Chapter 4 Fanshadi

The sky is full of yellow sand, and there is no trace of anger in thousands of miles.The only exception is a thin and thin figure who is struggling to move forward in this boundless sand sea.This person is Zhang Zheng who was thrown out of Dongtianju earlier.

She has been stopping and going in this ghost place for nearly a year, and the initial respect for that cheap master has long been worn away, and there are only countless resentments.

If she was given another chance to start over, although she would still choose this path, she would definitely beat up that dog master first.

I don't know what kind of strange thing the Jingze tree floating in the dantian is. She has a mortal body and doesn't eat or drink for half a year without feeling tired.

For the thousand and one time Zhang Zheng raised his head and looked into the distance, there was still endless yellow sand, and even the air was dry and dry.Not to mention aquatic plants, even the common scorpions and bugs in the desert have never been seen.It's like another haunted place.

She also tried to practice this year, but the aura here is too thin, and the speed is really not flattering. It can be said that even a drop of water a day should accumulate into a small puddle, but the aura in her body goes out of shape along the meridians. Couldn't last a lap.

Cultivation failed, so she simply devoted herself to enlightenment.

What is her way?
Zhang Zheng couldn't figure it out, she had only been in touch with practice for five years, and she was obliged to recite a practice formula according to the scriptures, but she still couldn't understand the word "Tao".

Every sentence of Master Cheap emphasized the importance of the Tao, and one cannot truly set foot on the path of practice without one's own Tao, but he did not tell her what the Tao is and where to find it.

A gust of hurricane rose from the flat ground, and Zhang Zheng, who was unprepared, was blown away by the wind, kept rolling in the air, and finally landed in embarrassment, with a mouthful of sand stuffed in his mouth.

"Zhuzi, where can I escape!"

Zhang Zheng was about to get up, when a powerful roar almost shattered her ears, and hurriedly got down on the ground and burrowed into the sand by the way, only half of her body was exposed.

Soon, two figures, one black and one brown, galloped past her head.

The chasing brown dot suddenly threw out a golden treasure like a pagoda. The magic weapon circled in the air and swelled up, covering the sky in an instant. The man in black couldn't escape. It lasted for half an hour before it shattered, and the pagoda immediately retracted it into the body of the tower, and then retracted to its original shape and was taken back into the sleeve by the man in brown.

The man in brown was also exhausted at this moment, even Yukong couldn't hold on, so he had to temporarily fall down, preparing to return to the sect after his spiritual energy recovered.

Just now he had concentrated all his attention on fighting skills, and now he just stood on the sand, the man in brown realized that there were little bugs hiding in the dark.

"Who is here!"

Knowing that he had been exposed, Zhang Zheng hurriedly crawled out of the sand, and explained tremblingly: "The junior is just lost, I don't know that the senior is here to arrest the bad guys."

The man in brown looked like a torch, and scanned Zhang Zheng up and down, and saw that the aura around him was shallow, but his first level of Qi training finally eased his guard, but.

"You are a Qi training cultivator, why are you here in Fansha Land?"

Zhang Zheng didn't dare to hide it completely, so he had to half-tell the truth: "This junior is a disciple of a small sect in Huaiyin. Two days ago, when he was chased and killed by a monster and fled, he went somewhere in a panic, and he woke up here again. "

Seeing that she was about to burst into tears, she felt extremely wronged, "I thought I was going to die here, but I am lucky to have met you, senior. If it is convenient for senior, can you give me a ride with you? I will be grateful and repay you."

The martial uniform she was wearing at this time was already in tatters, and there were still a few sharp scratches on it, which was indeed in line with what she said.

The man in brown believed most of them now, this little monk must have been unlucky enough to break into a certain teleportation formation, he is not that kind of cold-hearted monk, this place is surrounded by thousands of miles of uninhabited people, if this child is put down, he will most likely die here.

"I am the elder of the outer sect of Wanxuanmen——Xiao Tu. It is not difficult to take you for a ride. You bring it to the territory of Wanxuanmen."

Zhang Zheng wanted to find a way out elsewhere, so he was very happy and agreed repeatedly.

