Chapter 11

Zhang Zheng was nowhere to be seen among the disciples who were discussing a lot. When the outcome was decided and the protagonist left the stage, she followed and left from the crowd.Disappearing quietly with her was also an inner disciple on the high platform.

This game can be described as wonderful, and the two protagonists are also heroic.It must be said that Zhang Zheng benefited a lot from it, and his mood has improved a little bit, which is an understanding that can't be obtained by just reading books.

She doesn't plan to watch the next few games. Since Senior Brother Lu is already one of the strongest fighters in the Outer Sect, today's competition is probably the most powerful in the entire Outer Sect test. It doesn't matter if you look at it.

After meditating to digest the insights gained from watching the battle today, Zhang Zheng took the time to practice for another two days.

The outer door test has come to an end, the outer door list posted the names of the top [-] monks in this test, and the top of the list is "He Youkang".

For a while, this name that was previously unknown in the outer sect spread throughout the outer sect, and even many inner sect disciples had heard of it.

It is worth mentioning that a total of 21 people from the outer sect entered the inner sect this year, and four of them, including He Youkang and Lu Fan, were accepted by the elders of the inner sect.

In the past, there were no more than one or two people at most, but this time there were as many as four people, which is really enviable.

As for which elder the four of them joined, Zhang Zheng didn't bother to inquire, but he didn't know.

The comprehension of the Tao has reached a small bottleneck, and it is difficult to break through without an opportunity. She does not know when this opportunity will come, but after observing the outer test, she has a deeper understanding of her low cultivation .

With such a cultivation level, even if an opportunity comes, she may not be able to seize it, and on the contrary, she will lose her life because of it.

She temporarily retreated from the chores of the alchemy hall, and planned to retreat and concentrate on cultivation for a period of time. The fourth and fifth floors of Qi training are a threshold. Improve your cultivation to the fifth level of Qi training.

Because she didn't need to eat, she retreated for half a year, and finally broke through to the fifth level of Qi training.

In two years, this year's disciple examination will start. As far as she knows, the disciples who started with her are generally at the sixth or seventh level of Qi training, and the later it is more difficult to advance. Also bigger.

It is said that if you have reached the level of enlightenment, the difference is really overwhelming. Dozens of early-stage monks can easily solve the problem with a flick of a finger in the hands of mid-stage monks.But this is not something Zhang Zheng, who is still in the Qi refining stage, needs to consider.

I don't know if I can pass the test at that time, it would be embarrassing to be kicked out of the sect like this.

Taking off the message amulet attached to the door, a message from half a day ago popped up.

"Junior Sister Zhang, Senior Brother Tan and I discovered a secret place by chance. If you are willing to go together, please gather at the South Mountain Gate tomorrow morning - Hua Minglan."


It's not that Zhang Zheng has never explored the caves, but they are all open to the public. After being explored by the predecessors, there will be no danger that cannot be dealt with.

Senior Sister Yihua said that this cave probably hasn't been born this time, and I don't know what the cultivation level of the owner of the cave is, and what dangers there will be inside.

But if she is asked to give up at this point, she will never be reconciled. An unborn cave means a hiding place for the treasures of the cave master's life, and the temptation is absolutely irresistible, and she is the same.

Zhang Zheng really didn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

She wouldn't think that Senior Sister Hua lied to her, after all, Senior Sister Hua knew that she was poor and senior Sister Hua had done several missions together. .

She really has no reason to lie to her.

Now that you have decided to explore this unfamiliar cave, where you don't know the safety and danger, you have to prepare well, lest you really lose your life in it.

The first thing is some protective props.

In the eight years since he entered the market, Zhang Zheng seldom visited the market at the foot of the mountain, and the few times he went to buy a few talismans cheaply.

This time is no exception.

There are no years in the mountains, and the people of Lanke have returned.

Eight years is by no means a short time in the ordinary world. In the era of war, the dynasty may have changed several generations.But for the realm of comprehension, which has often retreated for dozens or hundreds of years, eight years is not a big deal at all.

The market hasn't changed much from the first time she came, it's just that the people who set up the stalls came and went.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, there are everything you need for first-order pills, come and take a look..."

"Products produced in the secret realm must be high-quality products, and they are all treasures that have never been born in the secret realm of Haoshan. Come and choose quickly..."

"Sell the spirit beast! Sell the spirit beast! If you chase the fairy, give her a spirit beast!"


The yelling and hawking sounds that are indistinguishable from those in the ordinary world, and even more bragging, also reflect the vitality and bustle of the market from another side.

Zhang Zheng walked around and looked around, but didn't stop. This time, she didn't plan to buy at the street stalls. Although the street stalls were cheap, they didn't have any high-end goods.

She doesn't believe that she is the same as the protagonist in the storybook, who just scours the street stalls for ancient artifacts or noble beasts... With her poor luck, she will only end up with nothing in the end.

