Chapter 32 Investigation 2
The middle-aged woman in the house relaxed her vigilance after the middle-aged woman asked questions and several workers outside the door showed their IDs.

"We have a few things to ask you." Min Jing glanced into the house and asked, "Are you the only one in your house?"

The middle-aged woman shook her head, "I live with my wife. My son didn't come back from school, but my wife hasn't come back since going out last night. I'm the only one at home now."

After the policeman nodded, he asked, "Do you have protective clothing at home? How did your wife go out? Didn't you look for him before he came back?"

"He went out in the middle of the night. I didn't know it when I fell asleep, but he couldn't get out of the building without protective clothing, and where could I find it? I thought there was poisonous fog in the corridor, and I didn't dare to open the door. I called him. He didn't answer the phone calls all night, did you guys hear about my lover when you came over?"

After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, her head cleared up, and she hurriedly asked: "Is it true that something happened to my lover when you come here now?"

After the middle-aged woman finished asking, one of the policemen took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, put it in front of the woman, and asked, "Do you think this is your lover?"

The middle-aged woman took a look, and found that this person was really the person in the photo... The middle-aged woman asked in a panic: "Well, what's the matter with my lover? He was fine yesterday, why is he so old today? If it becomes like this, then I love him..."

The civilian police said: "Are you sure this is your lover, you are not mistaken."

The middle-aged woman said firmly: "There is no mistake. He has a big mole on his face. Even if the skin is like this, the mole is still there. I can recognize it at a glance. This is my lover, but what about his skin? It's so rotten, he won't just run out like this, then my lover..." Still alive?
"Your lover is dead. When the staff went to check the abnormality of the loud noise last night in the morning, they found your lover's body in the grass next to the building." Just as the woman was distraught, the policeman Added another sentence, "There is a woman's body next to it, and the two of them are lying together."

When the woman heard this, there was no pain on her face, and she immediately shouted: "Who is that woman, is she that little bitch on the 14th floor? Yes, he also said that they are fine, which is called fine? Liars, they are all liars."

As she spoke, the middle-aged woman began to cry sadly, "My life is miserable...."

Civilian police didn't have time to listen to the wailing of the middle-aged woman, so Dang even interrupted the middle-aged woman to take notes.

First inquire about the relationship between the man and the woman on the 14th floor, and then inquire about the itinerary of the middle-aged woman from last night to this morning.

The middle-aged woman naturally tried her best to clear herself up, and said very cooperatively: "My house is monitored. Although the water is restricted during this period, the electricity is always available. You can see if what I said is true by watching the monitoring. , This surveillance was installed by my child."

At the beginning, she thought it was expensive. After all, there is no elderly or children in their house. What kind of surveillance is installed, but she didn't expect that it would be useful one day.

The middle-aged woman took out her mobile phone while talking, and the monitoring software was installed in her hand. After opening the software, she immediately handed it to the police.

As soon as they heard that there was surveillance, the civilian police readily accepted it. After all, they were more willing to believe the footage captured by the surveillance than confessions.

The middle-aged woman had a clear conscience and naturally agreed to the policeman's request, and the policeman returned the middle-aged woman's innocence after a quick review of the surveillance during this period, because the period after the man left home During the time, the middle-aged woman never went out at all, and after the loud noise, she went to the window to look for a long time, and then chatted in the group for a long time before it ended.

The civilian police immediately copied a copy of the video, and then returned the phone to the middle-aged woman, saying together: "Thank you for your cooperation, we will notify you as soon as we have any news, but you have to think of something useful Please inform us in time."

Just as the few people were leaving, the middle-aged woman hurriedly asked, "That woman is from the 14th floor, right? The little demon spirit on the 14th floor."

A few people are very speechless in their hearts, and they can't tell you.

The middle-aged woman watched several people get on the elevator and was unwilling to leave, until the elevator stopped on the 14th floor, the middle-aged woman wailed again, and sure enough, it was the 14th floor...



After confirming that there was no poisonous fog in the corridor, the people in the house also opened the door after a short busy.

It was an old lady who opened the door, holding a little girl about 4 years old in her arms. Seeing a lot of people standing outside, she asked suspiciously, "Are you from the community?"

A group of people outside the door quickly showed their ID cards, "We are civilian police, how many people live in your household?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, an old grandfather came to the door with a baby about one year old in his arms. Looking at the scene in front of him, the policeman's heart tightened. Could this family be all old and weak? Sick and disabled, and the grandmother in front of her at this moment also said: "My son died in a car accident last year. My daughter-in-law went out last night and never came back. Now there are only four of us at home."

The policeman asked: "Do you know where your daughter-in-law has gone? Didn't you go out to look for her after you haven't come back for so long?"

"The mobile phone group said that there is poisonous fog in the corridor. We dare not go out. Call her and her phone is also at home. Are you here because my daughter-in-law did something wrong? This is not right, she can't get out of the building. There shouldn't be anything wrong, maybe he was injured by inhaling the poisonous mist, what should we do?"

Even if the old grandma was impatient, the family really couldn't afford to play online games. If the daughter-in-law died, what would happen to the two children in the family.

But in fact, the person is already dead.

"Did your daughter-in-law tell you anything? Just go out in the middle of the night, and you don't ask?"

"No, we go to bed early when we are older, and she usually takes care of the child at night, but we heard the child crying in the middle of the night last night and found out that she was missing. We originally planned to go out to look for it, but it didn't take long to hear We were startled by a loud noise, and we didn’t dare to go out after checking the news in the mobile phone group.”

As soon as the old lady finished speaking, the grandfather hurriedly said: "Did my daughter-in-law commit a crime or was injured? If something happens to her, what should the two children do?"

(End of this chapter)

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