Chapter 12

I saw the girl's thin lips parted slightly, her sweet voice, and her words were thorny: "Hey, why can't you even walk steadily, do you want me to find someone to ask your sick little sister to help you back home!"

Only then did Zhang Zheng quietly shift his attention to the shallow pit not far in front of him.

A figure in the pit moved twice, struggling to get up.The man's body was extremely thin, his body was bony, and his hair was messed up like a bird's nest.

He suddenly coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, stood with one hand propped against the wall, and stared lazily at the delicate and bright girl upstairs with a pair of black and white eyes.

"Please save Qiaoer's life."

What a stalker! Bai Mingzhu spat hard in her heart.

It was her mother's kindness for the illegitimate pair to survive in the mansion, instead of waiting to die in the side courtyard, they actually begged her.

Her face was full of sarcasm: "You don't know how precious the elixir that can save your useless sister is? Why should I use it to exchange your poor sister's life."

The man's expression became more and more gloomy. This direct younger sister has always hated them extremely, and he knew that there was little hope, but he had no choice.

Qiao'er's congenital disease is now terminally ill. Apart from relying on the Huangu Pill to shape her spiritual roots and step into practice, she has only one way to die.

Their mother was beaten to death when they were infants, and he could no longer just watch his last relative die and just live in ignorance.

He had begged the head of the family and knelt on the ground for three days and three nights, but their so-called father didn't care about it, and instead gave Bai Mingzhu the only Huangu Pill without hesitation, just to please her.

Qiao'er's life is tied to this strange and frightening sister in front of her.

Thinking of this, the man's gloomy eyes lit up a little, but he still only said one sentence, "Please save Qiao'er, I will repay you like a cow and a horse."

Bai Mingzhu was really bothered, and said badly: "Okay, if you die now, I will save your good sister."

As long as he dies, Qiao'er can live, as long as he dies, Qiao'er can embark on the road of cultivation and get rid of this nightmarish cage.

The man suddenly raised his eyes, and there was hope in his eyes that he had never had before. Without even the slightest hesitation, he bumped his head straight into the display counter.

His speed was so fast that the onlookers didn't react to stop him for a while, but the defensive charm engraved on the display counter was activated instantly when he was attacked, and the sharp magic light pierced his head directly.

The man died on the spot.

Bai Mingzhu obviously froze for a moment, then frowned the next moment, it was really troublesome.

After this incident, she didn't have the heart to visit Wanjin Building anymore, so she hired a young man to clean up the place, and threw a bag of spirit stones to the manager of Wanjin Building, expressing that she would compensate for the loss of Wanjin Building.

The girl left in a hurry, and the man's body was also burned by the boy. The steward of Wanjinlou who got the money looked happy, and the rest of the spectators also left one after another.

A farce ended with a human life and ended hastily.

Zhang Zheng was in a daze. From her point of view, it didn't matter who was right and who was wrong, one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. Who could decide the man's life for him?
She was just full of emotions, a living life died so absurdly and plainly.

This is the real world of comprehension, cruel and ruthless, and strength is the respect.What is a life, maybe it can't compare to the ground of the Wanjin Building that has been smashed into a hole, at least there are people to pay for it, some people care about it, and some people go to repair it.

After picking up his mood, Zhang Zheng left the Wanjin Building, and was going to explore the cave tomorrow. Let's practice spells for a while tonight.

Early the next morning, Zhang Zheng packed up his things and put the reunion ring around his neck. As soon as he put it on, the reunion ring shrank to a size that fit just right.

Hua Minglan and Senior Brother Tan seemed to be waiting here. Seeing her coming, Hua Minglan's eyes lit up and she waved her hand: "It's great that Junior Sister Zhang is here!"

She was not sure whether she would come back, so there must be other people going with her this time.Zhang Zheng thought about it, but still apologized: "I'm sorry, Senior Sister Hua and Senior Brother Tan, please wait."

Hua Minglan smiled and waved her hands: "What's the trouble? We came earlier and we were waiting for other people."

"By the way, Junior Sister Zhang probably didn't know about it. It's really my fault that I forgot to mention it in the communication talisman. There is another fellow disciple who wants to go to the cave with us. His name is Tan Ying, and he is a cousin of Brother Tan's clan."

After finishing speaking, Hua Minglan looked at Zhang Zheng apologetically, as if apologizing for the temporary addition.

Zhang Zheng didn't have any objections, they discovered this cave, and it was a matter of affection to call him, how could he interfere with who was called.

Suddenly, Senior Brother Tan called out to the distance, "Yingying, here."

Zhang Zheng followed his gaze, and the oncoming woman was about [-] or [-] years old. She was wearing a light green dress that made her skin whiter than snow. , arousing affection.