Xiao Tu took the nourishing elixir, meditated for a while and recovered his aura, then called out the flying sword, ready to set off.Zhang Zheng's cultivation base was too low to even stand on Feijian. After thinking for a while, Xiao Tu made a decisive decision. He boldly held her between his arms and galloped away.

On the way, Xiao Tu used the long-distance teleportation talisman twice, and finally arrived at the gate of Wanxuanmen before sunset.

Zhang Zheng finally stepped on the solid ground, his face was so pale that he couldn't bear the nausea, and he thanked Xiao Tu.

Xiao Tu caught a glimpse of her bloodless face and frowned slightly, "You girl is too weak."

"In three months' time, Wanxuanmen's admissions test will be held. If you have the confidence, you can try it. Entering the sect is considered a refuge."

Zhang Zheng once again thanked this senior who met by chance. She knew his good intentions, but she knew that with her current aptitude, it would be extremely difficult for her to enter the great sect. It is impossible to break through the foundation building, and it is better not to delay the human sect's cultivation of outstanding disciples.

Seeing that she didn't mean that much, Xiao Tu frowned slightly, everyone has their own circumstances, and he couldn't force her, so he rested his mind, but his impression of this girl has dropped a bit, it's not a good move generation.

After the two parted, Zhang Zheng set off for the market at the foot of the mountain.This is the area under the jurisdiction of Wanxuanmen, and there are many monks living here. They have traded here for a long time and gradually formed the bustling and prosperous market today.

Apart from the ten qi invigorating pills distributed by the sect before, Zhang Zheng only had a pair of ragged clothes, and in his pocket was a vermilion fruit that she picked up by chance.

Zhang Zheng, who was poor and white, attracted the attention of many people as soon as she stepped into the market. People around her didn't say how luxurious and rich they were, but at least they were clean and tidy. She was so tattered like a beggar from nowhere.

Even the vendors who usually solicit business at the market entrance looked at each other in blank dismay and were unwilling to come forward to chat. With such a poor appearance, they would not get any reward for leading the way.

Zhang Zheng turned a blind eye to the disgusted eyes that fell on him, and walked straight to an old man who was selling a stall on the roadside.

"Excuse me, senior, do you receive Qi Bu Qi Dan here?"

The Qi Buling Pill is a common product, and it can't even be rated as a medicinal pill, that is, only some small sect disciples and casual cultivators will use it, and the big sects distribute at least the first-order Bu Ling Pill.

The old man lowered his brows and raised his eyebrows, and glanced at her impatiently. Seeing that it was a poor little girl, he couldn't help frowning. The expulsion he was about to say paused for a while, and he said casually: "Five low-grade spirit beads, leave if you don't want to."

Today's comprehension world uses spirit stones as the common currency.Spiritual stones are divided into upper, middle and lower grades, and the exchange rate between each grade is one to one hundred, but top-grade spiritual stones are hard to find, and few monks are willing to exchange high-grade spiritual stones for low-grade spiritual stones.And under the spirit stone, there are also spirit beads, ten spirit beads are equivalent to one low-grade spirit stone.

Zhang Zheng knew in his heart that the qi-invigorating pills were really useless in this bustling area, and it was rare for the old man to be willing to buy her qi-invigorating pills, so he dared not refuse, so he immediately handed the bottle containing ten qi-invigorating pills to the old man.

The old man only saw the correct number and threw it to the corner of the stall. He counted five low-grade spirit stones from the storage bag and handed them to Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng put away the Lingshi, and with her meager assets now, she couldn't afford to live in a hotel lavishly, so she had to find a small sect quickly.

"Senior, how do you sell this map?"

Seeing that she wanted to buy something, the old man turned pale, "The cheapest one low-grade spirit stone, and the most expensive ten low-grade spirit stones."

Zhang Zheng had no choice but to buy the cheapest one, thinking that he had spent one-fifth of his assets in one go, and felt distressed.

"Come to participate in the entrance test of Wanxuanmen?"

Seeing her pained face, the old man couldn't help wondering where did the monks come from so poor, so he asked casually.

"No, I just want to add a small sect."

