Chapter 23 Rebirth
The old woman's expectant eyes appeared in front of her in a trance, and muddy tears flowed down the creases of her face and fell on her hands.

Cold... Broken...

Zhang Zheng trembled violently, and stretched out his unsteady hand unconsciously towards the blood-smeared sky.She felt the cold and warm touch on her face, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

She... she killed everyone.

The black clouds in the sky turned black, red and weeping blood, rolling and roaring like a big wave, rolling and roaring.

boom -

The black cloud turned into a pitch-black long dragon, covered in black smoke and steaming, and the eyes of the dark red blood mist locked on Zhang Zheng.


A miserable scream came from Zhang Zheng's throat, and the black dragon's long tail beat anxiously, swooped down, and squeezed into Zhang Zheng's body without stopping.

The cloud of black smoke entrenched in the dantian seemed to be inspired suddenly, opened its teeth and waved its claws, and went straight to the Jingze tree that had been coveted for a long time.

The Jingze tree, like emerald green jasper, remained motionless, being engulfed and swallowed by the black smoke.

Zhang Zheng's consciousness seemed to be rushed out of his body. In his hazy vision, he saw that his body was occupied by a giant dragon. The dragon's head penetrated into his body from his abdomen and buried deep in his dantian.The scene is horrific and frightening.

Consciousness is becoming blurred, the green branches of the Jingze tree are getting darker and darker, but the black smoke clinging to it is insatiable, constantly devouring the vitality above it.

Besides, the Jingze tree couldn't resist the weird black air, and the colorful spiritual roots suspended under it were completely dark, with cracks crawling around.

Is she dying?
The idea of ​​death gradually occupied Zhang Zheng's consciousness, and as the idea of ​​death gradually gained the upper hand, the remaining vitality in her body also began to quickly decay.

The spiritual energy in her whole body has been swallowed up, and her weak soul is floating on the ground without any support. She is not breathing, and is extremely weak.

The aura of the storage bag was swallowed by the black smoke and emptied, lost the imprint of spiritual consciousness, and fell to the ground with a plop, completely reduced to an ordinary cloth bag.

The dead spirit grass and re-engraved jade slips piled up inside were all thrown out, mixed with some miscellaneous talismans and other things, and rolled into the dust.

A wisp of black smoke escaped from the black dragon, turned into a small snake and rolled towards the scattered items in the storage bag.

As long as there is a little bit of spiritual energy, it will be devoured, and it will not be let go.Xiaoshangao's jade slips, talismans, monster materials, and even daggers all turned into dust in one breath, annihilating the sky.

At the moment when the black smoke devoured the spiritual grass, a little pure and angry came out of the spiritual grass, avoiding the fierce black smoke, and shot into Zhang Zheng's eyebrows extremely quickly.

She is not reconciled, not reconciled to death!

Consciousness suddenly became clear, and Zhang Zheng mobilized all his consciousness to neutralize the Transformation Technique.

She no longer has the slightest aura in her body, and the formula of neutralization and transformation is running crazily. Her body's seven orifices, dantian, and divine palace... small vortices are generated out of thin air, like mysterious nebulae.

The dull Jingze tree suddenly gave off a bright light, and the entire branch broke into more than ten pieces. It broke free from the black smoke like tarsus maggots, and ran towards the body, quickly burrowing into the newly born Disappeared in the small vortex.

The delicacy in hand escaped, and the black smoke began to scurry and gnaw in the body like crazy.

Zhang Zheng couldn't help but let out a painful moan, as if the heart was being devoured by thousands of ants, but he didn't dare to stop at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Zhang Zheng only feels that his consciousness is chaotic and lifeless, and he can't feel the sun and the moon, as if for a moment or a thousand years.

Her internal organs and bones seemed to have been eaten away by the black smoke, and she was like a remnant human skin at this moment, without flesh and blood, and was empty inside.

She couldn't open her eyes, because the eyes had disappeared, she could only see the empty body with nine whirlpools spinning endlessly.

To die and then to live.

During this period of time, she finally realized this truth.

She took the initiative to swallow the black dragon into her body, cut off her consciousness, and lured the black smoke into the vortex with her consciousness. Seeing the black smoke being swallowed up without any resistance, the dead soul rekindled the fire, and a glimmer of hope arose.

The sun and the moon alternate in a hurry, and the time is unknown.

The last wisp of black smoke disappeared from the vortex.Zhang Zheng only felt mentally and mentally exhausted, and only a little bit of spiritual consciousness was left, and the labor pains continued.

