Chapter 210 Separation
Na Kuya turned around and left, she was several feet away in an instant, only the gray-black shadow stretched out, slender and long, covering half of the ground.

"Hey!" Na Yuyou turned her head to look at Na Huya who was going away, and then at Na Yuguo who was still there with a blank expression on her face.

No one explained her confusion, she stomped her feet in annoyance, turned around and trotted to keep up with Na Yuya.

Tan Ying followed as if strolling in the courtyard, Lu Haiqing turned his head and bowed to Zhang Zheng, and greeted: "Friend Shui Dao, we will leave first, and we will meet again in the future, and we will have a good discussion."

"Okay, see you soon."

Zhang Zheng smiled back and watched the few people leave back and forth.

"Sister, do you want to go?"

Na Guoguo's timid voice reached his ears, Zhang Zheng turned around, thought for a while, nodded and said: "It's time to go, after Tingfeng wakes up."

Na Kuo frowned and said, "But you don't know where the other races are?"

"Other alien races should have heard that I gave out the introduction. If I stay here, no one will take the initiative to find me. Now that we have agreed to cooperate, we can't just sit around and wait for death."

Na Guoguo stood in front of Tingfeng in a loose posture, watching her go crazy with cold eyes, and then returned to calm after going crazy.

Hearing that Zhang Zheng had made up his mind, Na Binguo didn't want to keep him anymore, and casually found an open space next to Tingfeng and sat down, lowered his head in disappointment, a few strands of hair fluttered in the breeze, caressing his lonely and lonely cheek .

"Since you don't know, let's walk here first and try our luck."

"Song Daoyou, I don't know where you plan to go?"

Anyway, there was no direction to look for, Zhang Zheng picked a direction at random, and walked away, Song Lian followed behind her.

Zhang Zheng smiled slightly, and asked with concern: "Does Tingfeng feel uncomfortable?"

Zhang Zheng didn't feel that he was offended, and said casually: "What Song Daoyou said is somewhat reasonable, then please Song Daoyou choose a direction."

As soon as the elixir enters the throat, the meaning of clarity arises spontaneously from the dantian, penetrates the whole body, and finally flows into the top of the skull.

Zhang Zheng slowed down his voice, explaining her doubts, "Young master has sent someone to send her to another place."

Under Song Lian's questioning gaze, Zhang Zheng turned around and explained in a free and easy tone, "I don't know if I will see you again in the future, so let me tell you in advance."

In the silence, Tingfeng suddenly broke the silence, "Why?"


The corner of Song Lian's mouth twitched, "Then you're going this way?"

Na Guoguo fixed her eyes and glanced at her quietly.

"It's all out of my control! Obviously you manipulated me."

"But she died because of your mistake, so what do I care about?"

Hearing this, Tingfeng smiled awkwardly, half-jokingly, "Tinguo promised to take us out of here, and I want to do something in return."

Na Guoguo twitched the corners of her mouth, bent her eyebrows slightly bitterly, "Okay, goodbye, sister."

Na Kuo took a fixed look at her, then lowered her head again, and replied in a muffled voice, "Got it."

Zhang Zheng has been observing Tingfeng's expression, not missing any of her expressions, and naturally noticed the small movement of Tingfeng's eyes hastily sweeping over Naguo.

Song Lian put down his hand caressing the handle of the knife, glanced at Na Kuo and Tingfeng, suppressed his suspicion, and landed on Zhang Zheng, "I'm going with Shui Daoyou, do you mind?"

Sharp eyes pierced Tingfeng, and he looked up and down, but Tingfeng felt uncomfortable, as if a layer of skin had been scraped off by the knife-like gaze.

Na Guoguo changed her pure and kind face, but her innocent tone was full of aggression.

Her mouth was slightly open, and she stumbled and said: "I...I...she..."

Zhang Zheng turned around and looked at Na Binguo, "Well, I should go too, Binguo and Tingfeng take care."

