Chapter 10 A Dark Horse

Seven years has passed in an instant, and the once-in-ten-year outer door test is about to begin.

A lot of things have happened in Wanxuan Sect recently, the most sensational one is the "Mountain and Sea Order Ratio" promulgated by the head of the sect himself.

The opening of the mountain and sea secrets is imminent. As a legendary place of inheritance, the mountain and sea secrets will be opened every few thousand years. The exact time is uncertain. I only know that before the opening, there will be a secret key. Only people below Yuanying can enter.And this time, the secret mountain and sea realm will be opened a hundred years later.

The Order of Mountains and Seas is the only key to enter the secret realm of mountains and seas. There are a total of one thousand keys. Every time there will be a fixed number of [-] keys appearing on the top of the spiritual mountain in the cultivation world. is also assigned by it.The remaining [-] mountain and sea orders will appear in the cultivation world immediately, and those who are destined can get them.

There are a total of [-] mountain and sea orders, [-] of which are kept by Si Daozong, and the rest are distributed according to the strength of the sect.

As the largest sect in the Xichuan world, Wanxuanmen got twenty pieces, which is not a small amount.

In order to determine the candidate for the Mountain and Sea Token, Wanxuanmen will hold a "Mountain and Sea Token Competition" after 85 years. There is no limit to cultivation and status. All Wanxuanmen disciples who win the top [-] will get a mountain and sea token , so as to enter the land of inheritance to find opportunities.

Ancient inheritance, this is an irresistible temptation for most people, if you can get one, you may be able to soar into the sky.Furthermore, even if no inheritance can be found, the secret land of mountains and seas is full of treasures. It is said that the birds and beasts inside may be descendants of ancient mythical beasts, a treasure land with every inch of land!

Zhang Zheng is also very excited, not to mention salivating over the treasure inside, this is human nature.However, according to ancient records, monks in ancient times had a lot of Taoism, and there were even Taoist guardians recognized by the world.It would be a great honor to be able to enter this ancient secret realm, even if it is just to glimpse a part or two of the prosperity of Taoism in ancient times.

But she was only excited for a while, and then passed away.There is no limit to the cultivation level, under the Nascent Soul, when the time comes, the battle for the Mountain and Sea Order will be a fight between gods and gods, raging like a raging fire.With her seven years of painstaking cultivation and her cultivation of the fourth level of qi, no matter how she compares her with others, she will fall backwards if they flick her fingers.

In the past seven years, in addition to the regular chores, she also took on a lot of outing tasks. She narrowly escaped death several times and almost died in Huangquan. Just to earn more contribution points and spirit stones, she was able to enter the second and third floors of the library to borrow books.

When outsiders see her working so hard, she can be called the thirteenth mother who is working hard. In addition, many disciples have gone on missions with her, but their impression of her has changed a lot.

Zhang Tongmen, apart from being cold-tempered, unsociable and greedy for money, he doesn't seem to have any major shortcomings.

Because of her frequent assignments, many outer disciples thought she must be very rich, and often looked at her enviously.

Who knows, if Zhang Zheng finds out, he will definitely shout a big misunderstanding.

She has earned a lot of contribution points and spirit stones, but they are all posted in the Library Pavilion, and even most of the annual pills are resold.

Except for a storage bag full of re-engraved jade slips, she can be said to be poor and useless, and the magic weapon she uses is only the dagger seven years ago, which was even damaged for some reasons. Sometimes it is necessary to wear casual clothes because it is inconvenient to reveal your identity when you go out on a mission.

The ancients said that there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. If it is true, Zhang Zheng must be regarded as an invisible little rich man, but it is a lie.Knowledge is power, and there is some truth to that.

In the past seven years, apart from practicing, Zhang Zheng has been working part-time, and besides working part-time, he has been reading books.

The life of three points and one line may be unbearable for ordinary people, but Zhang Zheng has no choice.

Seven years of painstaking practice is not fruitless, at least her cultivation level has increased by two levels, and the most worthwhile thing to celebrate is that after reading almost all the relevant books on the first three levels of Zangshu Pavilion, she can finally touch the tail of the Tao.

Perhaps an opportunity is needed, and when the opportunity comes, when the time is ripe, she can really see her own way and decide her own way in one go, and then she can really step into practice.

At that time, the sky will be high enough for birds to fly, and the sea will be wide enough for fishes to leap.She, Zhang Zheng, has made it through!
However, the timing is unpredictable.