The woman quickened her pace and came towards this side. She first called Senior Brother Tan to her cousin, and then whispered softly to Hua Minglan and Zhang Zheng: "Yingying has met the two senior sisters."

If the lady from the aristocratic family that Wan Jinlou met yesterday was a flaming beauty, pampered and noble, then Tan Ying in front of her is a gentle and watery beauty.

Hua Minglan has always treated people warmly, and she was even more happy to see such a gentle and amiable girl. She said openly, "My name is Hua Minglan, and Yingying can call me Senior Sister Hua. This is Zhang Zheng and Senior Sister Zhang."

After a few people exchanged pleasantries for a while, they set off.

The cave is thousands of miles away in a lake in the mountains. Several people are monks in the Qi refining stage, and they are still unable to fly. Only Hua Minglan has a flying magic weapon, which is just enough to carry them there.

After half a day, a few people arrived at their destination.

According to Hua Minglan, at that time she and senior brother Tan were on a mission here, and they came across this lake by chance while chasing a monster, and saw the monster jump into the lake and disappeared instantly, so they became suspicious.

I thought it was a teleportation circle, but I didn't expect it to be an unborn cave, because doing the task consumed a lot of talismans and elixirs, and the spiritual energy was also exhausted, the two dared not continue to explore, fearing that something would happen life.

So he returned to Zongmen and planned to come back after repairing, but he was worried that the two of them alone might not be able to handle it, so he approached Zhang Zheng.

According to Hua Minglan's original words, "Junior Sister Zhang and I have been on several missions. Junior Sister Zhang is straightforward and righteous. I believe she will never do anything for profit."

The lake in front of me looks very ordinary. From the surface, it is clear and clear, and the water is no more than knee deep. Occasionally, leaves fall on the water surface, causing circles of ripples.

Several people held their breath and sank into the water, followed Hua Minglan in front of them and went downstream.

The more you swim, the more frightened you become. The lake, which looks only knee-deep from the outside, is actually unfathomable.

After swimming for nearly 10 minutes, a transparent barrier finally appeared in front of them. Fortunately, they are all monks and can protect their bodies with spiritual energy.

Passing through the barrier, the dark field of vision suddenly opened up.

The green grass is lush, the flowers are blooming like a brocade, and there is even a fragrance of flowers and plants floating in the air, which is refreshing. If the dark blue lake water behind the barrier reminds them, they may mistakenly think that they are on the ground.


Tan Ying stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and couldn't help but marvel.

Zhang Zheng also felt the same, but he only sighed silently in his heart.

Hua Minglan and Senior Brother Tan were not surprised because they had already been here, pointing to a tall stone wall not far away, they calmly said: "Next, we have to be careful, the cave is behind that stone wall , Last time we only reached the entrance of the cave, but didn't go in, so I don't know what danger will be inside."

After the four people came to the stone wall, they were surprised to find that the scene behind the stone wall was completely different from the front.

There is no grass behind the stone wall, the loess is barren, and stone pillars of different sizes stand in forests, like countless sharp swords piercing the ground, pointing directly at the sky with the tip of the sword.

One of the boulders with an oval surface and uneven surface is abruptly inserted among the many stone pillars. On the boulder is a crooked cut mark in the shape of a fan-shaped round door. Next to the boulder is a stone pillar crookedly engraved with the words "Xiaoshan Sword Cave". .

"Are you ready, we're going in."

Hua Minglan asked.

Several people nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Hua Minglan took the lead and walked towards the round door. The moment she touched the boulder, there was a flash of light, and her figure disappeared.

Zhang Zheng was second, Tan Ying was second, and Senior Brother Tan was the last.

At the moment of entering, Zhang Zheng looked back in a strange way, and happened to catch the expectation that flashed in Tan Ying's eyes, and it was still a bit inevitable.

Does she know what's in it?
A thought immediately popped up, and Zhang Zheng couldn't help being a little suspicious. It was obviously the first time he had come here, why would Tan Ying look as if she was here to get something out of her pocket, and why she had to hide it.

There are three stone passages behind the round gate, Hua Minglan was looking at the stone passages in thought, and then Tan Ying and Senior Brother Tan also came in.

Seeing that there were three stone paths, Senior Brother Tan suggested after thinking about it: "I don't know whether it is safe or not here, so why not explore together and share the treasures equally."

Zhang Zheng and Hua Minglan naturally had no objections, and Tan Ying also agreed with a shy smile.

Several people took out their magical artifacts respectively, entered the first stone path on the left with alert expressions, and decided to investigate from left to right.

(End of this chapter)

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