Chapter 29 Metamorphosis
Although Zhang Zheng suffered heavy losses in the trip to Zhangshuizhou to eliminate demons, she also gained a lot. Compared with the two, the gains made her very happy, and she didn't think the trip was unintentional.

Although she was eager to retreat and practice to deepen her comprehension, she still held back her thoughts.

Now there are still some things to prepare, at least the spirit stones for renting the cave must be available.

Zhang Zheng went to the mission hall to settle the mission. Although the demon-killing party had many twists and turns and was not considered a success, the mission still had to be returned to the mission hall.

"Exorcism from Zhangshui Prefecture!"

Brother Mission Hall exclaimed, "There are still people who came back alive."

Anyone else?
Zhang Zheng caught the key point. Could it be that someone came back before her?

Recalling the back of Cao Ran running away in a hurry, could it be her?

Zhang Zheng quickly denied this idea. As a spy of Moxiu, she should not act so boldly.

"Excuse me, brother, who is the person you said is still alive?"

He flipped through the task book, and sighed after hearing the words, "Junior Sister Zhang is still lucky, but Junior Sister Tan is much more miserable. Although she also saved her life, it is said that her injuries were extremely serious. She fell into a coma not long after she came back. Haven't woken up yet."

"Well, although the town is destroyed, the mission rewards are still settled as usual because the Zongmen made a wrong assessment of the demon cultivators and all the demon cultivators were eradicated."

A total of 550 low-grade spirit stones and [-] merit points.Excluding Cao Ran, there were five of them in the party, which was just enough to divide them equally.

Zhang Zheng only accepted two thousand spirit stones and 110 merit points, and pushed back the rest of the rewards.

"I only take mine. As for Senior Sister Tan, she will come and pick it up when she wakes up. Return the rest to the sect."

The senior brother looked up at her in surprise, and seeing that she had left without hesitation, he shook his head while putting away the spirit stone and merit points.

what a weirdo...

Then, Zhang Zheng went to the Hall of Merit and exchanged all 110 merit points for spirit stones and an ordinary storage bag.

In this way, Zhang Zheng counted the spirit stones in the storage bag, and found a total of 700 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, barely enough for her cultivation in the next few years.

When I came to Shisanmai Mountain again, the old man who guarded the mountain was still a familiar person from last time.

"Elder, may I ask how many spirit stones are needed for the experience of Thirteen Mountains?"

The Thirteen Mountains are not the only caves for rent, there are hundreds of training places in this mountain range, the name matches the Thirteen Mountains, it is called the Thirteen Mountains.

It's a pity that the terrain of the Thirteen Mountains is remote, and even though it is located in the Thirteen Mountains, the aura is thinner than that of the outer sect.

Over the years, with the opening of small secret realms for trials, monks can not only achieve the purpose of experience in the small secret realms, but if they have the opportunity, they can even find some magic weapons.

In contrast, it is not surprising that Thirteen Mountain Ren, who is comparable to hard work, has fewer and fewer disciples who come here to practice, and often there is not one in a few years.

Today a disciple suddenly came and asked about Thirteen Shanren. The elder guarding the mountain lazily leaned on the recliner, looking up at the ordinary female disciple in front of him.

He raised his elbow, glanced at the dusty stele next to the stone stele engraved with the lease of the cave, "Look for yourself."

The stele is obviously rarely wiped, and the walls have been covered with layers of thin dust.

The old man flicked his sleeves lightly, Xu Feng suddenly rose out of thin air, blowing all the thin ash down.

"Thirteen hills to experience training ground, enter and exit with a token, ten low-grade spirit stones for one foot, and one hundred low-grade spirit stones for thirteen feet. There is no time limit for entering, and it will be invalid when you leave."

Zhang Zheng weighed the spirit stone in the storage bag. It might take a year or two for her to comprehend the art of transformation, and she will rent the cave for two years first.

There are thirteen hundred spirit stones left.

"Elder, please rent the cave for two years, thirteen times and ten times."

Zhang Zheng respectfully handed over three thousand spirit stones to the old man.