Reading books is of no use to her at this stage. The outer test is coming soon, and Zhang Zheng also decides to go with Daliu to see how lively the outer test is.

For the next two days, Zhang Zheng was no longer in a hurry to take on the task, and practiced step by step, reading a book from time to time until the day of the outer test.

Early in the morning, most of the disciples from the outer sect rushed to the martial arts arena excitedly. This time, the elders from the inner sect personally presided over the competition, and many senior brothers and sisters from the inner sect also came to watch.

Zhang Zheng followed many disciples crowded on the stone platform around the martial arts field, looking curiously at the stairs above his head.

It was the venue for the elders and inner disciples to watch the competition. There were not many people at the moment, and the few people seemed to be somewhat lacking in interest.I think it should be, after all, it is just a comparison of outer disciples, and most inner disciples don't like it. Those who can come are just to watch the fun. If you are lucky and meet someone with extraordinary talent, you may be able to introduce it After a while, make a fate.

When the time had just arrived, an elder in brown robe stroked a few strands of beard and said in a low voice: "The time has come, this year's outer sect test has officially begun. There are a total of 570 people participating in this competition. In the first round, two people will be in a ring, and one person will win the competition." , the connected numbers are the same arena, and monks are invited to enter the arena."

Wanxuanmen's financial resources are strong, even the outer martial arts arena has been built very broadly, apart from the main martial arts arena in the center, there are hundreds of secondary martial arts arenas scattered around the stars.

Today's first competition is held in the secondary martial arts arena. A phantom of a long river in the air shows the names of the contestants in each martial arts field. The spectators can choose the ring to watch.

Of course, elders and inner disciples always have privileges. For example, they have an all-round projection stone in front of them at this moment, and they can show which ring they want to see with a thought.

Zhang Zheng has been very busy for the past seven years. Ye Qinghuan, who loves to trouble her, seems to be tired of the feeling of punching cotton, and gradually ignores her. Of course, it may also be because of the cultivation of the two of them. The gap is gradually widening, how can the clouds in the sky bother to grind the mud on the ground.I heard that Ye Qinghuan broke through the eleventh level of Qi training a few months ago, and this time he also participated in the outer door test.

Almost all the people who participated in the outer door test were disciples who were above the tenth level of Qi training, and how could such an outer door master have anything to do with Zhang Zheng, so Zhang Zheng, who was deaf to the outside world, had no idea of ​​the strength of these monks .

"Who do you think will win the first prize this time, Senior Brother Lu or Senior Brother Wang?"

"Then who knows, but I think there is a high probability that it will be Brother Lu, but it is not ruled out that a dark horse will suddenly appear and win the championship in one fell swoop."

Hearing the conversation of the two monks next to him, it seemed that Senior Brother Lu was quite powerful. Zhang Zheng rolled his eyes and followed the two monks who were talking to the martial arts field where Senior Brother Lu was competing.

There were two male monks on the field, both of them were wearing the same brown school uniforms, one was holding a strange wooden staff and his face was barely handsome, he was the powerful Senior Brother Lu, the other was a little shorter, holding a simple The formation disk must be a formation mage.

presumably they happen to
"Fellow Daoist He, it's a pleasure to meet you." Brother Lu took the lead in greeting.

The fellow Daoist he was talking about had a stern face, but he said with words like gold: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Boom—the drums sounded, and the competition officially began.

Senior Brother Lu was also the first to attack. He raised his wooden stick, moved his lips slightly, and a bunch of green vines rose into the air, rushing towards the opponent extremely fast.

Fellow Daoist He didn't give in too much, as soon as the body shape method was released, it turned into a phantom, hurriedly dodged to the side, and quickly moved the array with one hand.

He is setting up.Realizing this, Senior Brother Lu didn't dare to try again easily. Once the formation was completed, it would be no problem to have more than one enemy. He had to fight quickly and not let the formation be completed.

"Vine trees play snakes!"

As Senior Brother Lu hit the ground heavily with his stick, the entire martial arts arena was instantly covered with dense green vines, and the thick vines surged like snakes, attacking fellow Daoist He.

The audience outside the arena may only feel the grandeur, but for Daoyou He who was attacked in the arena, he could even hear those weird vines neighing, like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, gazing at them.

There was no place for him to settle on the entire stage, so the formation could not be completed.

This trick "Vine Tree Playing a Snake" is obviously one of Brother Lu's greatest kills. The audience off the court was enthusiastic and shouted for Brother Lu's bravery.

