed against the stone wall.

This night, following Qin Zhihuan, he jumped out of the window and over the wall, went to the county government office, did not even drink a cup of tea, was dragged out by Qin Zhihuan, and first followed a group of county government officials. The yamen came back to Hualou.

Then he followed Chen Wei all the way.

The degree of busyness is her usual amount of half a year.

Seeing that Chen Wei had just entered a Zhuangzi, Qin Er appeared out of nowhere, drew the sword at his waist and followed closely, and in an instant there was an overwhelming sound of swords and swords.

Ma Lan turned on her toes and was about to step forward, but was pushed against the wall by Fan Shen: "Wait here for me."

Malan didn't move anymore.

She doesn't know martial arts, and it would be a waste of help if she went, she might as well stay where she is.

Looking at Qin Zhi, he gently lifted the hem of his clothes, drew out a soft sword wrapped around his waist, and stepped in calmly.

But in an instant, Zhuangzi behind him seemed to be turned upside down, the sound of swords and swords was deadly, and every move was desperate.

Ma Lan tensed up, closed her eyes, and pricked up her ears to carefully identify the voice inside. Even if she had kung fu, it didn't mean she wasn't afraid of such swords and blood.

Time passed by bit by bit, and Ma Lan's heart unconsciously rose to his throat, and he couldn't help being in a trance again.

Is this the day when the tip of a knife licks blood?

Asking for life on the tip of the knife, either you die or I die.

What I plan for is a stable life, what is Qin Zhi planning for him...

Suddenly, there was a severe pain in his right arm, and Ma Lan knew that Qin Zhi was still injured.

The flames in Zhuangzi were soaring into the sky, and the sound of swords clashing could be heard everywhere.

Pain came from his right arm, and Ma Lan suddenly didn't understand the meaning of staying here.

Her life is not her own, and her life does not follow her.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Ma Lan laughed at himself.

After a long time, a light suddenly lit up behind him, and several loud noises came from inside. Qin Erxian led a person out of Zhuangzi. Jump on the horse in front of you.

The breeze came head-on, mixed with a smell of blood.

Ma Lan moved her head slightly, and saw an undercurrent on her white brocade sleeve, like a blooming flower, slowly fainting.

Malan opened his mouth slightly: "Sir."

"Go back to Kyoto."

 Chinese New Year is coming soon, there is no manuscript saved, and I updated it recently.

(End of this chapter)

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