The old man looked up at her again, smoothed the hem of his clothes, and got up from the rocking recliner.

He walked to one side of the stone wall, used his finger as a pen, and drew a few strokes slowly on it, leaving deep marks like sword carvings on the hard stone wall, penetrating three points into wood, and the pen was sharp.

Afterwards, he turned around and handed her two tokens, one Dongfu Token and one Thirteen Ren Token.

The old man lazily lay down on the chair again, closed his eyes and said leisurely: "With the token, you can enter and exit Thirteen Ren ten times. Thirteen Ren is dangerous and difficult. Don't be impatient and eager for quick success. Do what you can."

Zhang Zheng thanked the old man for his instructions, put the token in the storage bag, and went straight to the cave.

Zhang Zheng sat cross-legged on the futon, with his five hearts facing the sky, and began to work the neutralization formula.

With the operation of the Huasheng Jue, the nine orifices in the body wake up from rest, and the mellow vitality is slowly spit out from it, and it travels around the body under the guidance of the spiritual consciousness.

An opalescent halo overflowed from Zhang Zheng's lustrous skin, completely enveloping her like a radiant snow-white giant egg.

Where is life and death?

Life is based on the gathering of essence, death is due to the dispersion of essence.

All things are in harmony with each other, when it reaches yin, it becomes yang, when it reaches yang, it becomes yin, when it reaches yang, it attracts harm, and when it reaches yin, it attracts mistakes. Only yin and yang harmonize and help each other, which is the way of survival.

Either the yin prospers and the yang declines, or the yang prospers and the yin degenerates, the other cuts me and damages me, and the two harm each other.Use the way of transforming life to supplement the yin and yang to reconcile them. If it is extremely poor, it will lead to yin and yang, and yang to yin.


If you don't put it to death, how can you be born later?If you don't jump into the sea of ​​fire, how can you be reborn in Nirvana?
A thick and simple Dao Yun centered on Zhang Zheng and scattered in all directions.

The sorrow of dying, the tragedy of dying...

In a radius of ten miles, birds, beasts, snakes, insects, spiritual plants and common grass... everything suddenly returned to death.It seems to be in a boundless and silent hell, the land is barren and dark, and there is no trace of life.

Everything is dead, and from the ruins, strands of metamorphosis suddenly emerge, revived.

The dead trees are in spring, and the green color is restored, the beasts are singing and the insects are singing, the birds are leaping by the fish, and it is bustling.There are long clouds in the green mountains, plump peach blossoms in Linxi, the shadow of the moon falls on the clear springs, and a few fish swim happily.

After everything dies, it returns to a scene of vitality and everything.

Rebirth after death is one of the ways of transforming life.

The simple and mysterious Dao Yun returned to Zhang Zheng, and through the flesh and skin, he reconciled with her spirit and soul, harmoniously and harmoniously.

It's like a clear sound from heaven and earth, and it's like that big sound, which has never been heard.

Zhang Zheng's eyes suddenly opened, and a ray of undissipated light swayed in his eyes, like sparkling water, gradually melting into his body.

She got up and went to the cave, and stroked a winter plum in front of her with her left hand, and the withered petals fell slowly on her palm.

The aura mixed with milky white vitality lingered on the withered petals, and the next moment, the withered petals stretched out again.

The mystery of metamorphosis, green branches grow on a piece of fallen flowers, and a tiny bit of them grows into Qiongzhi.

Seeing this, Zhang Zheng smiled brightly and brightly, his eyes were soft and bright.

She finally did it!

Replanting the flower branches at Dongmei's feet, Zhang Zheng closed his eyes, feeling the strands of pure vitality that came back from it.

The slender and strong newborn... is fearless and fearless.

Zhang Zheng suddenly felt the meaning of peace in his heart, far away and bright.

She is not cocky, and she humbly admits that she knows little.

It is precisely because of humility that the yearning heart does not float on the surface, but sinks under the feet.

The way of metamorphosis is mysterious and ancient, and she is lucky to be able to touch one of them.

But she will not stop here, since she saw the great road in the distance, she walked on despite the obstacles.

(End of this chapter)

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