I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 28 Law Enforcement Hall

Chapter 28 Law Enforcement Hall

Nine furnace peaks at the outer gate.

A woman with a delicate appearance and a man with a handsome appearance and a peerless posture walked side by side.

This pairing attracted many people's attention, not because of the woman, but because the peerless man was wearing the clothes of the inner disciples.

The direct disciple actually appeared at the outer door!Still traveling with an unnamed female nun who is not very good-looking!
All the way, he faced the blatant scrutiny and scrutiny of everyone, among whom there were many unbelievable and envious eyes.

Zhang Zheng, who became the focus of everyone for the first time, said that it was really hard to resist.

If vision could turn into a knife, she would have been cut into pieces by now.

She secretly glanced at Lin Yihan, who was leisurely and carefree, but he didn't care at all.

I don't know what kind of wind this senior brother Lin has, but he insisted on sending her back, saying that courtesy should be reciprocated, a gentleman's style.

"Senior brother Lin, the room is simple and there is no tea, why don't I invite you to drink tea next time?"

Lin Yihan looked at the small courtyard like a courtyard in front of him, and no longer insisted, and responded with a smile: "Okay, junior sister, let's go in first, and we will meet next time."

Zhang Zheng said goodbye to him, left him alone, and went into the yard by himself.

As soon as she stepped into the small courtyard, she noticed something was wrong. The spirit grass under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree had disappeared, leaving only a small empty pit.

Could it be that the little girls picked it?
She quickly denied this guess. The two little girls didn't even dare to touch it. How could they pick the spirit grass?

"Senior Sister Zhang!"

Zhang Zheng looked out the door, Lin Yihan was standing in front of her yard holding a chubby little boy in one hand.

That voice of Senior Sister Zhang was called by the little chubby who was shivering in Lin Yihan's hand.

"What happened?" Zhang Zheng hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

It's really Senior Sister Zhang!Little Fatty's two chubby legs were pounding excitedly in the air, and he shouted eagerly: "Erya, Erya and the others have been locked up in the Law Enforcement Hall. Senior Sister Zhang, hurry up and rescue them."

"Law enforcement hall!"

Zhang Zheng has been in Wanxuanmen for more than [-] years and has only heard about the name, but has never actually entered the Law Enforcement Hall. What happened to the little girl was actually imprisoned by the Law Enforcement Hall.

Only then did Lin Yihan put Xiaopangdun down, and said, "I'll go with you."

Zhang Zheng didn't refuse, and a personal disciple went with him, even if it was a trick, at least it would be convenient.

On the way, Zhang Zheng finally got the general idea of ​​the matter from Xiaopangdun.

If you really want to talk about it, this disaster has nothing to do with her.

More than two months ago, two little girls introduced Qi into the body one after another. Among the small radish heads, although they were not as qualified as better, they were the first group of the same qualifications to introduce Qi into the body. .

If you are in the limelight, you will naturally be envied by other dishonest people.

I don't know where that person knew that there was a spiritual herb in the little girl's courtyard.Although the spiritual herb is not scarce, for new disciples from the outer sect, it is only good enough to practice qi, but it is absolutely impossible to have it in their hands.

Ever since, the two little girls were reported for stealing the spiritual plant from the Zongmen Lingcao Garden.

Coincidentally, in order to satisfy the curiosity of the new disciples, the teaching brother just took them to the Spiritual Grass Garden, and the Spiritual Grass Garden also happened to lose a spiritual herb after that time.

The law enforcement hall came to investigate, and the species of spiritual grass in the courtyard and the lost spiritual grass also happened to match.

Zhang Zheng was not in the sect, and the two little girls couldn't say anything, and they couldn't prove that they didn't steal the spiritual grass.

The Law Enforcement Hall of the Outer Gate is located in Yudie Peak.

Zhang Zheng explained the purpose of coming to the senior guard, and they entered the side hall of the Law Enforcement Hall to wait.

When the law enforcement disciple saw Lin Yihan, his staid expression instantly became somewhat respectful.

The two little girls were quickly brought out of the prison. Fortunately, the cultivation world does not talk about lynching, and the two little girls had no other damage except for their poor spirits.

