Chapter 30
That day's comprehension of Huasheng Jue not only improved her state of mind, but also greatly improved her cultivation base, and she was only a short step away from the tenth level of Qi training.

Zhang Zheng spent some time in the cave to consolidate his cultivation and mastered the Fan Hua Sheng Jue.

In this way, when she stepped out of the cave again, nearly two years had passed.

Thirteen Mountains is located on the deep side of the inner gate of Shisanmai Mountain. The mountains are thousands of feet high, with dangerous peaks standing tall and jagged rocks. Extraordinary, it is frightening to look at.

Each ren has a different way of experience, and if you enter from the entrance, you can only go forward and not back, until you find the exit, you will pass.

If you really can't pass, you can use the token to send it out, but this is the end of one experience, and you need to hand in the spirit stone to enter.

According to the order, Zhang Zheng first came to the first hill—Xiaoxuan Mountain.

The mountain wall at the entrance depicts the content of the experience with swords: Xiaoxuanshan is a speed test, and there are obstacles inside, and you can climb out if you pass within ten breaths.

Thirteen Mountain Ren was set up by the third head of Wanxuan Sect. The difficulty of all trials in Ren can be adjusted according to the practitioner's cultivation and strength, and the flexibility is quite high.

Zhang Zheng's agility technique is only the first-level high-grade spell "Lighting Body Jue", and it is not difficult to learn it, but it is not easy to master it.

On the contrary, he can use this to practice the "Light of Body Jue" to a great success, and he will have a little more life in escaping in the future.

Zhang Zheng had just stepped into Xiaoxuanshan, and the scene in front of him changed suddenly. There was a black stone under his feet, which could accommodate two people standing at the same time.

Under the black stone is the abyss, the bottom cannot be seen at a glance, as if if you stumble and fall, you will fall straight into the eighteen hells, never seeing the light of day.

When she looked at the surrounding environment, a winding stone road suddenly appeared in front of her, and each black stone was ten feet apart.

Could it be that she was asked to step on stones?

Before Zhang Zheng could figure it out, the black stone under his feet trembled suddenly. At the same time as the black stone fell into the abyss, Zhang Zheng ran the "Light Body Jue", jumped into the air, and quickly jumped onto the black stone in front of him.

Before he could stand still, the black stone under his feet began to tremble again, and he almost lost his footing. Zhang Zheng didn't dare to have any more distracting thoughts, so he withdrew his thoughts and focused on the stone road under his feet.

The moment Zhang Zheng stepped on the last black stone, a stick of cigarette smoke appeared in the air, and the smoke merged into a few large characters - Yue Bai breath.

It was time for her to pass the stone road, Zhang Zheng sighed, it was too far away from Shixi.

The smoke dissipated in an instant, and another stone road appeared in front of it.

Dispelling the faint urgency in his heart, Zhang Zheng set foot on the stone road again with a sinking heart.Once it's over, do it again, faster and more stable each time.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Zheng noticed that the smoke had turned into eleven breaths.

Soon, she will be within ten breaths, with repeated practice like this, the "Light Body Jue" has also improved rapidly, and it is only one step away from Dacheng.

The stone road reappeared, Zhang Zheng stepped on the second black stone with ease, and then jumped to the third one, but the moment he landed, the third black stone disappeared.

Before he could react in time, Zhang Zheng fell straight into the abyss, and the wind howled and rolled over his face. The next moment, Zhang Zheng appeared on the first stone road again.

This experience was so exciting that his heart was beating like a drum. Zhang Zheng calmed down his shock, and then his eyes fell on the stone with extra caution.

This time, she slowed down her speed, and sure enough, the stone disappeared before stepping on it.

Zhang Zheng, who had expected it for a long time, urged the "Light Body Jue" again, turned around suddenly, and stepped steadily on a black stone.

More interest.

This turtle speed is back to the starting point.

Zhang Zheng maintained an unhurried state of mind, training over and over again, first seeking stability, and gradually speeding up.


Three months later, the stone wall at the entrance of Xiaoxuan Mountain had a flash of inspiration, and a figure suddenly appeared.

Zhang Zheng tidied up his messy clothes and hair. The speed was so fast that his hairstyle was messed up by the strong wind. A few strands of hair on his forehead stood straight up like a bun.

