Chapter 4 Preparing Supplies 2
After a while of busy work, she had already sold two of her four suites after putting all the goods she had bought into the space.

The two suites made a total of 450 million yuan, plus it still had some remaining money on hand, and the total was as much as 480 million yuan. Before a year ago, she went to the wholesale market again and bought a lot of young people. Favorite fast food.

Various flavors of instant noodles, ham sausage, canned meat, canned fish, canned fruit, self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice, hot and sour noodles, Nanchang mixed noodles, snail noodles, compressed biscuits, chocolate, energy bars..., each There are 300 boxes of each kind.

When she was buying these, she suddenly thought of the convenience store. There are more food in the convenience store. The boxed lunches of various flavors are a bit different from those made in restaurants outside, but it is good to have something to eat when the end of the world comes. Oh, who cares about so much, and the convenience store not only has boxed lunches, but also triangular rice balls, pocket rice balls, dessert cakes, iced bread, oden... There are all kinds of food, and the manufacturers she directly contacted have everything Ordered 300.

Although she already has such finished products as K, C, she still bought a lot of semi-finished products, such as semi-finished fried chicken, semi-finished chicken tenders... and steamed buns, steamed buns, steamed cakes, siu mai... etc. When the door is opened, it is all cooked at home, and when you want to eat in the future, you don’t need to waste water and electricity to make it and eat it directly.

Taking advantage of the last two days of the annual vacation, Lan Jin ordered another 3000 empty water buckets from the drinking water company. She got a card for fetching water in the community. Filtered pure water, if you apply for a card, 5L of water only costs 1 yuan, which is cheaper than a sweet. She puts the bucket in the space, and then takes the time to drink it slowly every day. Anyway, she has nothing to do during the Chinese New Year. On the contrary, it can save a lot of money in this way. Of course, she will also buy bottled water, some things are indispensable.

After all these things are done, it will be New Year's Eve, she has no family, and she can only spend the first New Year with her daughter alone after the divorce, but mother and daughter are not at all together. Lonely, but very warm. The dumplings that the two of them ate at this New Year's dinner included 20 large dumplings and 20 small dumplings. After the mother and daughter were wiped out, she was busy at home in the following days.

She spends one day heating boxed meals and rice balls, one day frying semi-finished products, steaming steamed buns, steamed buns, etc., and two days cooking side dishes, steaming rice, cooking porridge..., the child is too young to eat the same as her The food for the children is always prepared separately, which takes another 2 days, and the rest of the time has to be squeezed out to fetch water. In short, her itinerary is full throughout the annual vacation. Fortunately, To save trouble for the child, prepare some toys for her and throw them into the space so that she can play all day.

After the end of the new year, the other two houses were also sold, and more than 400 million yuan was recorded again.

After the house was sold, Lan Jin naturally didn't need to live here anymore. After putting all the things in the apartment into the space, she quietly moved her daughter from here to the opposite community, and then kept going again and again. Prepared supplies.

Charging treasure, mobile charging treasure, solar charger, solar charging board, generator, running generator, this running generator is very interesting, just need to run on it for an hour, it can meet the electricity demand of three meals a day, The practicality is quite high. In addition, she is equipped with a bicycle generator, which operates like a bicycle. Sometimes if you don’t want to run, you can change to a bicycle. While exercising, you can also charge yourself at the same time. Why not for.

In order to prevent the extreme cold, she also bought down jackets, military coats, long johns, cashmere suits, scarves, gloves, socks, skates, sneakers, warm shoes, slippers, air-conditioning quilts, duvets, lighters, matches, hot water bottles , Warm baby, heater, heater, thermos cup.

If it is extremely hot, she also bought an ice machine, thermal clothing, electric fans, air-conditioning fans, popsicles, ice cream, and ice cubes.

If the ice cubes are just pure white water ice cubes, you can buy them directly in the ice factory, and the price is very cheap, and the ice cubes are not easy to deliver. Lan Jin rented a refrigerated minivan with a C1 driver's license and can drive it. It is not expensive to rent for only one day. After dragging it 5 times by herself, she collected all the ice cubes into the space.

Of course, these are tasteless ice cubes. If you want flavorful ice cubes, you can only make them at home. When you have time, you can just take out the ice machine and make them slowly. She remembers the last days After the arrival, each community will have intermittent water supply and power supply, so there is no need to rush this.

In order to prevent extreme weather, she also bought a set of constant temperature clothes and a piece of constant temperature fabric at a high price. I don’t know if the clothes can adapt to the extreme temperature difference after wearing them. Anyway, the advertisement is very powerful and the price is also very beautiful. She was reluctant to buy it before. , it’s the end of the world right now, so it’s okay to buy one.

In addition, there are toiletries, shampoo, shower gel, washing powder, laundry detergent, toilet paper, sanitary napkins, wet diapers, toothpaste toothbrushes, and small umbrellas. It is said that the price of them is extremely high in the last days. Not expensive, she bought a lot.

Of course, she also bought a lot of disposable items, such as disposable towels, disposable underwear, etc. If it is inconvenient to wash, these disposable items can be replaced. The most important thing to pay attention to is hygiene in the last days. .

In addition, she was worried that everything was out of electricity and she didn't have time to charge it, so she bought a glass kerosene lamp, and also prepared a lot of kerosene, candles, lighters, and matches separately.

Because she was worried that it would be very cold, she also prepared a charcoal stove and a lot of anthracite at home, which was enough for a long time.

The environment in the apocalypse is not good, so disinfection products are also indispensable. Disinfectant water, disinfectant, alcohol spray, alcohol cotton pads, drinking water purification tablets, toilet water... 30 boxes each.

The 3000 bottles of water hadn’t been finished before, and Lan Jin didn’t intend to waste them. After that, she always took time to go back to fetch water. With these 3000 bottles of water, she bought a lot less small bottles of bottled water, and she only wanted 600ml bottles of pure water. 3 bottles, it’s okay to drink all of these waters. There is still a spiritual spring in her space, and since she has a space, the water she and her children drink has been directly replaced by spiritual spring water. The taste of spiritual spring water is better than mineral water. It's even better, and she takes the child to run outside for a whole day. Whenever she feels a little tired, she can drink Lingquan water and her body will recover immediately. It can be seen that Lingquan water really has the effect of strengthening the body.

Drinking water alone is not enough, she also bought milk, milk powder, yogurt, sesame paste, lotus root powder, fruit tea, coffee, various teas, and carbonated drinks and juice drinks of various flavors.

Although she bought so many things, there are still many things she didn't buy, such as various meats, medicines, and well-equipped weapons.

Turning around, she went to the meat market and ordered 500 pigs, 300 sheep and 300 cattle, all of which had to be killed on the spot. In addition, she ordered 300 chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, rabbits... each of which had 30 pigs. She also ordered a lot of fish and seafood, and she also ordered [-] plates of eggs alone. There are [-] eggs per plate, and [-] plates are enough for a long time.

It's not that she doesn't want to directly raise poultry, but that she doesn't know how to handle it herself, so it's better to just buy and kill it.

As for weapons, she can't get controlled products, but some knives, crossbows, arrows, slingshots, electric batons, etc. can be bought online. In order to prevent accidents, she ordered some of these things online .

In order to solve the physiological problems, she bought a lot of cat litter. She read that those people in the novel used cat litter to solve their physiological problems when they had no conditions. They are very smart. The cat litter is clean and has no peculiar smell. During the flood in her previous life, the toilet smelled so bad that she went to buy a lot of air fresheners.

(End of this chapter)

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