Chapter 13

An hour later, the four returned to the intersection of the three stone roads.His expression was full of frustration and doubt.

The three stone passages have all been inspected, and there is no trace of abnormality found, only the empty stone passages.

Hua Minglan's high spirits inevitably became depressed, and she speculated, "Could it be that someone has already taken the lead?"

Zhang Zheng glanced at Tan Ying subconsciously, and she was also a little confused at this time.

When the few people were at a loss, Tan Ying's soft voice sounded, "Why don't we try it separately, I think the protagonist in this kind of cave in the script is alone."

Although these words are a bit absurd, there is no other way at the moment, just treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

However, there are four of them in total, and there are only three stone paths in front of them, what if there are not enough points?
Tan Ying said again: "Senior Sister Hua and my cousin discovered this cave. Sister Zhang and I are the worst in cultivation among us. Why don't we go together and take care of each other."

"Senior Sister Zhang, do you like it?"

As the name suggests, when her sparkling eyes stare at people expectantly, it is really hard to resist.

Furthermore, what she said made sense, this cave was discovered by Senior Sister Hua and Senior Brother Tan, and they should enjoy the opportunity first.

Zhang Zheng thought about it for a while, not wanting to embarrass Senior Sister Hua, and was a little curious about Tan Ying's real purpose of this trip, so he agreed.

In this way, the four of them divided into three lines, Senior Sister Hua chose the left stone path, Senior Brother Tan entered the right, Zhang Zheng and Tan Ying chose the middle stone path.

Senior Sister Hua and Senior Brother Tan have already entered the stone road. Tan Ying seemed a little unaccustomed to being alone with Zhang Zheng, so she said timidly, "Sister, let's go in."

The two entered the stone path one after the other, because Zhang Zheng was somewhat inexplicably defensive towards Tan Ying when he glanced into the round gate, so he deliberately lagged behind a few steps and followed behind Tan Ying.

The dagger has long been held in his hand, ready to go, and the only one that can escape for his life is held in his left hand, just in case.

The three stone paths were not long, and when they explored together, they walked for about two quarters of an hour on average before reaching the end of each stone path.

By this time, they had been gone for half an hour.

"Junior Sister Tan, there is something weird here."

As soon as Zhang Zheng reminded her, Tan Ying, who was walking in front, suddenly let out a scream, then turned around and ran towards her.

Although the stone path was narrow, it was enough to accommodate three people walking together at the same time. With the vigilance he had always maintained, Zhang Zheng immediately dodged to one side, and at the same time saw clearly the real culprit who made Tan Ying scream.

A giant spider with jet-black hair standing on end.

The spider is huge, its bare body is already as thick as two adults, not to mention its eight long legs, which makes it look particularly awkward in this stone path.

I don't know when such a big spider appeared on the stone road, it just seemed to appear out of thin air.

Tan Ying and Zhang Zheng were not far away. In the blink of an eye, Tan Ying ran behind Zhang Zheng.

The spider seemed to have suddenly discovered that there was another person in the stone path, and the red eyeballs were rolling, and the speed did not slow down, and it rushed towards Zhang Zheng like a cannonball.

Damn it, Zhang Zheng couldn't help complaining, she could tell that the spider in front of her didn't have a deep aura, which meant that its cultivation should be comparable to hers, and they were all in the middle stage of Qi training.

She glanced back quickly, Tan Ying had disappeared, and she ran so fast, it seemed that she used the magic weapon of migration.

The eight-legged spider was far faster than her, and there was only one thousand-mile talisman, and she didn't want to waste it here.

That being the case, there is only a fight.

She stood calmly on the spot, clenched the dagger in her right hand, ready to fight.

The spider obviously didn't pay attention to her little bug, and jumped straight up with its body, its mouthparts were wide open, and its sharp teeth like rows of thorns shone frighteningly, trying to bite off her head with one bite.

At this time, hit the snake with seven inches, the weak point of the spider is its eyes and abdomen.

Zhang Zheng seized the right time, and when the spider leaped into the air, he used the light body formula and flew under its abdomen. The sharp dagger pierced the spider's abdomen fiercely.

"Chi--", the spider neighed in pain. It was worthy of being a second-level high-grade magic weapon, and it easily pierced the soft armor covering its abdomen, dripping with blood.