What she is going to this time is Wanjin Tower, one of the best in the market, known as the first floor in Xichuanjie, including rare things in the world.Of course, this is just a branch store, not so grand. The most prosperous main store is naturally in the most prosperous Huayue, and it is also the residence of Qin and Jiang, two of the three major families. It can be said that every inch of land is precious, a paradise on earth.

"Guest, what do you need?"

As soon as he stepped into the Wanjin Building, a woman in pink greeted her gracefully and asked respectfully.

Zhang Zheng came here for the first time, and he really didn't know the layout inside, so he asked, "Excuse me, where is the place that sells talismans or self-defense equipment?"

The woman pointed in the direction for her, and the gentle voice returned: "Turn left on the first floor for the talisman, and there are related magic tools for self-defense on the second and third floors. Customers can choose by themselves, or the clerk can introduce it to you. "

"It's okay, I'll just take a look for myself."

Zhang Zheng first went to the talisman area on the first floor. There were three high walls, and there were thousands of various talismans behind the translucent crystal cabinet, which made people dazzled.

There are not a few cheap three or four low-grade spirit stones, and thousands of expensive ones.The variety of Sheng can fully meet the needs of most customers.

The four skills are really huge profits! Zhang Zheng couldn't help sighing, but it's a pity that she really doesn't have any talent in the four skills. It took two or three months to learn the four skills, and it took a lot of energy in it. Getting started.

No longer looking at high-end products that cost tens of millions of spirit stones, I honestly bought two hidden talismans, two fire sword talismans, and a thousand-mile talisman for escape.

When she went up to the second floor, she was almost blinded by the dazzling array of magical artifacts in front of her eyes. Compared with the first floor, it was really a sky and a ground.There are four floors in this Wanjin building, and I don't know how gorgeous the scenery on the upper two floors is, it must be even worse than the second floor.

After marveling at the arrogance of Wanjinlou for a while, Zhang Zheng went straight to the display of defensive magic weapons.

There are more forms of defensive magic weapons than offensive magic weapons. The most common ones are delicate and beautiful accessories such as hairpins, necklaces, and bracelets that women like.

In front of each magic weapon is an introduction to its grade and function. After a cursory glance, the highest grade placed in front of it is only the third grade.The grade division of magical artifacts is roughly similar to that of elixir, divided into nine ranks, with three grades in each rank, and the highest known magical artifact in Jiuzhong is nothing more than Wanxuanmen Protecting Sect Axe, the seventh rank is the top grade.But beyond the ninth level, there are still ancient spirit weapons and artifacts of the rankless level, but these are just things that exist in legends now.

If you want to come up with higher-level instruments, you have to be on the upper two floors to buy them.

Zhang Zheng didn't plan to buy a high-level magic weapon, and on the other hand, her empty wallet couldn't afford it either.

After looking around, she finally settled her gaze on a ring-shaped magic weapon.

The second-order low-grade magic weapon——Tuanyuan Ring, a defensive magic weapon with earth-like attributes, can resist damage below foundation establishment three times, and foundation establishment once.Wearing method: It can be used as a neck ring.

Although the name is not very nice, but the function is good, but this way of wearing is a bit too strange.Who would wear such a thumb-thick jade ring around his neck, especially the jade ring is engraved with many patterns of golden acacia flowers, it is inexplicably a bit shameful, and it also has a bit of wealth like the stupid son of a landlord's family.

Zhang Zheng compared several magical instruments, each with its own advantages, which made people a little tangled.However, her little entanglement disappeared like an ebb tide after asking the price.

Five thousand low-grade spirit stones!
Zhang Zheng was simply dumbfounded by the price. She knew that the magic weapon was expensive, but she didn't expect it to be so expensive.In comparison, for the same grade, the reunion ring only needs [-] low-grade spirit stones.

All the spirit stones on Zhang Zheng's body add up to only 670 yuan. These are all the monster furs, monster pills, and some miscellaneous spirit herbs and pills that she has accumulated in the past few years. a little savings.

Unexpectedly, today he will return to a poor and poor monk here.The little shame in my heart seemed insignificant under the gap of five hundred spirit stones.

Although the pain was severe, she would not hesitate about it. Lingshi was used for cultivation, so how could she continue to practice if she couldn't save her life.If she missed the opportunity of the cave because she was reluctant to part with the spirit stone, she would really feel distressed to death.

Enduring heartache and paying for the Lingshi, Zhang Zheng put the reunion ring into the shriveled storage bag with care.

Just as he was about to leave from the second floor, he heard a commotion upstairs.

"Bang—" There was a loud noise, and then a figure slammed hard in front of Zhang Zheng, forcing a shallow hole in the white stone floor.

Zhang Zheng stepped back quickly and raised his gaze.

Butterflies in red fluttered like flames, and a young girl stood on the steps of the third floor, looking down at the people lying on the ground.

The delicate phoenix eyes with the corners of the eyes slightly raised are full of mocking disdain, the red lips are slightly raised, the expression is wanton and arrogant, and the air of arrogance and dignity is natural.

Rich people, big shots, this is Zhang Zheng's first reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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