The law enforcement disciple clasped his fists and bowed to Lin Yihan, and respectfully said, "Hello, senior brother!"

Lin Yihan waved his hand to signal that he doesn't need to be too polite, "I'm just accompanying Junior Sister Zhang to take a look."

Even if he said he didn't need to pay attention to him, how could such a big living person pretend to be blind?

The law enforcement disciples had no choice but to ignore his existence as much as possible, but the tone of the interrogation was still a lot gentler involuntarily.

"Junior Sister Zhang, do you have evidence to prove that the spirit grass in the courtyard is yours?"

This is like asking, how to prove that the stone on the ground is yours.

Zhang Zheng really didn't have any good ideas. If the spirit grass in the storage bag was still there, it might be able to prove it, but now the spirit grass has turned into a pile of ashes, where can I find evidence?
Lin Yihan, who was acting as an invisible person at the side, suddenly said, "Perhaps, the Shadow Stone can help a little."

The law enforcement disciple brought the jade box containing the spiritual grass, and handed the spiritual grass in it to Lin Yihan.

He took out a fist-sized stone from the mustard seed, the stone was transparent, with silver and white stars shining faintly.

As the spirit grass was pasted on the Reflection Stone, the Reflection Stone began to shimmer, and the image slowly appeared on the stone body, and time was quickly turned back.

The final scene was fixed at the moment when Zhang Zheng planted the spiritual grass, which was much earlier than the theft of the spiritual grass garden.

Now that it has been proved that the girls did not steal the spirit grass from the spirit grass garden, the Law Enforcement Hall immediately released their imprisonment and gave 100 yuan of spirit stones as compensation.

100 Yuan Lingshi is not too much, and it is not much less.

The two little girls took the Lingshi timidly, and quietly hid behind Zhang Zheng, as if seeking shelter.

Thinking about Cao Ran's spies, although it was expected that she would not dare to come to Wanxuanmen again in the future, just in case, Zhang Zheng still informed the Law Enforcement Hall about it.

The disciples of Law Enforcing Hall also looked serious after hearing this, and said seriously: "I will report this matter to the elders of Law Enforcing Hall, thank you for telling me."

The turmoil in the law enforcement hall is over, but Zhang Zheng still feels uneasy.

In addition to the life-saving grace of the secret realm and the matter of guiding the way from the Tibetan Dao Mountain, now senior brother Lin helped him again, Zhang Zheng suddenly realized this, and always felt uneasy and uneasy.

Lin Yihan didn't notice the change in her mood, so he said goodbye to her and left directly towards the inner door.

Back in the yard, Little Fatty still had to hurry to attend the class. This class was taught by Senior Brother Li, who is very good at the outer door, and he couldn't even get a seat if he went late.

The little fat pier followed them from a distance, waved and said hello, and then hurried away.

Seeing that the two little girls were still absent-minded and wandering, Zhang Zheng gave them a meditation formula.

"How do you think about it?"

"Ah?" The little girls said in a daze, completely out of the situation.

Zhang Zheng sighed, "I also have a certain responsibility for this matter, and I can't give you compensation for the time being. If you are willing, why not give you this spiritual herb."

Hearing this, Tingting waved her hands again and again, a blush appeared on her pale face, and she stammered, "This...it's not my fault. Senior sister. We don't...don't want compensation."

Er Ya also picked up, "That's right, don't blame Senior Sister, we...we also want to thank Senior Sister for saving us."

Seeing their insistence, Zhang Zheng had no choice but to take back the spirit grass, looked at their dejected little faces, frowned and said, "Someone must have done this on purpose, do you know who it is? Do you need my help to deal with it?"

The two little girls looked at each other, shook their heads persistently, and said, "We know who it is, it doesn't matter, we can handle it ourselves. Sister, don't worry."

Little girls will grow up too, and Zhang Zheng couldn't help sighing when he noticed a trace of determination in their eyes.

In this cruel, merciless and ever-changing world of comprehension, children's minds cannot go far. They are immersed in this big dye vat of variegated colors, and they will always slowly become colored.

Being able to comprehend it as soon as possible is considered a good thing in the world of comprehension.

(End of this chapter)

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