Chapter 33 Investigation 3
Everyone wanted to sympathize with this family of four, but they still had to do what to do.

The civilian police took advantage of the opportunity to show the photo of the woman in front of the eyes of the two elderly people. After seeing the photo, the old man immediately lost his footing and fell to the ground, while the baby in the old man's hand fell. He was caught by the quick-sighted civilian police, otherwise he would have suffered serious problems if he fell from such a high height.

Looking at the grandfather who fell on the ground, the policeman hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

The old man shook his head slightly. After a long while, he finally managed to slow down. Several people helped the old man into the house. The sharp-eyed police found that the house was also equipped with surveillance cameras. He immediately asked : "Your home is also equipped with surveillance."

The old lady looked in the direction of the monitor, nodded and said: "Well, because there is a child at home, so I installed it on purpose."

"Excuse me, we want to take a look at the surveillance from last night."

The monitoring software is definitely not in the hands of the old man, but the daughter-in-law's mobile phone is at home. The policeman took the mobile phone and asked, "Does any of you know the password?"

The little girl walked over immediately, and unlocked the password after pressing a few numbers on the phone. The police officer boasted, "Little sister, you are really smart."

And when one of the policemen was investigating and monitoring, the two elderly people also asked: "My daughter-in-law, she, her."

"He's dead, please mourn." There was another burst of wailing, and after the wailing, the group took the time to talk about yesterday's situation.

As soon as they heard that their daughter-in-law died with a man, they immediately asked: "Is that the man on the seventh floor? This man is not a good thing at first glance. These two people always get together. I've said it several times, but she doesn't listen."

"Do you two know that these two people are together?"

The two old people nodded reluctantly, and the old lady even said: "I can't let my daughter-in-law never marry for the rest of my life after my son dies, so I didn't say anything when she found someone, but the man on the seventh floor They have a family, so we disagree, and there have been a few conflicts, but I really haven't seen these two people together during this period of time, I didn't expect..., hey."

The two never broke up.

At this time, the surveillance was adjusted last night, and the surveillance footage was very clear. The reason why the woman went out was because the man from 701 came and called her out. As for the man’s expression, it was still in the middle of the night. Obviously, he was not there to do something It's a good thing, and the two old people in the family, like the previous confession, were indeed woken up by hearing the cry of the child and never went out since then, which means that the two old people are not suspicious.

But if the family members of these two people are not suspected, then their investigation can only go back to the original point.


At the same time, the matter of the police investigation quickly spread in the group. Others didn't care about it, but Huang Jinghe instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he sent Lan Jin a message immediately without even thinking about it.

Huang Jinghe: [Sister Lan, have you read the news in the group?It is said in the group that there is a man and a woman S, could it be related to those two people, what should we do if someone comes to ask us later. 】

Lan Jin: [Of course I'm telling the truth, no matter what it is, we didn't go out, so what does it have to do with us. 】

Huang Jinghe choked: [That's right, it's better to tell the truth, but the police won't make a mistake, right? 】

Lan Jin: [What's wrong, you didn't open the door yesterday, I only opened one door yesterday, it has nothing to do with us, but it seems that they came at night, after my dog ​​barked a few times, there was no sound outside son. 】

Having said that, Huang Jinghe also remembered that he heard a dog barking at night, [Yes, yes, I heard the dog barking too, probably because I was a guilty conscience and was scared away by the dog barking. 】

Huang Jinghe: [Sister Lan, how big is your dog? I didn't hear it clearly at night, and I was confused, but I feel that your dog is not big. 】

Lan Jin: [..., three months, but don't underestimate it, a guard dog is completely different from an ordinary dog. 】

Huang Jinghe was speechless. If these two people were really scared away by the three-month-old dog, there is no other explanation except guilty conscience.

It also has to be said that Huang Jinghe is really not so at a loss when there is someone who can discuss things at this time, and his whole heart is also settled down.

As for the downstairs, the two families are no longer suspected, so everyone living in this building is also suspected. Their next task now is naturally to investigate each family.

A group of people start from the top floor first, and it will definitely be easier to walk from top to bottom. There is only one house on the top floor, and the first one to go is Huang Jinghe's house, but this house type is also really weird. Said: "So with such a strange house type, is there really someone living in this top floor?"

The community worker explained: "There are people, but not every household lives in them. There are only 12 buildings. On the 33rd floor, there is a 19-year-old college re-student. On the 32nd floor, there is a woman with a child. A dog, there is no one on the 31st floor for now."

The staff in the community have such a description, and they have a bottom line in their hearts.


3303 door.

A community worker knocked on the door of Huang Jinghe's house, "Is anyone in 3303?"

"Who is it?" Huang Jinghe asked inside the room.

"For the community, please open the door." The community staff said.

Huang Jinghe opened the door carefully, and after making sure that what he saw was indeed the face of a community worker, he dared to open all the doors inside, and then asked, "What are you doing here?"

The policeman was very strange, because Huang Jinghe was too cautious, so he immediately said: "We are the policeman, I think you should have seen those news in the group, so let's go to investigate the situation, convenient go in?"

After Huang Jinghe confirmed the IDs of the group of people outside the door, he opened the security door outside and welcomed them in.

This is what Lan Jin reminded him. Anyone who enters the door must look at the ID. In special circumstances, the staff will go out with the ID, and no one will be allowed to enter without the ID. This is to ensure his own safety, so he must keep it in mind. I remember very clearly that I would never open the door outside without a certificate.

The group didn't delay too much after they came to the door, took out the photo of the couple and put it in front of Huang Jinghe, and asked, "Do you know these two people?"

Huang Jinghe nodded in shock, "I know."

The group of them were very surprised. After all, the two of them didn't seem like they would know each other. "Do you usually meet a lot? Can you tell us?"

 I changed each chapter to be a lot more obscure, I wish I could write a sentence in each chapter, I don’t know if it will be sealed, it’s too difficult for me.

(End of this chapter)

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