I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 24 Making Wedding Dresses for Others

Chapter 24 Making Wedding Dresses for Others

Everyone was still thinking, but Zhang Xiaoliang's expression suddenly changed.

He cautiously took a step forward, just landed on the dry ground, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the thin gray smoke rising from the ground.

After a long while, his dark and bright eyes opened, Zhang Xiaoliang's eyes were deep, he thought about it and said to the rest of the people.

"The further you go in, the mixed breath becomes weaker, and there may be something inside that has absorbed the ominous air."

Hearing this, several people's eyes lit up.

There are thousands of ominous qi, and what the magic cultivator cultivates and absorbs is the most important one--the devil qi.And no matter what kind of ominous gas, most people will die if they are invaded by it.

Therefore, since ancient times, no matter whether it is a treasure that can absorb or purify ominous energy, there is no market for it. What's more, with such a large area, the treasure inside is definitely a peerless magic weapon that can cause competition when it is born.

Apart from Zhang Xiaoliang, who was from a common background, among the few people present, everyone was from a wealthy family, and they had never seen any treasures before.But at this moment, hearing this kind of rare treasure is also overwhelming, and I can't help it.

Several people looked at each other, without speaking, but already understood each other's meaning.

The gray smoke became darker as it entered the center of the dry soil. When it was inside the small town, the smoke that emerged from the ground was no longer gray fog, but black smoke as black as ink.

The aura contained in it is becoming more and more frightening. Fortunately, there is a magic weapon bestowed by the sect that can block all of them from the magic shield.

There was a dead silence in the town, and there was no trace of life.But the closed doors, cups of dry tea, unburned candles, overturned tables and chairs, etc. all show that this town was once full of people and prosperity.

The death and disappearance of all people happened in an instant, and no one could escape.

This realization made them all chill, as if they were a weak ant, and the poisonous snake was hanging on the tree, with terrifying vertical eyes staring at the food at its fingertips, hissing and spitting.


At this moment when everything is in danger, Xiao Xiaoning let out a scream that resounded through the sky, startling the rest of the people to sacrifice their magical weapons and stand ready, like a frightened bird.

There is no danger.

Qin Shuangyan was really angry this time, and said sternly, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Xiaoning couldn't care less about arguing with Qin Shuangyan, her face was pale and bloodless.

Her entire body was stiff, trembling slightly, her eyes staring at her feet without blinking.

There, the claws of an unknown, blood-stained creature poked out of the mud and grasped her ankle vaguely.

Her voice trembled: "There are... ghosts..."

"Get out of the way!" Lin Yihan yelled, and the long sword in his hand slashed at his claws on the ground.

Qin Lingzhi took the opportunity to pull the frightened Xiao Xiaoning away.

The long sword was fierce and powerful, but the deformed claws were even faster, dodging away like a hurricane.


The ground exploded, and a strange figure jumped three feet high from it.

"Bah ah..."

Zhang Zheng hurriedly spit out the mud that filled her mouth, feeling terrified in her heart, why was she buried alive?Also, which wicked person, who didn't see her buried in the ground, actually stepped on a dead person like her?
As soon as he raised his eyes, Zhang Zheng met the suspicious eyes of the seven people opposite him.

At this moment, the two groups stood opposite each other, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

A group of seven people were all handsome men and beauties, neatly dressed and full of immortality; on the other side there was only a strange humanoid creature standing in a strange posture, the blood stains all over her body had dried up, forming a blood scab mixed with mottled dust to cover her whole body.

Zhang Zheng recognized the martial arts costumes on the seven people, and also recognized Lin Yihan, the nameless and kind-hearted senior brother.

Immediately, a sense of wonder came to the top of my heart, and before several people questioned her identity, she couldn't wait to report her family name.

"Hello, brothers and sisters, I am Zhang Zheng, a disciple of the outer sect of Wanxuan Sect."

Fortunately, the identity token does not have aura, so it survived in the black smoke.

Zhang Zheng dug out the token from the soil, performed a cleansing formula, and washed his face with water of spiritual energy, finally confirming her identity.

Lin Yihan felt familiar when he heard Zhang Zheng's name, and when he saw his appearance, he finally remembered some impressions.

"Junior Sister Zhang Zheng, we meet again."

Lin Yihan smiled at her, confirming her identity, and asked, "My surname is Lin, and my name is Yihan. You can call me Brother Lin. But why are you here?"

Lin Yihan!The person who saved her in the secret realm...

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a while. She had noticed the desolation and desolation around her, and subconsciously told her that she must never reveal the real reason for her survival.

She scratched her head with a frightened expression, as if recalling the previous tragedy.