But she still can't stop, if she stops now, all previous efforts will be wasted, and she will truly usher in death.

Continuing to run the neutralization formula, the nine vortexes began to swallow pure energy, and the energy slowly traveled around the body, and the flesh, blood, essence, and blood were regenerated wherever they passed.

The pain of rebirth of flesh and blood is unbearable, not only the extreme pain, but also the inexplicable extreme itching that cannot find the source.It makes people want to scratch the rotten flesh.

I don't know how long the unbearable torture lasted. Zhang Zheng only knew that he had finally survived until his flesh and blood became plump again, and he passed out before he could open his eyes.


"Senior brother Zhang, is this the place where the demon cultivators were slaughtered?"

A delicate and weak female voice came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, seven figures in unified Yuebai Zongfu appeared not far from the town.

Zhang Xiaoliang, who was the leader, didn't reply, his eyes seemed to be soaked in frost, and he looked coldly at the deserted town in front of him.

The whole town was surrounded by an evil air of death and resentment, even ten miles apart, people could not help but feel suffocated.

The land in front of him was barren and chapped, bare, with no vegetation, shrouded in a thin mist of gray mist.

The female cultivator who asked the question had a soft and beautiful appearance. Seeing Senior Brother Zhang completely ignoring her, she felt pain in her heart, and her delicate almond eyes were overshadowed.

"Junior Sister Xiao, if you don't have long eyes, you can find a couple. Don't ask others everything."

Qin Shuangyan couldn't get used to Xiao Xiaoning's expression that everyone in the world was bullying her, so she couldn't help mocking her.

As the daughter of an inner sect elder, Xiao Xiaoning has excellent aptitude and grew up in Wanxuan sect since she was a child.

Elder Xiao's wife disappeared during a trip to a secret place, and she has been searching for it for decades without a trace.He has only one woman in his life, so it can be said that he keeps it in his mouth for fear of melting, and holds it in his palm for fear of falling.

Growing up loved and loved by thousands of people, although Xiao Xiaoning was a bit pampered, she was lucky not to grow into an arrogant and domineering playboy, so the sect was extremely tolerant of her from top to bottom, and she was never overwhelmed by minor problems or tempers. Comparing with her.

But by chance, Qin Shuangyan was also the pampered master at home, and her father had a deep friendship with the head of the Wanxuan sect, and the head of the sect also took care of her.

Qin Shuangyan couldn't understand Xiao Xiaoning, who had a spoiled temper and was always crying. The two of them often had conflicts in the sect.

Hearing Qin Shuangyan's merciless sarcasm, Xiao Xiaoning's eye circles were stained with blush, and immediately burst into tears.

It's a pity that there were seven people in the group, and none of them were sympathetic to each other. They were stunned by her grievances, and finally held back their tears out of shame.

"Junior Brother Zhang, how is the situation?"

The clear and gentle voice resounded, like a jade stone bumping and a mountain stream mingling, which made people feel at ease.

The owner of the voice is also handsome, a gentle and gentle young man with a lonely pine rock and a puppet jade mountain.

If Zhang Zheng were here, he would have discovered that this person was none other than the nameless brother who was guiding her in the mountains.

The formation here has dissipated, but gray mist is still leaking from the ground.

Zhang Xiaoliang's frown did not relax, and he said with a serious expression: "I'm afraid it's not very good, the smell here is very bad."

Zhang Xiaoliang's ability to perceive danger and instinct are excellent, and he has survived many crises and gained many opportunities with this.

If he said so, then this trip is definitely full of dangers, and it is very likely that he will be involved in it.

The seven of them couldn't help frowning, and began to think about whether to continue this trip.

Five months ago, they followed the sect to participate in the trial of the ascending secret realm.This secret trial is open to all sects and families in the Xichuan world. It aims to use the trial to measure the strength of each other's new generation of disciples, and to connect with each other by the way.

After the trial in the secret realm, the Zongmen sent a message saying that a demon cultivator suddenly appeared in Jiuchongzhangshuizhou and caused chaos. Five outer disciples of the Zongmen went to get rid of the demon, but only one survived, and that person was also seriously injured. He fell into a coma and will need to be raised for several months.

As the inner disciples of Wanxuan Sect and the elite among them, they naturally accepted the task without hesitation and went to investigate here.

But right now, even Zhang Xiaoliang feels that the future is extremely dangerous, and it is very likely that they will lose more than the gain if they rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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