Chapter 36 Qingluan
The head of the sect paused as he was about to put away the fruit. Seeing that he was one of the most outstanding disciples in Wanxuanmen's life, he smiled and agreed, and casually threw the fruit to her.

Lin Xiaoxiao took Zhu Guo and looked at it for a moment, her eyes flashed across, she raised her head and replied: "I have seen similar records in the family collection."

"In the realm of the void and the eastern wilderness, there is a spiritual fruit Nirvana, which is red like blood and shaped like human eyes. Taking it can wash the sutras and cut the marrow, and temper the blood."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

You must know that since the Huaifeng Continent was demoted to the lower realm, there has been no such thing as washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow for tens of millions of years.

The only extant one that has the effect of washing scriptures is Jinggu Pill. As a seventh-level panacea, there are only two masters in the world who can refine it.

Even so, there is only [-]% certainty of the effect of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow. If there is a mistake, the bones will be broken and you will become a cripple.

Not to mention it is such a legendary strange thing that can temper blood.

The head of the sect was also frightened at this time, and hurriedly asked: "Are you sure?"

Lin Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and after thinking hard, she still said firmly: "There should be no mistake. The thing of Nirvana and Yang is rumored to be condensed by the blood of the phoenix, and it should be the only thing that can be intact in the Summoning Fire Seal. "

Wash the sutras and cut the marrow?Zhang Zheng nodded secretly. It is indeed useful, but for tempering blood, she is not a monster, and there is no special blood in her body, so she can't understand it.

It is better to return such strange things to the head, Lin Xiaoxiao stepped forward and was about to return Nirvana to the head.

There was a sudden clear sound, which was deafening, and everyone present was defenseless and couldn't react for a while.

"Gudong", Lin Xiaoxiao's hands were empty, and Nirvana disappeared without a trace.

A blue dumpling landed on her shoulder, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a baby blue luan.

The mung bean-sized eyeballs rolled around, looking at everyone in the hall, and they could see the color of satisfaction from the down on their face.

This dead bird... actually ate Nirvana? !

Anyway, Zhu Guo couldn't return to his hands, so Zhang Zheng watched the hall being messed up in a leisurely manner.

In the whole hall, apart from Zhang Zheng, there was one other person who was at ease, that was Tan Ying who was like an invisible person.

To be precise, she had no other people or things in her eyes at all, and only looked at Zhang Zheng thoughtfully from time to time.

The head of the sect made a sudden move, as fast as lightning, shrinking the ground to an inch and was about to catch Qingluan.

Although the Qingluan chick is small, its body is extremely nimble, jumping up and down, the headmaster is hindered by the rest of the hall and dare not exert all his strength, so he can't do anything about it for a while.


The head of the sect sacrificed the golden whip, and the whip was bound straight towards Qingluan like a living thing.

The attack was menacing, and the Qingluan chick was frightened now, the surroundings were covered with dense nets, and there was nowhere to escape.

A shrewdness flashed in Mung Bean's eyes, and Qingluan rushed towards Lin Xiaoxiao with a hush, biting Lin Xiaoxiao's skin and swallowing blood beads with lightning speed.

The power of the world was rumbling, and Fan Tiansuo was unable to move even an inch under the pressure of the power of the world, watching helplessly as the contract was completed.

The oath was made, and the chick Qingluan went straight into Lin Xiaoxiao's dantian by virtue of the contract, and refused to come out even if she died.

Everyone in the main hall was left in a daze, as well as Lin Xiaoxiao who looked dazed.

As a contract person, she didn't even have time to react, so she was inexplicably entered into an equal contract.

Logically speaking, the contract requires the consent of both parties, but as a rare spirit beast in the world and a descendant of the ancient phoenix, Qingluan is always favored by heaven.

Unwillingly, the head took back the Fantiansuo that was fluttering in the air, sat back on the chair, and glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao with a dejected expression.

"Forget it, it's my nephew's chance."

For a moment, all the elders looked at Lin Xiaoxiao silently with complex expressions.

Liu Ruqing was the first to react, and called her stunned apprentice back to her side, stood up and bowed towards the main hall, and said calmly: "It was originally a thing of my Wanxuanmen, but today it happened to be my apprentice's indirectly. Chance."

She looked apologetic, "It's a foregone conclusion now, but as a master, I should still be responsible for this matter."

After pausing for a moment, she turned to the head of the sect, and said seriously: "Liu Ruqing is willing to dedicate a spiritual vein of Shuanglian Peak to the sect, and it will be regarded as my apology to the sect on behalf of the disciple."

