Chapter 427 Mission
Whether it's the team members of the base or ordinary residents, almost all of them spent 5 days getting all the crystals out of the mutated organisms in a state of non-stop mobilization.

Almost on the day when all these were handled, the base announced the establishment of a food factory in City A, and the food factory was not far from the base, just next to the base, just outside the gate.

Although it didn't take much time to set up the food factory, there were a lot of processes that should be missed. Naturally, the food safety issue that everyone pays the most attention to must not be missed.

With the end of the world approaching, what is lacking is medicine. If there is a problem with taking it, it will be a waste of medicine. The base is also reluctant, so naturally it will not cut corners on it.

In the end, everyone was arranged to go to work.

The base is a new base, and everyone has just moved here, so there are many positions that are lacking internally.

Those with experience will naturally take the lead in arranging to go to the positions they have worked before. For those without experience, the base will arrange jobs suitable for each other according to everyone's physical problems.

Basically, the women were arranged inside the base, while the men were arranged to go to the food factory next door to the base. After all, they were worried that the appearance of the mutated creatures would frighten the women, so this arrangement was made.

As for the situation where someone arranged the work and then didn't do it——

This situation basically will not happen.

First of all, you need contribution points to live in the base. If you have enough contribution points and your consumption ability can afford the contribution points you consume, you do not have to work, and the base will not force you.

In addition, those who have contributed a lot, and those who have obtained supplies through some channels, want to open a store in the commercial area by themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that.

After all, there are not very few people with spatial abilities. It is entirely possible that they can bring a lot of things into the base by themselves.

However, there are still many people who don’t have both, so this job position is very timely. Those who have jobs not only have free board and lodging, but also give out some contribution points every month for everyone’s daily expenses.

In short, if you want, you can support yourself in the base.


Looking at the life of everyone in the base, Lan Jin and the others were naturally busy returning to their jobs.

Such as planting.

Such as opening a shop.

Although the store has not been opened for several days, it is still the same as it was before closing.

But the growing areas were not so lucky.

Team Zhang earlier kept it a secret, Lan Jin and the others didn’t know the news, so they couldn’t hide it now that they were free. When the four of them went to the planting area to have a look, they almost didn’t let it go .

Because the vegetables planted earlier were destroyed by mutant creatures again.

Lan Jin rubbed his forehead speechlessly, "I just want to grow some vegetables, why is it so difficult?"

Huang Jinghe said: "Is it because we are not suitable for growing vegetables at all, Sister Lan, if not, we can just open a shop, and the contribution points earned by opening a shop and doing tasks are enough for us to live on."

Although farming is indeed very interesting, he felt that they really couldn't bear the fact that the vegetables died halfway.

Ling Jiang said: "Forget it, let's let the planting go, and let the planting let us go. To be honest, this dish has died three times. Although it is not human-made, I really can't bear the gap." .”

And if they want to eat vegetables, they can grow them directly in the space, it doesn't matter whether they grow them outside or not.

Lao Gao also persuaded: "Yeah, forget it, I didn't succeed after planting it three times. I really don't have the patience to plant it for the fourth time."

The three of them said so, and Lan Jin could do it reluctantly, so he could only agree: "Okay, okay, I just want to experience the feeling of a good harvest, since growing vegetables is not for me, then forget it Bar."

After they were no longer reluctant, they completely let go of the planting.

But at this time, Team Zhang gave her a task.

That's right, it's the task of taming the panther.

Lan Jin said speechlessly: "You really think highly of me. I can be more fierce than a leopard. Can it listen to me? Don't let it bite me to death."

The picture of Kelan Jin training the leopard is very interesting to think about. Ling Jiang joked: "Go and try it, I think it's okay. If you can tame the leopard, it will be a good thing for everyone."

"No, I don't know how to train. Isn't someone in your base training dogs? Let's train together." Lan Jinfeng said sarcasticly, "Anyway, there is no difference between a leopard and a dog."

"There is no difference. A dog is a dog, and a leopard is a leopard. They are different." Team Zhang said, "The main reason is that everyone is too weak. When a leopard calls out, everyone backs away in fright. There is no way to train it, but we found that Black panthers are particularly afraid of electricity, probably because of you, so I want you to go over and help train them."

"It's not that the base doesn't have electrified equipment. Since you're afraid of electricity, it's fine." Lan Jin rolled his eyes after speaking, but he didn't directly refuse. After all, the missions have come down, and the base must have made a decision before coming here. She was notified, so she couldn't refuse at all, so she said: "Are you going now? Let's go and have a look."

Looking at the witty Lan Jin, Team Zhang nodded in satisfaction, and drove the four of them to the animal training ground at the end of the base in the car of the base.


The places for animal training are not limited to dogs. Many other animals and mutant creatures that are easier to control are also within the training range of the base, but no matter how big these things are, they are just like that. Looking at the black panther in the training ground , It's really a big lump.

Lan Jin said: "The door was dark before, I haven't seen it clearly yet, I realized that the black panther is too big."

And from the moment she entered the gate of the training ground, the black panther kept looking in her direction as if smelling her scent.

After she passed through a corridor and a door, the black panther's gaze was locked on her directly.

Ling Jiang smiled and said, "Hey, this black panther knows you."

"This is a vengeance." Lao Gao joked.

But not only Lan Jin, but also the team members were surprised that the Black Panther knew Lan Jin.

Lan Jin said helplessly: "Look, it really is a feud. Now that I've passed by, it's going to pounce on me and eat me."

Team Zhang said: "Go in and try it. The cage in the middle is not only solid but also charged. If it jumps here, it will be so electrified that it can't move."

The black panther, who has suffered many losses, has long since developed a memory. If it hadn't been forced, it would not have jumped towards the pets around it.

But when it saw the short distance between Lan Jin and it, it still howled loudly in her direction.

(End of this chapter)

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