It was completely enraged. It crawled by the stone wall, curled up its bleeding abdomen, and stared at Zhang Zheng with a look of madness in its red eyes, but when it saw the cold light dagger in Zhang Zheng's hand, it blinked Over a trace of fear.

The claws were dormant, the teeth in the mouthparts were open, and the snow-white spider silk covered the sky, forming an airtight spider web and rushed towards Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng immediately made a tactic, and seven or eight fist-sized fireballs appeared out of thin air, meeting the spider web.

It was as if the sizzling sound of barbecue came from the junction of the fireball and the spider web, and black smoke rose from it.The fireball was extinguished, and the spider web was only burnt through a hole, spreading towards her at an unabated speed.

Zhang Zheng stood motionless, and the moment the spider web touched his body, the magic formula was released, and a wall of fire one person tall appeared in front of him.

The spider web was burnt out a big hole, fell to the ground in pieces, and corroded dense pits where it touched the ground.

Taking advantage of the moment when the spider was in a daze, Zhang Zheng took the initiative to attack, turning into two fireballs the size of a human head and shooting them directly at the spider's head, chest, and eyes.

The fireball was as dazzling as the sun, and the spider had seen the power of the fireball before, so it didn't dare to confront it head-on, so it quickly jumped to the right to avoid it.

And Zhang Zheng, who had already used the hidden talisman under the cover of the fireball, was already waiting for an opportunity here. When the spider thought it was avoiding the fireball and relaxed, she poured all the remaining spiritual power into the dagger, aimed at the position, and slammed towards the dagger. Cut off the junction of the spider's head and chest.

The aura of the dagger's whole body soared, and the dazzling blue light was like the sharpness of the blade.

The spider's horrified eyes froze, and as the head fell to the ground, blood gushed out.

finally died.

Zhang Zheng, who had exhausted his spiritual energy, felt uncomfortable all over his body, feeling sore and empty, and kicked the limp corpse on the ground as if to vent his anger.

There is a strong smell of blood here. I don't know if one or two monsters will suddenly appear in the dark, or if Tan Ying, who had escaped before, will suddenly return.Zhang Zheng, who was not sure of her purpose, did not dare to bet her life on her.

Not daring to delay any longer, before the hidden breath talisman expired, Zhang Zheng hurriedly took out the tonic pill and took it, and immediately meditated to recover her spiritual power. environment.

Fortunately, after half an hour, the spiritual power in Zhang Zheng's body also recovered by [-]%, and there was no trouble during this period.

With safety assured, Zhang Zheng took out the dagger and disposed of the spider's corpse. During the Qi refining period, the monster's body had not conceived such rare things as the demon pill, but its fangs, poisonous glands and spider silk in the abdomen were all for sale. Zhang Zheng cleaned up the materials and put them into storage bags.

Just as Zhang Zheng put the Aoya in place, he suddenly noticed that the monster's left eye was still as red as blood.It stands to reason that the luster in the eyes of living things will also dim after death, but this spider's left eye is a bit strange.

Whatever it is, put it in the storage bag first.

With this thought in mind, Zhang Zheng cut out the eyeballs with a sharp knife, held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, but he couldn't see the name.

As soon as the corpses were cleaned up, the stone path suddenly began to shake, and the turbulence became more and more intense. The two stone walls had begun to crack, and debris and broken stones fell from time to time.

Although he didn't know what happened, Zhang Zheng didn't want to be buried alive here, so he acted decisively to activate the Thousand Mile Talisman.

In the next moment, her figure had already appeared outside the huge stone round door.

It was unusually calm here, and there was no vibration in the cave.

Zhang Zheng searched for several miles around with his spiritual sense, but there was no sign of anyone moving, and the other three people hadn't come out yet.

I don't know if they were trapped inside or if something happened, Zhang Zheng frowned, and tried to enter the round door again, but unexpectedly found that they were blocked outside.

Now she can only wait, if no one shows up for an hour, she has no choice but to leave, after all, she doesn't know if something will happen here.

Just as Zhang Zheng took two steps back, Yuanmen suddenly had an inspiration, and a figure fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Tan Ying!
The aura did not disappear, but became brighter, and there were bursts of rumbling from the boulder.The aura gradually dimmed, and the boulder had completely crumbled, annihilated into dust.

(End of this chapter)

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