Chapter 22 Massacre
"Hey, let me see who fell into my Demon Transformation Formation. It turned out to be the four immortal elders!"

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Zhang Zheng followed the sound and saw five figures in black robes slowly walking out of the night.

Among them is Cao Ran.

The one who spoke just now was an ordinary-looking male cultivator with a wretched temperament, who was looking at the righteous monks in front of him with a mocking face.

"Cao Ran! How dare you become a demon spy?"

Yang Haochuan 1 people don't want to believe it. He and Cao Ran started together and supported each other in cultivation. It can be said that they have a deep friendship.

How could he believe that his trusted friend was actually a spy of the demon clan, and this time he joined forces with the demon cultivator to kill them.

It's a pity that Cao Ran didn't pay any attention to his heartbreaking questioning.

Years of friendship finally give up here.

There is also a female cultivator in the magic cultivator. The clothes under the black robe are extremely revealing, and the golden bells on her wrists are ringing with her swaying movements.

She glanced at Yang Haochuan and Cao Ran, and exhaled like blue, "This righteous little brother, don't worry, Sister Cao is unwilling to accept your friendship, so how about letting my family come to accompany you?"

Cao Ran looked cold, stopped the female cultivator's movements, and sternly said to the wretched male cultivator: "Hurry up, or you will change later."

The wretched male cultivator was obviously dissatisfied with her commanding tone, but due to some obstacles, he dared not disobey, so he snorted unhappily.

The so-called people should not be judged by their appearance, and sea water should not be measured.

The temperament of a wretched male cultivator is really hard to match the image of an inscrutable array mage, but he is, and his level is by no means low.

I saw that he was holding the formation disk in his left hand, and his right hand moved as fast as an afterimage. The formation disk creaked, like an old rusty mechanism.

The sense of oppression became stronger, they were trapped in the formation like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, no matter how they struggled, the butcher knife fell little by little, and chopped at the lamb's head.

This battle was really strange, no matter what attacks they used, they all seemed to fall into the void, and they couldn't stir up any turmoil.

Supporting such a large array obviously made the male cultivator feel weak, and after some movements, he was exhausted and his face was as pale as a ghost.

Seeing Nanxiu looking at himself with malicious intent, as if looking at a dead object.Zhang Zheng felt extremely uneasy.

The top of the head kept spinning, and the huge black cloud formed by swallowing black smoke suddenly stopped.

Unknown things surged in the heavy black cloud, and the next moment, thick black smoke whizzed out from the black cloud.

One-half of them rushed towards Zhang Zheng, and the other half was divided into several strands and enveloped several other people.

The power of the formation imprisoned Zhang Zheng in place, unable to move at all. Seeing that the black smoke wrapped her whole body layer after layer, it looked like a huge black cotton ball.

Immediately afterwards, several waves of mana struck, ignoring the obstruction of the black smoke, and pierced straight into Zhang Zheng's limbs.

There were a few thuds, hands and feet were pierced, and blood spattered everywhere.

Zhang Zheng's body trembled from the pain, but his mind was still clear, and there was no trace of black smoke sneaking into his body silently along the wound.

She tried to use her spiritual energy to expel the black smoke, but she didn't expect it to cling to the spiritual energy like a tarsal maggot and gather towards her dantian.

When the black smoke entered the dantian, it suddenly stopped, shaking its head in the dantian.

The entire dantian is divided into two forces, one is the Jingze tree floating on the colorful spiritual roots, and the other is the black smoke that is pitch black and chilly.

The Jingze tree didn't move at all, and the black smoke was only entrenched in a small corner of the dantian, suppressing the commotion and coveting thoughts, staring at the Jingze tree.

Zhang Zheng didn't know what it was, but the strong ominous aura on it showed its danger.

The crisis in the body has not been resolved, and the outside is also a scene of stormy future.

It was another sharp Dharma light, but this time it no longer aimed at the hands and feet, but instead shot fiercely towards the center of the eyebrows, where the Divine Palace was located.

Zhang Zheng adjusted the movement of the spiritual energy to the fastest speed, and finally broke through the confinement of the formation in a short time, and avoided the magic light sideways.

The black smoke that was originally so dense that it covered the whole body kept rushing towards the dantian, and the black smoke surrounding the body became thinner.