If it was the past, no one would love to hear about Shuanglian Peak's spiritual veins, but now that Zhuyu is in front of her, if she hears about it again, she will feel that there is nothing else, and even feel dissatisfied.

How could the value of Nirvana be comparable to that of a spiritual vein?

But just like what Liu Ruqing said, now that the dust has settled, as a respected elder of the sect, he can't snatch opportunities from his juniors and make people laugh at him.

No matter how dissatisfied, you can only grit your teeth and swallow your blood.

In addition, anyway, there is only one nirvana, and even if it is kept, it may not be in anyone's hands. Instead, a spiritual vein is more profitable for them.

Thinking of this, all the elders expressed their attitudes one after another, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, showing no concern at all.

"It's also the luck of Wanxuan Sect that nephew has this opportunity, Elder Liu doesn't need to care about it."

In this way, the only person here who cares is probably Zhang Zheng alone.

Why didn't a single spirit beast come here admiringly when she took out the vermilion fruit to examine it before?
The Qingluan chick is originally the son of the phoenix, and after eating such a rare thing that tempers the bloodline, nine out of ten it may return to the bloodline of the ancient fairy beast Phoenix.

Forming a pact with the auspicious beast, the phoenix, is so gorgeous and domineering!

As if he had missed a billion dollars, Zhang Zheng sighed like an old man. He could only say that sometimes there must be a hit, and there is no time to force it.

Even if Qingluan ate the fruit in her hand, nine out of ten he would not look down on her as a contract person.

After all, it was nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water.

Forget it, falling into Lin Xiaoxiao's hands is better than falling into someone's hands, after all, her brother saved her life anyway.


An inexplicable farce finally subsided, Zhang Zheng treasured the Zhenqi Pavilion secret order from the head, and left the meeting hall.

Below each peak of the Nine Meridians of the Inner Sect, there are many secondary mountains. Zhang Zheng first reported to the main mountain, Fahua, and then received his inner disciple's clothing and annual salary, and then replaced the token with the Inner Sect disciple's Xuanshi Token.

The master of Fahua Peak is Duan Wuwei, the third elder of Wanxuan sect today, who was cultivated in the late Yuanying period, and he has five direct disciples, Zhang Xiaoliang is one of them.

Except for the elder and his direct disciple Dongfu who are located in Fahua Mountain, the rest of the disciples live in Faming Mountain, and the other three secondary mountains are used for disciples' cultivation and experience.

There are three spiritual veins buried under Fahua Mountain, which can be described as rich and mellow spiritual energy. When you are in it, you may feel that your body and mind are washed by the spiritual energy, light and joyful, just by breathing.

Although Faming Mountain is slightly inferior, it is far beyond where the outer gate is located, and there is a spiritual vein buried underground.

Zhang Zheng found his own cave, and set up a ban with his own breath with the token, which means he has successfully settled in the inner sect.

After counting the items, Zhang Zheng couldn't help being amazed even though he had expected it.

The annual salary of the inner disciples and the outer disciples is completely different, the difference between clouds and mud!
The storage bag is made of auspicious cloud patterns sewn with gold and silver threads, and the space is thousands of square meters. The dusty storage bag at the outer door, which is only a dozen square meters, is completely incomparable.

The annual salary is [-] low-grade spirit stones, ten bottles of second-order spirit-gathering pills, five bottles of second-order Huiling pills, plus one copy of classics and jade slips below the third floor of the Zangshu Pavilion.

As usual, Zhang Zheng was most concerned about Zangshu Pavilion, and he came here for this reason when he desperately entered the inner door.

After carefully reviewing the rules for disciples, I also learned a lot about various things in the inner sect.

The layout of the inner door Zangshu Pavilion is similar to that of the outer door. Contribution points and spirit stones are required to enter or purchase, but the fifth floor of Zangshu Pavilion is somewhat different.

The fifth floor of Zangshuge must hold the secret order of the Zongmen to enter the borrowing room, and it is said that there are only two or three people who have entered the fifth floor with the secret order of the Zongmen in the past hundred years, and they are all people who have made great contributions to the Zongmen.

In addition, it is the treatment of inner disciples.

Inner sect disciples do not need to pay sect contribution points every year, and there is no assessment.

As long as you become an inner disciple, it doesn't matter how you live, as long as you don't violate the clan rules, even if you stay in the cave all your life and don't come out, no one cares.

Of course, it is impossible for the Zongmen to be so dedicated and support a group of inner disciples for nothing.If the sect has an order to assign you to do something, you must obey it and cannot refuse.

Therefore, there is no free lunch in the sky, and any pie has its price secretly, and you will only be asked to pay it back in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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