Chapter 211 Doubt

The mine field, which used to be ping-pong-pong, iron and stone knocking and noisy, is extremely quiet today, as terrifying as a dead night.

Thousands of will-o'-the-wisps floated leisurely, turning into green wolf eyes, staring viciously at the lonely traveler in the empty forest, coveting, the secreted saliva dripping crazily.

It gets dark quickly, and once the bright sun, which symbolizes light, falls, the night rushes forward, engulfing the stars and the moon, taking over the world, and covering the world with darkness.

Na Guoguo looked up at the sky, and sighed leisurely, "It's a pity, the time is wrong, otherwise I should have another good look at the blue sky."

Ting Feng looked at her vigilantly, and retreated without a trace, "What do you mean?"

Na Guoguo flicked her pocket with one hand, and a white doll appeared out of thin air, "Don't you want to be controlled by me? It wasn't fun like that before, I don't like quarrels."

She pulled her lips and smiled, "Come on, I will give you great strength and freedom under the chain, and you will be loyal to me."

Ting Feng didn't even dare to finish his sentence. When he heard the word "control", his sixth sense crazily conveyed danger and fear, and he turned around and fled.

The white doll stood unsupported in its hands, with its short, fat cotton legs, its face turned towards Na Kuo, and it walked forward step by step.

In the mine, whether in battle or looking for opponents, the hearts of countless monks holding brown dot balls were all shocked.

"Listen to the wind, let the wind go, nothing comes and goes, everything follows the wind. This is your destiny, I gave you this name, you should think so."

When the golden ball settled down, the white doll ignited without fire and turned into ashes.

Lu Haiqing was surprised: "Is there anyone who can collect six pieces faster than us?"

However, Na Yuyou's hope is still too unrealistic.

After finishing it, Na Tinguo pinched the golden dotted ball with two fingers and looked at it for a moment, then manipulated Tingfeng to open his mouth with a cotton doll, the golden dotted ball was stuffed into the mouth, rolled along the throat, and the ball entered the body.

"Try your luck."

Although the spiritual consciousness can't be restrained here, the aura and charm of the cultivator's body are shielded, and it is impossible to tell whether he is a cultivator or just an ordinary labor slave unless he has personally seen this person using the methods of a cultivator.

It was just seven or eight days since the last mission was released, and they moved so fast, how could anyone be faster than them?
It's incredible.

Na Kuya's eyes lingered on the ten birth notes in her pocket, and the excitement and joy could not be concealed in her eyes, and her expression was beaming with joy.

"Good talent?"

Then he opened the sound-proof array, guessing the weird situation at this time in an open manner, complicated like a mess, and kept talking about it.

If no one exceeds their speed, there will only be one situation.

She tugged at Na Yuya's arm in her pocket, dancing with excitement, imagining everything, "We must be the first ones to collect all the introductions! Tell me, we are so fast, will grandpa give us some rewards?" , For example, don’t look at other people, just choose one of us to be the little patriarch!”

[Special Reminder: The task assessment continues, the candidate for the position of the small patriarch has been confirmed, conceal the identity and kill the unsuccessful candidate for the small patriarch election... Election losers...]

Na Biya didn't know more truths hidden behind the clan, but he knew that if the election of the patriarch failed, the end would never be good.

"Great! Only two left!"

Wherever it passes, golden dot balls radiate a little bit of golden light and attach to the surroundings. If you look closely, you will find the thin golden lines drawn by the golden light, which are as thin as a hair and are difficult to detect.

Na Biya said: "Second Sister, don't be too happy too early, as long as you can get six introductions, you will be considered qualified, and those who pass will be considered by grandpa. If you want to be a patriarch, you have to be talented." .”

Na Binguo was pinching the golden dotted ball with one hand, her rosy lips parted slightly, "It's a pity that I asked sister to output it."

In other words, almost everyone understood Grandpa's hint and knew it.

Only these two people, one is really stupid, and the other is that grandpa didn't intend to tell at all.

As for why they can find it so quickly?It all depends on a kind of object-finding witchcraft learned by Na Yuyou, which is superb. If a needle is dropped, the location can be accurately calculated. Wouldn't it be easier to find aliens?

The golden dot ball finally entrenched three inches below the navel, which is exactly where the monk's dantian is. The looming golden thread spreads all over the body, and even the unopened shrine is like a dense spider web, a web of heaven and earth, and all thoughts have nowhere to hide.

Even the Lu family's exclusive communication jade token didn't work at all.

She stopped an inch in front of Naguo.

"Tingfeng, thank me, I will give you strength and freedom, freedom within the chain, promise you, I will never deprive you of your soul."

The two suddenly turned their heads, happened to bump into each other's eyes, and said almost at the same time: "Is the notification from the brown dot ball fake?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you lose, after all, sister already doubts me."

Na Yuyou jumped up and down excitedly, and stretched out her claws to grab the brown dotted ball in Lu Haiqing's hand.

He subconsciously glanced at the dissatisfied Na Biao You, and a figure of a woman with a kind face appeared in his mind, it was Na Binguo.


On the side, Tan Ying and Lu Haiqing knew from the reactions of Na Yuyou and the two that they would not hear any notification even if they held the brown dotted ball.

The small pocket was full of ten brown dotted balls.


The small golden dots approach the red lips, and the thin golden dots in the center flicker and disappear, like a meteor dragging its golden tail and disappearing.

Lu Haiqing held the brown dotted ball that he had just seized, and looked at Tan Ying with suspicion.

Na Yuyou muttered in a low voice: "If you look at talent, isn't it the most powerful bugs! Why are we still working so hard to find new introductions?"

It is precisely because of this that it is as difficult as heaven to find monks to compete with by relying on spiritual knowledge.

Only two...

If not, they might not be willing to cooperate with Na Yuyou.

Less than half a stick of incense, Ting Feng walked back step by step from a distance in a daze, his steps were stiff and stagnant, his eyeballs were directly facing Na Kuo's eyes, trembling violently.

Almost as soon as the words were spoken, both of them frowned again, lost in thought.

If the transmission of the brown dot ball is false, who is manipulating the transmission of the brown dot ball?What is the purpose of this person doing this?
From what I know about the Wu tribe in the report, I am afraid that this person is a member of the Wu tribe.

Or in other words, the notification from the brown dot ball was actually sent randomly by the brown dot ball?Just to interfere with their behaviour.

When the two were wondering, Na Yuyou, who had already walked not far away, suddenly turned around, waved and shouted loudly: "Go quickly, I found another one!"

(End of this chapter)

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