Chapter 35
The age is hard to catch up, and the white horse is too late.

After Zhang Zheng bid farewell to the two little girls, he followed the team into the inner gate.

There are 31 people in total, 25 of them are the top ones in the outer sect test, and the other six are people personally selected by the elders or recommended by the inner sect disciples.

This is the second time Zhang Zheng has stepped into the Tibetan Daoshan Conference Hall.

Zangdao Mountain is still misty, with green peaks and green waves layered on top of each other. In this fairyland, the conference hall on the top of the mountain is more and more clear with glass, and the clouds are smooth and the sea is flat, just like the former residence of immortals.

It was the first time for all the outer disciples to come here, facing the tens of imposing elders sitting in the meeting hall, they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

As usual, the head of the sect congratulated the disciples from the outer sect on their promotion to the inner sect and placed high hopes on them.

Afterwards, it was the elders who chose the disciples.

"Who is Tan Ying?"

Hua Zhengnan asked loudly.

Zhang Zheng looked forward to Tan Ying. She had a great reputation in this outer test, and she won every test easily and effortlessly.

Tan Ying stepped forward gracefully, bowed upright and responded: "Disciple Tan Ying, I have met the elder."

It's a courtesy.

Hua Zhengnan nodded silently in his heart, and said softly, "Would you like to join my Qinglin lineage and be Hua Zhengnan's personal disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, all the outer disciples cast envious glances at Tan Ying. It's a great honor to pass on disciples personally!

However, Tan Ying's face remained unchanged, and she generously bowed to the teacher, and said softly, "Disciple Tan Ying pays homage to the master."

Received a proud disciple, Hua Zhengnan was in a good mood, praised her a few words, and directly called her behind him.

Presumably after returning to Qinglin Peak, the rewards will be generous.

After that, no elder opened his mouth to accept disciples.

Although the rest of the disciples couldn't help feeling sorry, they also felt that it was normal, it was not easy to enter the inner sect, so why should they think more.

The head of the sect stroked the white beard, "There are nine veins in the inner sect, namely Lingjian, Tiance, Fahua, Qinglin, Qihuo, Danxia, ​​Xingfu, Yunfeng, and Shuanglian. Among them, Tiance, Danxia, Weapon Fire and Xing Talisman are good at the four veins and the four skills, and they belong to the school of cultivating the four skills. You should choose one of the veins to join."

Zhang Zheng didn't have a preference for which branch, but the school of four skills would definitely not choose.

For the remaining five veins, remove Qing Lin who Tan Ying joined, and just choose any vein to join.

Picking as she wished, Zhang Zheng engraved the word "Fahua" on the token in her hand. From then on, she was a disciple of Fahua in the inner sect.

All disciples have chosen factions to join, and the ceremony of entering the inner sect is over.

As a group of disciples were about to leave the meeting hall, a transmission sounded, and the master called her to stay for now.

Zhang Zheng was half a step behind, and returned to the meeting hall after the disciples disappeared.

The head and elders are still there, including Tan Ying who has just become a direct disciple.

In addition, there was a woman with a peerless appearance, standing behind an elder, the two chatted and laughed from time to time, with a brisk look on their faces.

"Disciple Zhang Zheng, I don't know why the master is looking for a disciple?"

The head didn't answer, but looked her up and down, Zhang Zheng also looked at the strange woman behind the elder calmly.

She gave people an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if she had seen it somewhere.

The woman raised her eyes just in time to meet Zhang Zheng's gaze, her brows and eyes were soft, and she returned a faint smile.

Zhang Zheng quickly looked away, feeling a little flustered by her smile, but she finally knew why there was a sense of familiarity?

She has six points of eyebrows and eyes similar to Senior Brother Lin Yihan, but her temperament is more awe-inspiring and frosty, her skin is softer than snow, and her muscles are icy and her bones are as good as the poem, "Autumn water is the god and jade is the bone".

When her expression is cold, she looks like a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens, but she can be seen from a distance but not up close. If she bends her eyebrows and smiles slightly, she is as warm as the ice and snow melting, the breeze and the moon.

