Chapter 25 The Orphan Ninety-Nine
Zhang Zheng took the initiative to pick up the bead, and when he held it in his hand, he was surprised to find that the bead had grown a little.Almost as good as half a fist.

Forget it, after all, the back of this thing is not my own, so why care about it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng handed the beads to Lin Yihan without hesitation, "My storage bag is ruined, please trouble Brother Lin to deliver the beads to the sect."

Lin Yihan observed her expression carefully, and didn't intend to force it, so he took it and put it into the Void Ring.

"You have a heart."

Qin Shuangyan glanced at Zhang Zheng with an inexplicable expression, and her tone did not know whether to be mocking or admiring.

Zhang Zheng grinned at her shyly and did not answer, so he accepted her compliments frankly.

Seeing that the baby's ownership has been settled, Zhang Xiaoliang put away a trace of greed in his heart, and asked: "This place has become a dead place, and there is no trace of demon cultivating activities, what's next?"

Xiao Xiaoning was the first to respond when the senior brother she admired asked, "Since you have no intention of staying here, why don't you go back to the sect?"

The rest of the people looked at each other. It was hard to guarantee that the vision here would not be discovered by other monks. If they followed suit, they might think of the existence of the magic weapon of vitality.

In this case, it is better to return to the sect as soon as possible.

All of Zhang Zheng's magic weapons were lost in the black smoke, including the newly bought flying magic weapon of course.

Therefore, before leaving, she couldn't keep up with the pace of the others.

Several people had sacrificed their magical artifacts and rushed away. No one noticed her embarrassment, but Qin Lingzhi, who had no sense of presence, noticed her.

Qin Lingzhi, who was always not good at words, floated in front of her on a gourd, and said simply: "Come up, I'll take you."

Zhang Zheng glanced at her in astonishment, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Thank you, senior sister, but I still want to find a child. It was entrusted by relatives, and I can't refuse. I'm sorry for disappointing senior sister's kindness."

Hearing this, Qin Lingzhi didn't force her anymore, it was unexpected that she could speak out to help her.

Perhaps it was because she was always neglected in the family when she was a child, so when she saw her falling alone, she suddenly felt pity in her heart, and she made this move.

The yellow stone gourd was drifting away towards the sky, and there was no trace of it anymore, so Zhang Zheng looked away.

She didn't lie to Qin Lingzhi, she really wanted to find a child here.

Maybe she had already gone to other places, or she died somewhere else, since she agreed, at least she had to take action.

This search lasted for a month, and Zhang Zheng searched all over the town for thousands of miles without seeing anyone. Now this Lingshui City is the last town, if she can't find anyone here, she has no choice but to leave.

"Excuse me, sir, have you seen a little girl in the past few months? It should be a wandering person."

The man selling candied haws waved his hands impatiently, "I've never seen it before, there are so many girls, who pays attention to these!"

A woman was buying candied haws for her noisy son. Hearing Zhang Zheng's question, she couldn't help but look sideways at her for a while.

About 20 years old, wide-sleeved clothes clean and tidy, not like a bad guy.The woman made a few points: "How old is the girl, and whether there are any characteristics, such as the clothes and shoes she wears, how can you find out if you ask like this."

Zhang Zheng was taken aback by the question. She didn't know this, so she had to make up an excuse: "It's my aunt's child. A month ago, my aunt and uncle passed away unexpectedly. I heard the news and hurried here from outside. The child It's gone."

She had a sad face, "I was wandering with my parents since I was a child, and I had little contact with my uncle's family. This time I learned about it from a fellow villager by accident. I wanted to take my niece home, but I didn't expect her to disappear. I don't know her. I don't know what clothes I wore when I left, nor my age."

Seeing that she doesn't look like a fake, the woman herself has a child, so she feels some sympathy for her experience.

"In the past two years, the world has been bad, and there have been more people fleeing. You might as well go to the refugee city to look for it."

"Thank you big sister, but where is this refugee city?"

"It's not far, it's in the city. Go into the alley on the right and you'll be there in a quarter of an hour."

Following the direction the woman pointed, Zhang Zheng quickly found the refugee city.

Dirty, messy, poor...

Zhang Zheng felt familiar at first glance. She also lived in this terrible place about 20 years ago. The stench of human body and food waste...stimulates the spirit and makes people sick.

The simple sheds were randomly erected on the ground, and the thin canopy was overwhelmed, as if it would be crushed by a little rain.

It was empty on all sides, and a group of ragged, yellow and thin refugees crowded in, their eyes were empty and empty, as if there was only a shell left.

The city guards in helmets and armor stood guard here solemnly and upright.Prevent refugees from flowing into the city and disturbing order.

Swords and halberds were crossed in front of Zhang Zheng, and the city guard asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for my niece, but I got separated some time ago. I would like to ask this elder brother to be kind and accommodating."

The city guard sized her up, she was dressed neatly and had a good face, and said, "Please show me your household ID."

The customs and rules are strict. In order to prevent fugitives and refugees from fleeing everywhere, all provinces and cities implement the household certificate system.

Zhang Zheng took out the Zhangshuizhou household certificate that had been imitated in advance and handed it to the city guards.

After checking her identity, the city guard let down her vigilance and stopped stopping her. Seeing her a weak woman, she kindly reminded her, "Go in, be careful, there are many vicious refugees inside, come out earlier."

Thanks to the city guards for their kindness, Zhang Zheng went straight into the refugee area, and found that children and women gathered there.

"Jiujiu, are you there? Your grandma asked me to look for you."

There was no response to her cry. Most of the people just looked up at her and then lowered their eyelids, lying or sitting, as if they had already regarded the dirty, smelly ground below them as a coffin that would eventually usher in death.

The oppressive and desperate atmosphere made this space dull, making it difficult to breathe.

There was still no one, and Zhang Zheng was not surprised when he realized this. After all, a little girl disappeared in a land where demon cultivators ravaged, and the most likely death was an accident.

She was just a little uncomfortable, as if a huge rock was pressing on the tip of her heart.

The screams and groans of the dying people in the town, the dead and depressed faces in the refugee area, and the missing girl...

Reason told her that it was not her fault, she was not responsible for the refugee's corpse being revealed to Dao Ye, and it was not her fault for the girl's disappearance.

Even the tragic death of the people in the town was not her subjective intention, she was just a butterfly flapping its wings, unintentionally hastening their death.

But rationality could not fully control her thoughts, emotional emotions were like waves, jumping up and down without stopping.

In a trance, some indistinct connections emerged in her mind, why she happened to join this team, why this team happened to be ambushed by a demon cultivator, why Cao Ran and the formation master would unanimously deal with me. Such a cultivation base is not considered high monk?

Could all this be premeditated?Came for her.

The scene of the entrance trial came to the fore, Moxiu's swearing eyes, the look of being sure to win, could this be a trap planned by them?To get from her what they were looking for.

Zhang Zheng didn't know if his guess was correct, or if it was just a coincidence.All her guesses were wild.

Sighing, since she couldn't find anyone, she should hurry back to the sect.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a boy squeezed out from the crowd. He was dirty all over, and his back was so thin that his spine protruded in a frightening arc.

He stumbled and ran in front of Zhang Zheng, his eagerly extended little hand stopped in the air, paused, and finally retracted and hid behind him.

Unexpectedly, his eyes were as clear as stars, shining with stubborn light.

"If you are looking for Jiujiu from Li Sijia Town, I can take you there, but you have to take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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