There are also those who come here and don't want to enter the Wanxuan Sect?The old man looked at her in surprise when he heard the words, thinking that this girl's qualifications were too poor.


The old man shook his head at her, sighed and said: "Then you came at a bad time. If the small sects around here open mountains every day to recruit disciples. It is approaching the Wanxuan sect disciple test, and these small sects will confiscate all their disciples in order to avoid their edge. At least we have to wait until the Wanxuan Sect disciples have passed the test before recruiting disciples."

Zhang Zheng thought about the Wanxuanmen disciple's test, which meant that she had to wait at least three months.During these three months, food and accommodation are not a small problem.

The old man seemed to have noticed her difficulty, and there was no one coming to the stall at the moment, so he took the time to kindly point it out, "Wanxuanmen specially prepared board and lodging for the monks who came to enroll. I think you are so poor. Just go there and make do with it, if you are lucky enough to enter the Wanxuan Sect, it will be a great blessing."

This is a good place to go, Zhang Zheng has no other choice, the cheapest inn in this market is a low-grade spirit stone for one night.Although I don't want to enter Wanxuanmen, but just trying is much better than living on the streets.

Zhang Zheng bowed slightly to the old man gratefully. Although the old man's attitude was not close, he helped her a lot.

Follow the map all the way to the western suburbs of the market, and at the end is the inn of Wanxuanmen.

There are three residences in the front and back, arranged in three characters, the more gorgeous and rich the inn is built from the front to the back, and the last floor even has a gathering spirit formation.

Of course Zhang Zheng didn't know this.

Perhaps because it was still early, the front of the inn was deserted, so Zhang Zheng walked up to a monk on duty and respectfully explained his intentions.

The monk was dressed in a simple gray Taoist robe, with the words Li Jing of Wanxuanmen written on the black plate on his waist.

Li Jing was just an ordinary outer disciple, and it happened to be his turn to guard the inn this month. Whether this job is good or not, depends on the time.If he could meet the nobles, a little benefit from their fingers would be enough for an ordinary disciple like him to struggle for more than ten years.However, most of the noble children came here about ten days in advance, and Li Jing was unlucky, and it was [-]% that he would not meet him.

After all, he was a monk from the Wanxuan sect. Although Li Jing felt regretful, he would not neglect his duties. He dutifully introduced the size of the place to Zhang Zheng and gave her a housing token.

Zhang Zheng has no power and no power, plus he is poor and white. The two rows of rooms at the back of the inn are occupied by people who are either rich or noble.With this token, she can freely enter and exit her room.

Zhang Zheng quickly found "No. [-]" in the room with C characters, and pasted the token on the depression on the door, and saw a burst of water ripples, and he was inside the door in a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, the room, which is only ten square meters from the outside, has something different inside. It is more than ten times the size, but it is extraordinarily simple, except for a plank bed, a set of tables and chairs, and two bottles of Bigu Dan on the tables and chairs. , and nothing else.

Bigu Pill is a relatively common first-grade middle-grade pill. There are [-] pills in two bottles. There are still nearly three months before the disciple's test, and one pill lasts for ten days. The time is just right.

After Zhang Zheng put away the Bigu Dan, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate carefully.

On the way here, she thought it over.Although she wanted to enlighten Tao as soon as possible, it was obvious that she hadn't touched the shadow of Tao in the past two years of wandering outside. The reason should be that her understanding of Tao was too shallow. If she didn't know what Tao was, how could she understand Tao.

Since you want to participate in the Wanxuan Sect's disciple test, why not try your best? If you enter, as the main Zhengjian Sect, there must be classics about Dao in its library.Sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake. When you understand the Tao, perhaps it will be easier to understand the Tao.

As for whether she was lucky enough to enter Wanxuan Sect and has not made any progress for decades, whether she will be kicked out of the sect or experience humiliation, so what, since she came here for her request, the rest is not worth worrying about.

Now that he had figured it out, Zhang Zheng decided to use these three months of hard work to try to break through to the second level of Qi training, and the more he cultivated, the more opportunities he had.If you really can't get in Wanxuanmen, you can save yourself a little bit of life.

(End of this chapter)

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