"I don't know why. At that time...we were trapped in the magic cultivator's formation, and then...then suddenly black smoke filled the air and everyone started screaming. I only felt a sharp pain, and then a white light in front of my eyes. I fainted... When I woke up again, I saw you..."

After hearing her explanation, several people still had some doubts, but they knew that there would be no result, so they could only accept her explanation for the time being.

I saw several people with complicated expressions, as if they were looking for something.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Zheng decided not to take the initiative to join in the fun, and followed them around like a log.

I went around the town in and out, but found nothing.

Qin Shuangyan turned her attention to Zhang Zheng, who was wandering in space. This strange junior sister could survive in the center of the town. Maybe there is some adventure.

She can think of this, so can the others.As a result, the eyes of the group of seven people all fell on Zhang Zheng.

Qin Shuangyan took the initiative and said, "Junior Sister Zhang, is it convenient to tell us the details before coma? Did you find anything strange?"

Still being suspected, Zhang Zheng secretly sighed in his heart, although it is really impossible not to be suspected.

"I didn't pay much attention to the details, but there is really one peculiar place."

Zhang Zheng thought of the hard bead she had scratched on her right hand when she just got up from the ground, but it was inconceivable. The red bead she had snatched from the spider's eye hadn't changed under the attack of black smoke.

On the contrary, that strange bead absorbed a lot of the pure vitality overflowing from her body, and the red light became more intense, and the strands of vitality wandered around in it, which was miraculous and extraordinary.

It has to be said that her brain is still pretty good, and she didn't subconsciously put it away when she saw the beads. No, now she can only abandon it to dispel her doubts.

The treasure she bought so desperately, she has not yet figured out the purpose, but it is used as a wedding dress for someone else!Zhang Zheng suppressed the churning heartache and pretended to be struggling with memories.

"Before I fell into a coma, I seemed to see a burst of white light. That white light made people feel very... very warm and comfortable."

She paused for a moment, then continued: "The location... seems to be not far from me."

After listening to her description, the few of them had the eighth level of mastery. To be able to protect the next person from harm in such a strong ominous atmosphere must be a magic weapon of vitality!
Can't wait to rush back to the place where Zhang Zheng was unearthed, Zhang Xiaoliang swung the earth with a shocking wave, and the soil under his feet was turned upside down.

In the thick loess mud, a fiery red bead is as bright as the sun, and the white light in the bead flows like clouds and mist, which is dazzling and beautiful.

As soon as the beads come out, even if you don't hold them in your hand, you can still feel the vitality overflowing from them, and the smell is pleasant and refreshing.

"It really is a magic weapon of vitality!"

Wen Tianhai, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but exclaimed.

But the ownership of the baby is really a problem.

Logically speaking, it was Zhang Zheng who first discovered the baby, and the baby should belong to her, but the few people present also witnessed the birth of the baby.

The world of comprehension pays attention to morality on the surface, but in fact, it is not uncommon to kill people behind the scenes.

It's okay if there are only one or two people, but at worst, they will fight with shame, and whoever wins will get the magic weapon.

But now there are eight people here, all of them are elite disciples of Wanxuanmen, who are usually upright and awe-inspiring. Now they are gathered together, and they can't do anything to steal people's chances.

Lin Yihan smiled with pity, how could he be willing if he couldn't get such a treasure in front of his eyes!

But we can't be so stalemate, so we can only lament that Baobao is not destined for him, and said freely: "Since Junior Sister Zhang Zheng first discovered the baby, it should be owned by Junior Sister Zhang Zheng."

The rest of the people didn't object when they heard this.

Seeing the deep and faint unwillingness and pity hidden in the eyes of several people, Zhang Zheng knew that even if she kept the baby now, she would not be able to keep the baby in the future, and the news of the strange treasure in her body would spread all over the sky, and then she would be in big trouble.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Zhang Zheng understood the reasoning very well, but she was really upset when she asked her to give up the magic weapon and let the people in front of her get cheap for nothing.

In addition, the uneven distribution of spoils can easily lead to conflicts. At that time, even if they hold grudges against each other, they will not be able to kill each other. Instead, they will easily point the finger at themselves, a powerless and powerless outer disciple.

Zhang Zheng waved his hand in fear and refused, "I am lucky to be able to survive under its protection, Zhang Zheng really can't stand such a magic weapon."

"Brothers and sisters are broad-minded, high-minded, and my sisters are deeply ashamed, and I would like to follow the example of my brothers and sisters. Zhang Zheng voluntarily handed over this treasure to the sect, hoping to make some insignificant contributions to the people of the world."

(End of this chapter)

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