As expected of the person who was hailed as a goddess by Qi Qi, a disciple of Wanxuanmen—Lin Xiaoxiao.

The headmaster put on an amiable demeanor, and said in relief: "Don't worry, it won't be a bad thing to call you here."

Seeing that her senior brother still seemed to be trying to play tricks and tease people's appetite, and then thinking about her good disciple's entrustment, Liu Ruqing coughed lightly.

"Brother Sect Leader, don't be a fool, look, you are frightening children."

The face of the sect master didn't change, and he said calmly: "Senior Brother Liu is just thinking about what to say about what Junior Sister Liu said."

"Ahem." He turned to Zhang Zheng, and said slowly, "It's really a great achievement for you to give the Summoning Fire Seal to the Zongmen, and the Zongmen can't take advantage of the disciples for nothing."

"Nianru has a good heart, character and conduct, and it is really rare to be promoted to the inner sect with the five spiritual roots. The sect decided to allow you to enter the Zhenqi Pavilion and choose a treasure by yourself."

Zhang Zheng has never heard of the existence of the Zhenqi Pavilion, but seeing the envy of the elders present here from time to time, it must be an excellent treasure.

He readily agreed, "Disciple Zhang Zheng thanked the Zongmen for the reward."

"It's just," the headmaster narrowed his eyes slightly, letting out a gleam of light, "I still have one thing to ask you to stay."

After saying those words, the headmaster took out a clear and extraordinary jade box, opened it, and a round bead lay quietly in it, dazzling fiery red and flaming.

A stream of pure vitality slowly rippled through the hall.

Everyone here is attracted by it, surrounded by vitality, with a comfortable look on their faces.

Especially Tan Ying, who was silent, took a deep breath calmly at this moment, with an obsessed look on her face.

Zhang Zheng naturally failed to notice this abnormality, all she could see was the red fruit the size of a fingernail next to the summoning fire seal.

How could it be here!

In the town of Zhangshuizhou, Zhang Zheng only found beads around her when she woke up, and thought that the red fruit she brought from Dongtianju Shun had been swallowed by black smoke like other spiritual things.

Why is it lying on the side of the bead perfectly at this moment?

She was sure that it was impossible to give the red fruit to Lin Yihan in a trance at that time, so there was only one possibility.

Zhang Zheng's eyes quietly fell on the summoning fire seal with deep resentment. The resentment was so deep that if the summoning fire seal had a spirit, he would be frightened and trembling.

The headmaster's words later clearly confirmed her conjecture.

He twisted the small vermilion fruit, "Zhaohuoyin suddenly spit out this thing, it looks like a fruit, and there is not much record in the ancient books."

He turned his eyes away from Zhang Zheng and walked around the hall, "This time, I also want you to take a look together. Do you know what this is?"

Which of the elders present here is not a person who has traveled far and wide and has extensive knowledge. At this time, he has searched through his memory and looked at each other. He has never seen anything like it, and he has never even heard of it.

An elder guessed: "This fruit looks devoid of spirit, is it just an ordinary wild fruit?"

Duan Wuwei shook his head, "It shouldn't be something ordinary if it can be spit out by the Summoning Fire Seal."

Zhang Zheng just felt heartbroken, although the cheap master looked unreliable, but Zhu Guo was a real good thing.

Wouldn't it be a heavenly and earthly treasure for her to be able to rival the dual spiritual roots with her five spiritual roots?

But at this moment, she could only pretend to be confused, pretending that it had been eaten by black smoke.

Facing the questioning gaze of the head master, Zhang Zheng looked confused and confused, "Go back to the head master, I don't know what this is."

That's right, although this disciple discovered the Summoning Fire Seal, she was only protected by the Summoning Fire Seal by chance, how could she know the things in the Summoning Fire Seal.

The leader was inevitably disappointed when he didn't get the answer he wanted, but he quickly calmed down.

That being the case, let's continue to keep it together with the Summoning Fire Seal for a good life.

"Uncle Master, can you allow me to take a closer look at this fruit?"

Lin Xiaoxiao asked respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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