Chapter 31 Investigation 1
Unknown fear lingers in the corridor, no matter whether they dozed off before or not, almost everyone has woken up now, everyone is blocking the door, listening to the sound, in short, it is bad with Lan Jin 'It's right for people to do the exact opposite.

The night was finally over, and the colleague on duty immediately handed over the matter to the colleague at work, "On the 12th building, I looked at the house number noted in the group, and almost the whole building heard it. I'm afraid the sound is really loud, and I can't see clearly at night, so I didn't pass by myself."

He wasn't the only one on duty at night, but he was the one who spoke last night, so that's how he reported in the morning.

After hearing this, the man said: "You're right that you didn't go there, and you don't know what you threw. What if you hit someone?" After speaking, the man asked again: "You pay attention to the news in the group?" Alright, will there be any sound in the future?"

"No, I've been watching the group news, and no one has heard the sound of something falling."

"Okay, you can wait before you get off work. We will supply you with materials during the time delay. After all, it is what happened in your class. If there is anything, you know better than us."

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

After finishing speaking, a group of 5 staff members put on protective clothing and gas masks and walked towards Building 12.

The road was unimpeded, and the five people didn't rush into the building after they came here. After all, they heard the sound from outside, so they explored around the building.

Although not every piece of news in the group has been read carefully, some key points are still known, so before the group came over, they had already made psychological preparations, but Rao was mentally prepared and waited to see the scene Afterwards, the screams still rang out one after another.

The work in the community is more meticulous, so the proportion of girls here is very large. Of the 5 people who came here today, except for a man who was on duty last night, the other four were all women, and there were screams outside. He immediately attracted the attention of the residents in Ludong.

"What, what, I heard screams."

"I heard it too. I was shocked. The children were woken up. Does anyone know what happened?"

"Yesterday I stayed up all night and didn't dare to sleep. I finally just squinted, and I woke up again after a while. What happened?"

"Who knows? Didn't this call just now? But judging from this point of time, it's the time for the staff to go to work. Could it be that the person calling is the staff?"

"This...what happened outside, how can people call it like this."

"Could it be that someone really jumped from the building last night? The sound must have jumped from a high-rise building. It probably looked ugly? That's why it scared people?"

I have to tell the truth about the upstairs. Lan Jin’s floor was originally on the 32nd floor. Even if a healthy person jumps down from here, it won’t look good, let alone the state of these two people who have been separated. up.

What's more, they stayed in the poisonous fog all night, and the red, swollen, ulcerated, and rotten skin became more and more terrifying. It's really not surprising that they scare people like this.

Then..., when something like this happens, what else can there be other than calling the police.

However, it was the first time that the police were called out during the poisonous smog.

The staff just called the police, and ten minutes later, the police brought a group of people to Building 12. Looking at the couple on the ground, the police frowned involuntarily. , because it is really ugly...

"Did you find it when you came over in the morning? Do you know the identities of these two people?"

The community worker replied: "Yes, we found it when we came over in the morning, because the residents of this building heard a loud 'dong' in the middle of the night, and then woke them up. I didn't even sleep, and then I chatted in the group all night,

Because the incident happened at night and the road outside could not be seen clearly. After the person on duty made a note, we came to check in the morning. As soon as we found this situation, we got in touch with you immediately.

But I know these two people. The man is a resident of 7 on the 701th floor, and the woman is a resident of 14 on the 1404th floor. Neither of them lives alone, and each has a family. , so I remember clearly. "

After the policeman nodded, he carefully observed the man and woman on the ground, and asked the community staff, "Apart from these, do you know any other information?"

The staff member said: "We are not here at night, some information is learned in the group, I am afraid that the residents have not understood it clearly."

After looking at the direction of the door, the civilian police said, "Let's go in and have a look first, 701 and 1404, right? Show us the way."

The staff did not refuse, and the group entered the 12 buildings.

After a few people sucked away the poisonous mist from their bodies through two layers of curtains, they took the elevator and pressed the button on the 7th floor. At this time, the staff in the community explained dryly: "Last night, there were people in our group. Guess if someone jumped off the building. Our corridors are sealed off here. Everyone guessed whether they jumped from their own windows. So after we found these two people, we quickly checked the corridors. There was no poison from the top floor to the first floor. trail of fog."

"Is there no one guarding your door?"

The community worker replied: "No, everyone can't go out without protective clothing, so they didn't guard."

Naturally, I don't know how these two people appeared here. After all, if Tiag came down, the gaps in the house were not sealed. It is right to say that there should be poisonous fog in the corridor, but there is only a little poisonous fog in the corridor. No, even she herself felt very strange.

Comrade Min Jing nodded, and a group of people appeared at the door of 701.

The staff knocked on the door first, "701, I'm from the community, please open the door."

In 701, a middle-aged woman heard movement outside the door, and she hurriedly asked: "Community, is there poisonous fog in the corridor? Can I open this door?"

"Yes, there is no poisonous fog in the corridor. Other staff have checked it just now. You open the door. We need to ask you for some information."

The middle-aged woman was a little puzzled, but she didn't retort, "Oh, wait a minute, my clothes are blocking the gap, wait for me to remove them."

That's right, because of the loud noise yesterday, everyone was worried about the intrusion of the poisonous fog, so they spontaneously took out the clothes at home and blocked the gap in the door, so everyone didn't find it strange that the middle-aged woman said that.

After cleaning up the clothes in the gap, the middle-aged woman opened the door and found that there were many people outside. She asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

 I feel like my post will be banned every day, but I don't know how to change it, so let's just do it.

(End of this chapter)

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