Chapter 3 Preparing Supplies 1
Lan Jin hugged the child in her arms and planned to go out, but she was unlucky. As soon as she came out, she met her ex-husband and mistress who were moving. The ex-husband Ren Xing and Xiao San Meng Ying who entered the room were in the corridor, feeling very upset.

"Brother Xing, what's the situation? Didn't she see us?"

"How is it possible? She's not blind." Ren Xing, who had moved home for a day, was very tired, and had no intention of guessing Lan Jin's thoughts at all. He just wanted to go into the house and lie down. Besides, the two houses were opposite each other, and Lan Jin also ran away. No, right now he really doesn't want to go up and trouble Lan Jin immediately.

It's one thing not to make trouble, and another thing is Lan Jin's strange reaction, but to be honest, any ex-wife who sees her ex-husband and Xiao San living in the opposite door should not be able to resist. Let's scold a few words before, but Lan Jin seems to have not seen them, isn't it strange?

Meng Ying was determined to make troubles, but Ren Xing, who was tired and half dead, had no intention of finding fault at all, and she couldn't be too proactive, so she stopped her mind to make troubles and watched the elevator doors close, then went into the elevator. house.

Lan Jin didn't care what crooked thoughts these two were thinking, but she only took a look at the opposite neighborhood before she decided to move here.

The water and electricity in the house here have been completed, the walls have been painted, and the lamps, kitchen utensils, cabinets, and sinks have also been installed. When she came to this suite, she remembered that although she hated this place at the beginning The elevator is not good, but I have some spare money on hand, so I gave it all to the decoration company and planned to rent it out for rent collection, but I forgot about it later, so I can go in directly with my bag at this moment .

The most important thing is that the house here was refurbished last year, and it happened to emit formaldehyde after being vacant for a year, so it was safer for people to go in.

But the doors and windows should be strengthened or strengthened again. Ordinary doors and windows can't prevent the human nature of the last days. Lan Jin took out her mobile phone and immediately contacted the door and window master, and replaced the doors and windows of the house with anti-theft glass and double-layer anti-theft doors.

Replacing the doors and windows is very simple. The masters came to measure the size that afternoon, and replaced them the next morning. It took two days to get everything done.

In the afternoon when the doors and windows were finished, she went to the agency again and hung up the other 4 suites. It doesn't matter if the price is lower, as long as they can be sold within a month.

Handling these things is nearby, and it’s okay for her to run around with her child, but afterward, she ran around in the wind and rain, and it was a bit inconvenient for her to take a 2-year-old child with her. After thinking about it, she asked: "Jojo , Mom puts your toys into the space, can you go and stay inside, it’s warm inside, and you can play in it alone.”

However, Ren Siqiao refused without thinking, "No, stay with mom."

"It's cold outside, what if Qiao Qiao gets sick from the cold?"

"No, Jojo is in good health."

Helpless, Lan Jin could only go shopping with her daughter against the cold wind. Of course, if she found any signs of freezing in the middle, it would be the same for her to put the child in again.

The supplies started from the year she knew about them, ten sets of earthquake first aid kits, ten sets of tsunami first aid kits, and 50 sets of protective clothing during the toxic fog period. These three items are not easy to buy outside, so she placed the order directly from the Internet .

After placing these orders, she quickly rented a warehouse and then went to the farmer's market. Insecticides are very important during the insect plague. She ordered 300 bottles. In addition, she bought some cement separately. In case some small insect eyes are found, use them Cement blocking is also a way.

After that came raincoats and rain boots for the rainy season. Adults ordered 50 pieces for men’s and women’s styles. Because children grow up fast, she only needed 5 pieces for each size. These things are not easy to break and are durable, so they don’t need them. too much.

Then there is the food. She doesn't know how many years the end of the world is, so you must prepare more food, rice, millet, glutinous rice, black rice, brown rice, purple rice... 500 bags of all kinds of rice come. Under the conditions, I still hope that I can change the taste more. Of course, rice can also be traded as hard currency, so it is not wrong to prepare more.

Rapeseed oil, walnut oil, olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil... 500 barrels each.

Soybean, mung bean, red bean, black bean, kidney bean... 200 catties each. These beans can not only be cooked directly to replace the staple food, but most of them can also produce bean sprouts, which can be regarded as a different taste on vegetables.

Low-gluten flour, high-gluten flour, wheat flour, starch, cake flour, bread flour... all come in 200 bags.

Potato flour, sweet potato flour wide (round), vermicelli, rice flour, pea flour... all bought 100 catties.

White sugar, brown sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, honey... 300 catties each.

Soy sauce, vinegar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, beef sauce, old godmother, bibimbap sauce, various sauces with 0 calories... 500 bottles each.

Chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, cumin, chili, pepper, pepper, star anise, cinnamon... 100 catties each.

Green onions and shallots totaled 50 catties. Neither she nor Ren Siqiao liked to eat shallots. If she could, she wouldn't want a catty of them, but she bought some small ones just in case she needed them.

Garlic and ginger each cost 500 catties. Garlic can be sterilized, and ginger can be eaten and can keep out the cold. It is definitely right to prepare more.

In addition, she asked for [-] bags of salt alone. It is said that salt is very precious in the last days, anyway, it is cheap to buy now, so she prepared some more.

For dry goods, fungus, mushrooms, kelp, seaweed... all cost 100 catties.

Hot pot base, sauerkraut fish base, golden soup fat beef base, crayfish base... 50 boxes each.

Although there is black soil in the space, what if she can't grow vegetables with her hands, so she bought all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits for emergencies.

It took her a day at the farmers market to put it all together, but how could she buy so much without attracting the store's attention.

While remembering her request, the boss asked suspiciously: "Are you planning to open a supermarket with these things you ordered? Good guy, this is really complete."

Well, the boss thought up an excuse for her, "Well, I bought a store and plan to open a small supermarket at the entrance of the community. Now that I have all the supplies, I can open it directly after opening a year."

Lan Jin explained dryly, whether the boss believed it or not, it was just an excuse anyway.

And the store owner is even more happy because he was able to clear the inventory and make a fortune a year ago, so how can he think about the truth of this statement.

The farmer's market had come to an end for the time being. She left the address of the warehouse and went to a store selling outdoor supplies.

She asked for 5 life buoys, 10 life jackets, 2 assault boats, 5 rubber boats...

In addition, 5 tents, 3 axes, 10 knives, 5 climbing ropes, 5 telescopes, 2 drones, 3 radios, 10 waterproof flashlights, 3 alcohol stoves, 10 cassette stoves, card There are 50 boxes of gas bottles, 10 boxes of alcohol block, 5 induction cookers, and 10 walkie-talkies for the type furnace. Some of these things are very useful, and some are not. It's all about being prepared, because the quantity is not much, the boss didn't ask too much, after she left a warehouse address here, the boss delivered it to her directly.

After buying these, she only has hundreds of thousands left in her hand. She bought a lot of junk food while receiving the goods, such as K, Dangdang, pizza..., and ordered hundreds of copies of each package and single product ( I bought them together in several stores, ordered online and then drove to the store to pick them up), although these foods are not healthy, but if you haven’t eaten them for a while, you will be very greedy, so I bought some and eat slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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