Chapter 426 Handling
If Lan Jin knew that Team Zhang thought so, she would definitely start scolding her right where she was. Nana was obedient because she drank her spiritual spring water and opened her wits. This black panther is already so terrifying, how could she Dare to drink spiritual spring water for the other party.

For this task, it would be good to train the other party well, but if the training is not good, there is a fear that there will be a deep hatred between her and this black panther.

Fortunately, Lan Jin didn't know about it at this time, otherwise she would have no intention of guarding the safety of the base, and she electrocuted two giant rabbits to death among a group of mutant creatures.


But when dealing with these mutated creatures, she still finds one thing very strange. These mutated creatures seem to have no human faces, they are just enlarged versions of ordinary animals, so for the formation of human-faced animals, she is Maki Base It can be fully investigated at once, otherwise it is uncertain how many things will happen in the future.

Due to the large size of the mutated creature, there was no end to looking back. After getting the black panther at the gate into the base, Team Zhang began to repair the gate.

The sky and the earth are as big as the gate of the base. Can a base without a gate be a safe base?
Another one, the weather is so hot, the effect is not good without door air-conditioning.

But this door is really hard to repair.

The main gate of the base is not that big in terms of height or width. In the past, machines were needed to place it here and then install it. But now, the inside of the base is also full of mutations. Biological, how to transport the machine that can lift the gate of the base to the gate of the base, so this matter has troubled Lao Gao and Huang Jinghe.

But knowing that these two people are strong, when they raised the gate of a base alone, everyone was really stunned.

"This, this strength is too great."

"Yes, this strength is not a little big."

"Could it be...they took the gene-altering medicine."

"Don't talk nonsense, the gene-altering medicine is to prolong everyone's life, and it doesn't include increasing strength."

"Then how to explain this strength, ordinary people can't do it at all."

Team Zhang said directly: "Do you think a person with such a powerful ability is an ordinary person?"

As soon as Team Zhang's words came out, everyone shut their mouths, and after Lao Gao and Huang Jinghe lifted the door, they didn't stay here any longer, and went to do other things instead.

Although they heard those words just now, there is no need to explain some things clearly before they can't explain them clearly. More explanations will only make people want to ask the truth behind them, so it's better not to ask anything at the beginning explain.


Due to the large size of the door, it took a whole night to repair the door alone. Regardless of whether the mutated creatures outside were dead or alive, if they could move after one night, the mutated creatures would probably wake up. Jin was still surrounding the protective wall, and Team Zhang said directly to him: "You and Xiao Huang should cooperate again to electrify the mutated creatures outside. We need to clean up the mutated creatures inside first, Only then can we deal with the mutated creatures outside."

Lan Jin immediately responded, "Okay."

After that, she and Huang Jinghe cooperated together, walking along the top of the protective wall, shocking them as they walked, regardless of whether they were dead or not, it would be no problem to shock them again and again.

Unexpectedly, among this group of mutated creatures, there are quite a few mutated creatures who were not electrocuted to death at the very beginning. Now, after being exposed to lightning again, they were immediately screamed by the lightning, and then it was true. He fell down and didn't get up again.

After dealing with it, Lan Jin found Team Zhang and asked, "Zhang, how do you usually deal with these mutant creatures?"

Team Zhang said: "Those who have crystals should get out the crystals first, and the edible bases must be collected and eaten. After all, a lot of energy cannot be reproduced. The food base in front of us must not be abandoned just like this, but it is so long. Those who are weird, the base will definitely not want them.

Are you worried about eating bugs?Don't worry, the base didn't eat these bugs in the past, and you solved these mutant creatures, and you won't lose spar and contribution points, but you know, half of the base needs to be taken away. "

Lan Jin said: "I remember, I was just curious, I know these meats are edible, but after all there are too many mutated creatures, how do you preserve them?"

"I can put a batch in the base. I have sent people to move in the edible meat inside the base. After picking and picking the meat outside, I will order people to freeze the meat. We have the tools in the base. , After all these tasks are done, set up a food processing factory to process the meat into cans and sausages. In short, as long as it is edible, the base will never waste it."

Food processing plants?
"You really use everything to the best of your ability, but are you sure that these meats are edible? These things all came out of paintings. Are you sure they are not poisonous, and they won't kill you if you eat them?" Lao Gao asked sincerely .

"We will definitely inquire clearly. Before eating, we will definitely let the animals try it in advance. Only those who don't die will eat it for the residents. Otherwise, isn't it self-harming?"

"Okay, as long as you have arrangements, but you really don't know how to eat insect meat."

What Lan Jin asked was naturally the kind of bug with many legs. Although this kind of bug looks like a lot of meat, Lan Jin feels extremely disgusted at the thought of eating that thing, and there is even a kind of bug that should never eat base food. idea.

Team Zhang assured: "Don't worry, we haven't reached that time yet, we really don't want to eat that stuff, don't worry, can you really rest assured?"


The mutated creatures inside the base took a day to clean up.

After a thorough disinfection, the cleaned-up vehicles drove from inside the base to the gate, and then started to get busy with the mutated creatures outside.

Although the extreme heat still hasn't passed, the 60-degree day is not enough to stifle the mutated creatures that died outside in just one night.

And at this moment, except for the questioning team members, basically all of them were sent out to solve the situation outside the base, and they also got Ling Jiang out.

Although these animals can't stink in a day, it's hard to guarantee that they won't stink after a long time. It's easy to handle with Ling Jiang. After they get out the crystals from the mutated organisms and pile them together, Ling Jiang will pile them up one by one. The piles are frozen into big ice cubes, so that the meat can last for a longer period of time.

During the period, people with ice abilities in the base will also guard this area and continue to strengthen the melting ice. In short, there is a solution to everything.

(End of this chapter)

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