With more than a dozen Faguanghua swords in succession, Zhang Zheng was very difficult to dodge under the pressure of the formation. A small finger-sized hole was cut in the right chest of a poor man, and his shoulder blade was broken from it.

We can no longer sit still and wait for death, we must take the initiative to attack.

One fatal flaw of this powerful formation is that it cannot be attacked, it is just a trapped formation.

Therefore, Moxiu can only enter the formation and end the lives of the trapped people with his own hands.The opponent is already trapped by the formation, and black smoke is eroding the dantian shrine, which is effortless.

The most important purpose of their trip was to get the contents of Zhang Zheng's body.

Apart from the three demon cultivators who dealt with the other three, Cao Ran and the wretched male cultivator were responsible for dealing with Zhang Zheng.

The task that I thought was easy to grasp, turned out to be a waste of time and has not been resolved.

The male cultivator stared strangely at Zhang Zheng, whose limbs were pierced in the black smoke, with a hole in his right chest, bleeding profusely, and exclaimed in amazement, "What the hell is this? It's still like this!"

Not only is it not dead, it looks like it is still alive and kicking...

Seeing that he had failed several times, Cao Ran said with a grim expression, "What's wrong with your formation? Why can she still move without losing her mind?"

The male Xiu was already dissatisfied with her domineering attitude, seeing that she was putting all the responsibility on himself at this time, he couldn't help mocking: "How would I know, I still want to ask why you haven't killed her yet? A weak girl Xiu wasted so much time, what a waste!"

The two couldn't stand each other, their faces darkened and they stopped talking.

At this moment, Zhang Zheng finally determined their location after carefully observing the attacking direction.

Pretending to be forced to flee in all directions by the intensive attack, in fact, they quietly closed the distance between them.

I see!
Through the gradually thinning black smoke, Zhang Zheng vaguely locked on to two figures, one of whom was holding something in his hand, which should be the wretched male cultivator who knew how to form a formation.

Capture the thief first and capture the king, and the biggest threat to their restraint right now is actually this mysterious formation.

Taking advantage of the concealment of the black smoke, Zhang Zheng quietly injected spiritual energy into the dagger.

Three more powerful beams of magic light struck Zhang Zheng, unable to dodge them in time, two beams of magic light pierced through his chest one after another. The powerful force caused Zhang Zheng to fly upside down a few meters away, hit the ground hard and let out a painful moan. There was movement.

Seeing this, Cao Ran and Nan Xiu finally let go of their worries and breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Zhang Zheng quietly activated the five fire sword talismans, and the fire sword shot straight at Cao Ran like a storm.

Seeing the embarrassment of Cao Ran being besieged by the fire sword, the male cultivator couldn't help mocking, "Hehe, but the little fire sword..." It's a waste to force you like this!
Before he could say the second half of the sentence, he had no chance to say it again, and his eyes finally stagnated in horror.

The male cultivator jumped forward and fell to the ground with a bang, a small and sharp dagger sank deep into his head, and the shrine was completely shattered by the sharp blade.

When the male cultivator died, Cao Ran was taken aback by the accident, and then his mind was moved, he could no longer care about other personnel matters, and ran away from the town like an arrow from a bow.

Zhang Zheng was seriously injured and found it difficult to get up, let alone escape.

Soon, she knew why Cao Ran fled so quickly despite everything.

Generally, if the formations relying on the formation disk lose the control of the formation master, most of them will disappear in silence.But for some reason, the mysterious formation has not dissipated.

The formation mage died, but the formation operated crazily as if it had lost its control.

The black clouds in the sky kept churning, like a huge whirlpool on the sea surface, with a threatening momentum. The black smoke, which was a hundred times thicker than before, surged from the ground. In a blink of an eye, the entire formation was completely covered by black smoke, and it was as black as a thousand miles of ink.

Zhang Zheng stared at this strange scene in fear, and even forgot to blink.


Suddenly, the whole town seemed to have fallen into a boiling pot, with heart-piercing roars, heart-rending screams... wailing everywhere.

The sound stopped quickly, and returned to a dead silence. In the desolate dead silence, wisps of black and red mixed blood mist rose from the town, and flowed into the black clouds above.

The people in the town...

Zhang Zheng's wide-open eyes stared straight at the blood mist rising in the air, and her lips trembled, opening and closing uncertainly.

died?All dead!

(End of this chapter)

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