Before going to the next hill, Zhang Zheng looked back at Xiaoxuan Mountain again. Although it was a bit tricky, the black stones behind were not only hundreds of feet apart, but also appeared randomly, causing her to fall into the abyss several times.

But the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, and the effect of practicing here is really amazing.

Her "Lightweight Jue" has already broken through to great success, and she even has some extra insights, the speed is far faster than the "Lightweight Jue".

The wind is blowing and the day is day, and the scenery is rushing westward. Five years of sunshine, but a few breaths pass quietly.

Zhang Zheng has entered No.12 Ren - Xiaoyin Mountain.

The first ten ren were tested for strength, law, spirit, and measurement... Zhang Zheng only passed six of them, but the four ren of strength, array, sword, and wisdom stopped in the middle and could not make further progress.

Zhang Zheng is very contented. During this period of time, she has greatly improved in all aspects.

Perhaps it was due to the exercise "Neutralization and Transformation", or perhaps it was the disappearance of Jingzeshu's suppression, her cultivation speed has become a leap-like existence compared to before.

Breaking through two steps in a row, the cultivation base has now broken through to the eleventh level of Qi training, and there are even faint signs of breaking through the twelve levels of Qi training.

Unexpectedly, there was no trial introduction in Xiaoyin Mountain. Zhang Zheng looked around the stone wall and saw no trace.

We have to treat Xiaoyin Mountain as something special.

As soon as Fang stepped into Xiaoyin Mountain, the familiar sense of time and space transformation hit.

Opening his eyes again, the scene in front of him made Zhang Zheng speechless.

The old beggar shook the four poor copper coins in his hands. Hearing the crisp clang of the copper plates, a smile appeared on his deeply wrinkled face.

"My son is very capable today, and I asked for four copper coins for me."

Zhang Zheng stood there in a daze, not avoiding the big hand he stretched out, and the rough palm full of old dirt fell on the top of the villain's withered yellow and sparse hair, and rubbed it vigorously.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Meeting her stupid gaze, the corner of the old beggar's loose mouth twitched, and he grabbed a half-bitten steamed bun and stuffed it into her hand.

"Eat quickly! Don't look for me if you starve to death and turn into a ghost."

Only then did Zhang Zheng turn his gaze to the steamed bun in his hand. The steamed bun had become cold and dry, and the snow-white dough was rolled with a layer of plaster, and there were two rows of gaping teeth marks.

Zhang Zheng suddenly felt boundless bitterness, like a heavy weight, which made her chest tight and hard to breathe.

The cold and hard steamed buns were stuffed into her mouth. Zhang Zheng bit her mouth so hard that her teeth ached, but she ignored it and tried to swallow it into her stomach.

The pattering tears poured down like a flood dam, stained the steamed buns, and flowed into the mouth, bitter, astringent, and extremely unpalatable.

The old beggar was startled by her, clapped her hands quickly, and shouted: "Eating so fast, I choked to death!"

Zhang Zheng sideways avoided his hand, and stubbornly stuffed the steamed bun into his mouth, mixed with muddy tears.

The old beggar was really frightened at this time, he grabbed the steamed bun back with all his strength, and was so angry that he couldn't breathe, and cursed.

"What's the matter, I want to die! Old... I picked you up from the pile of dead people, and I want you to... provide for my old age. If you dare to seek death, I will beat you to death first!"

After a burst of cursing, the old beggar's hands shook so badly that the steamed buns fell to the ground.

Zhang Zheng's emaciated body curled up into a ball, trembling uncontrollably, with his head buried in his arms and weeping loudly.

After crying for a long time, Zhang Zheng suddenly felt a big hand spread out her palm, and then, the palm was warm.

She raised her teary face, and two copper plates were lying in her hands, with the old beggar's body temperature still remaining on them.

The old beggar gave her a disgusted look, and said weakly, "Isn't it just a steamed bun, and it's not like I haven't eaten it before."

"Here, I'll give you two copper coins, and I'll go buy buns for myself."

Zhang Zheng tightly squeezed the two solitary copper plates in the palm of her hand, and the hard copper plates hurt her hand.But she didn't seem to realize it, her heart hurt even more, the pain was severe.

(End of this chapter)

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