It was the first time Zhang Zheng felt the strength of the masters of the outer sect. This was just a duel, not a life-and-death fight. She was sure that if it was her on the field, she might not be able to avoid even a vine.

It was too weak, her heart was pounding, this was different from the life-and-death struggle, the second time she experienced the crisis from other monks, the first time was facing the demon cultivator, both times, she was sure Said she was helpless.

Zhang Zheng stared at the ring intently, and couldn't fully agree with the overwhelming situation that most monks around him believed.

Although that Fellow Daoist He was forced into a corner and seemed to be strangled by vines at any moment, he didn't show any anxiety other than a slight frown.

He still has back tricks.

Sure enough, he decisively put away the formation disk, slapped the storage bag, and a purple red sword appeared out of thin air.The small sword is about three fingers long, surrounded by flames, and a phoenix inscription is engraved on the body of the sword. A red spar is inlaid in the eye of the phoenix. The crystal is radiant, as if endowing the soul of the phoenix. It's extraordinary.

"Red Phoenix Sword!"

As soon as the sword came out, an elder on the high platform noticed it, and he couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

His voice was not loud, only the people on the high platform could vaguely hear him, so several people turned their attention to this martial field.

Huo overcomes wood, not to mention the extraordinary fire that can be seen at a glance.

Senior brother Lu was frightened, he was connected with the wooden stick's spiritual consciousness, so he could naturally feel the extreme panic fed back from the wooden stick.When did the guy in front of me enter the outer door? Why has he never heard of such a terrifying person.

This time it was really bad luck.

Senior Brother Lu couldn't help sighing, his wooden staff was obtained by chance in a secret realm, it is a rare half-growth magic weapon, hard to find in the world, but it is only a second-level middle-grade now, and it is definitely no match for the small sword in front of him. Don't dare to take risks with it, it would be a pity to ruin it.

But it would be too embarrassing to give up like this. He didn't want to do such a cowardly act, so he put away the stick.

"Vine Shield!"

Without the help of any magic weapon, just relying on magic formulas, the power of the spells cast by Senior Brother Lu is still not to be underestimated.

Daoyou He remained cold-faced, as soon as he commanded the sword, the purple red sword pierced out with a whoosh, and flames seemed to burn out of thin air wherever it passed.

The vines were obviously not as good as the little sword, the shield was almost pierced, while the little sword was only slightly slower.

Brother Lu was sweating profusely, and quickly changed the vines, forming a bunch of thick branches to confront the small sword head-on.

At the moment of thrilling, Zihong's little sword finally stopped, and the vine was only less than a finger long.

Before I could let go of my raised heart, I saw He Daoyou's gesture changed slightly, and the purple red sword suddenly burst into two pure phantoms of fire, and suddenly attacked Lu Shixiong's dantian and Shenfu.

"I surrender!"

As soon as the words came out, the little sword stopped instantly. Brother Lu's face was terrified, the skin between his eyebrows was pierced by the sharp point of the sword, and his eyes were bright red. If he took a step slower, the little sword would pierce through his dantian and spirit Mansion, it's really scary.

Even if the elder took action to stop him in time, his foundation would be damaged, and if he had the opportunity for the rest of his life, he might not be able to make any progress.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, I accept it."

The purple red sword was taken back into the storage bag, and Daoyou He's expression softened slightly, and he bowed to salute.

Brother Lu had also seen big scenes before, so he wasn't so frightened. He recovered from the momentary panic and sincerely congratulated with fists.

It's just an outside test, there's no need to worry about it, anyone who is better than him is like a crucian carp in a river.So what about the use of magical tools, luck and financial resources are a kind of monk's strength, and this fellow Daoist is so handy in controlling the little sword, which shows that he is solid and strong in both cultivation and spirit, and he is convinced to lose.

Fighting is all about smoothness, and in this match, he has seen again that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

After the game, Senior Brother Lu did not hurry on his way. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky was so high that even the towering mountains could not be touched.Since he made a small achievement in the outer sect, although he told himself not to be complacent, he was still unavoidably uneasy and almost went astray.Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing quietly, he still has a long way to go.

The two protagonists on the stage had left the stage, and the monks watching the competition looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they didn't expect that the No. 1 Senior Brother Lu of the outer sect was defeated in the first competition, and then there was a burst of applause and cheers.

This unnamed Fellow Daoist He is considered to be a blockbuster in this outer test, and maybe after the test is over, he will be favored by the elders of the inner sect and accepted as an apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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