Chapter 125 Injured Again
Disturbed by the sound of galloping horses' hoofs, the night wind poured into the robes of the two of them, making a "whoosh" sound.

The drizzle was coming in densely, and was mostly blocked by the bent chest of the people behind him. Ma Lan buried himself in Qin Zhihuan's arms, tilted his head and stared at the undercurrent that was constantly smearing on his sleeves, and even felt that the blood had soaked into his face. into her skin.

Wet and moist.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether it was warm or cold.

There was the sound of hooves behind him.

Ma Lan didn't dare to say a word, the horses were trampling the muddy water, the pitch-black night seemed to be only the sound of galloping horses' hooves, and the beating of the heart.

I do not know how long it has been.

Only then did Ma Lan hear Qin Zhi's deep voice: "Hold tight."

Ma Lan hugged his waist without thinking, and the two jumped up from the horse in an instant, and entered a jungle behind them.

The horses kept going.

Qin Zhi was still leaning against the tree trunk, and the black cloak on his body tightly wrapped Ma Lan in his arms. The faint smell of blood became stronger in an instant, and Ma Lan was finally able to breathe.

Qin Zhihuan's right arm injury seems to be serious.

Malan raised his head slightly.

In the night under the jungle, the light is weak, and occasionally a few flames flashed, reflecting on the pale face washed by the rain in front of him, and the few drops of water hanging from the jaw carved the already deserted outline more and more. stern.

The cold pupils were like ink, as if they had swallowed the entire night, and they were about to set off a storm, but their expressions were extraordinarily calm.

Like a beast sleeping soundly, leaning against him, although he felt dangerous, at the same time there was a sense of peace in his heart.

Malan thought this was probably the gap.

Although my father has never had such a domineering and aggressive sense of oppression, he has never had this calmness and calmness in the face of danger.

Therefore, he can only do business at home, happily being bullied by his mother.

But Ma Lan was a little puzzled.

The person in front of me was born with a wealth of glory and wealth, and he could have no worries about food and clothing. Like other high-ranking young men in Chang'an City, he lived a comfortable life, dressed in fresh clothes and angry with horses, and rode horses to see the world's scenery.

Why do you have to fight for the official career like ordinary scholars, even if you know it will endanger your life, you will not hesitate...

Ma Lan couldn't figure out what could be more important than life in this world.

People are gone, isn't there nothing left?

He worked so hard to get an official career, but his people are gone, so what is he trying to do.

After a short period of tranquility, there was another earth-shattering sound of horseshoes in the rainy night. The two held their breath and leaned closer together.

After the sound of movement completely disappeared, Qin Zhihuan got up to hold her wrist.

But it was empty.

Malan bent down, tore off a piece of her skirt neatly, got in from his black cloak, tied it tightly on his blood-soaked arm, raised her head again, and said decisively: "I My foot injury is almost done, and my lord will tell me how to escape."

Don't worry about her anymore.

Qin Zhi was still looking at the slapped face in the cloak, his body was trembling slightly due to nervousness, he smiled softly, stretched out his hand and scratched her cheek, "It's promising."

The two came out of the dense forest and entered a merchant. When Ma Lan came out after changing his clothes, they saw that Qin Zhi had already taken off his clothes and he was skillfully treating the wound.

The injured place was a bloody mess.

Ma Lan stepped forward, not daring to look at it for a moment.

Qin Zhihuan's face was extremely calm, as if the arm didn't grow on his body, he first cleaned up the blood on the wound with a wet cloth, and then sprinkled a layer of medicinal powder, and when it was time to bandage, he raised his head and looked at Ma Lan, "It's your turn." Thank you."

The gauze on Malan's ankle these days was still bandaged by Qin Zhi, but now it's Ma Lan's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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