Na Guoguo was at a loss, "Why?"

Song Lian paused after blurting out his words, and glanced sideways at Zhang Zheng's reaction.

Zhang Zheng thought that Tingfeng must have been frightened before he passed out. He brushed his hand over the storage bag, took out a Qingxin pill, knelt down on one knee beside Tingfeng, squeezed Tingfeng's mouth, and poured the Qingxin pill. go in.

Ting Feng's face froze obviously, and he stood there blankly without any reaction.

Zhang Zheng asked back: "Do you know?"


Her eyeballs turned to the left, and she swept past Na Kuo, thinking about each word and said: "At that time, I heard Chugo talking to her, and Chugo didn't want to talk to her, and then she suddenly... ...Suddenly I reached out to push the fruit, I was impatient, I grabbed her arm, and then...she just...she appeared..."

"But you are from the lower world, luck..."

Song Lian's expression froze, and he said frankly, "I don't know."

Ting Feng's evasive eyes froze for a moment, then he raised his head in a daze, and fell into Zhang Zheng's quiet, but extraordinarily firm eyes.

Hearing the wind's voice and expression, he questioned: "You only said that you asked me to play tricks to deceive Qing Zheng, why do you want to harm people!"

After a long while of silence, Tingfeng took a deep breath just now, the boulder that was suppressed in her heart was rolling down with blood, and the blood stone was temporarily moved away, giving her a moment to breathe.

Without changing his expression, Zhang Zheng jokingly said unintentionally: "Tingfeng is very good for Xiguo."

Zhang Zheng didn't look back, "I don't know."

After walking a few steps, Zhang Zhengwu turned around and bumped into Na Kuo who was looking directly at her, and shouted from a distance: "Take care, I hope you have a happy life." Don't do anything you regret.

Dusk has fallen, and the afterglow of thousands of fires has been recovered. The shadows fade and elongate, and the green lights float up. The stars are like stars in the sky, and the ghosts are like ghosts in the mountains.

Na Guoguo questioned: "But, in order to be able to go out, you promised me to lie to Qing Zheng and put her safety at risk, are you innocent?"

Na Huo snorted coldly, narrowed her round almond eyes, and looked contemptuous and disdainful, "Okay, I admit it, I will control you to rush up to block Wu Huo, I will control you to reach out and pull her, and I will control you to tell those lies. But ..."

Unable to utter a complete sentence, Zhang Zheng's eyes dimmed, and he took a step forward, just in time to block her gaze from staring at the bloody ground.

Zhang Zheng didn't mind, so he responded with a smile.

Returning to consciousness, she suddenly stared at the blood-stained mine field. The blood had completely soaked into the cracks in the earth, rocks and mud, leaving a pool of dark and damp on the yellow-black ground, but there were no horrifying corpses in two halves.

Song Lian withdrew his gaze, and the two walked a few steps together, and suddenly said, "Do you know where the other monks are?"

Listen to the wind and shake your head.

"What?" Ting Feng asked subconsciously, and then reacted, with lingering fears in his heart, hesitatingly said: "I... I don't know either."

"It was you who manipulated me!" Ting Feng's soft, sinking face was torn apart, revealing a bit of madness, "I suddenly rushed up to block her! I suddenly stretched out my hand to grab her! What I just explained to Qing Zheng !"

"Just go this way."

Zhang Zheng turned his eyes and asked, "What happened before?"

Ting Feng suddenly opened his eyes, focusing on the three people in front of him.

Ting Feng stammered to defend himself and said: "I... I don't know..."

"Don't know?" Na Paiguo stepped forward and approached her face, "Don't know what?"

"I don't know if you will harm her by cheating Qingzheng? Or if you don't know that Qingzheng will guess that you and I are in trouble?"

Tingfeng was extremely thin and thin, on his deeply sunken cheeks, the temporal bone protruded, his lips were vain, but he couldn't utter a word.

(End of this chapter)

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