I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 5 Qualification 51

Chapter 5 Qualification May Day
Two months passed in a flash, and three days before enrollment, Zhang Zheng finally stopped practicing.Perhaps thanks to the rich aura here, she finally broke through the second level of Qi training two days ago, and spent another two days consolidating her cultivation. Now, she can not rush to practice, and go out to find out the admissions information first, so as not to become a Open your eyes and go blind.

Most of the candidates who wanted to take the admissions test came to the Susheng Inn one after another in the last month. At this moment, it can be regarded as crowded and lively.

The outside of the inn was crowded with hawkers looking for business opportunities to set up stalls or sell goods, shouting one after another.

Zhang Zheng was still wearing the previous set of tattered clothes. He was out of place among the gorgeous and expensive clothes, and attracted the attention of many people as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Zhang Zheng also realized that his clothes were too eye-catching, not to mention that he was wearing a sect uniform. It was really rude to wear such a suit to participate in the Wanxuanmen disciple test.

Relying on her nimble body, she quickly squeezed out from the crowd, went to a stall outside, and exchanged the Bigu Pill that had been specially reserved for spirit stones.Of the thirty bigu pills, she kept five for herself, and sold 25 for 20 yuan for low-grade spirit stones.

Then I picked a ready-made clothing store, bought the cheapest clothes to change into, and bought a dagger with a low-grade magic weapon at the weapons store, and went with the 24 spirit stones that Zhang Zheng bought without eating or drinking in his pocket. Mostly.She stroked the remaining three spirit stones, her desire to make a lot of money had never been so strong.

Zhang Zheng's face is not bad at all, otherwise she would not have been taken as a confinement by a pervert when she was a child. Previously, because of her ragged clothes and slovenly appearance, people didn't bother to look at her face.As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Now that she has changed into simple lake green clothes, her messy hair is tied into a neat ponytail, and her face looks more eye-catching.

Wang Mazi has been doing business here for generations, and his pair of piercing eyes are exceptionally clear, and he immediately fell in love with Zhang Zheng, the big culprit.

"Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist!"

Zhang Zheng turned around curiously, Wang Mazi's eyes lit up, he quickly jumped to her side, and asked obsequiously, "Fellow Taoist, are you here to participate in the disciple test?"

"Little man Guan Daoyou is heroic and full of aura, and he will definitely stand out in this disciple test..."

As soon as Zhang Zheng heard it, he understood that this man was running the train with his mouth full, so he turned around and left.

Meeting a freak who doesn't like to listen to compliments, Wang Mazi chased after Zhang Zheng while complaining, and said anxiously: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, I have first-hand information about the test of Wanxuanmen disciples over the years. Based on my experience here, as long as there are two low-grade spirit stones, you won’t be fooled if you can’t buy them.”

Only then did Zhang Zheng stop, that's why she came here.However, the price is a bit expensive.

Wang Mazi was overjoyed when he saw people stop, and he even praised the jade slip in his hand that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on earth.

It's a pity that he spoke dryly, and the female cultivator in front of him didn't have the slightest intention to buy it.

Wang Mazi blesses his heart, and tentatively said: "The young one has a predestined relationship with a Taoist friend, so he will be a favor, how about a half-spiritual stone?"


Wang Mazi's face changed a few colors as if he had eaten a bitter melon, and finally he said in pain: "One is just one, and it's all about forming a bond with a fellow Taoist."

Zhang Zheng neatly gave him a spirit stone, pasted the jade slip on his forehead and immediately knew what was inside.

I have to say that although this jade slip was a little expensive, it did help her a lot.For example, the initial registration starts five days before the student test. If you miss it, you will not be able to participate in the subsequent student test, and you can only wait for the next enrollment.

There are already three long queues at the registration office, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is crowded.

You must know that not everyone can participate in the disciple test of Wanxuanmen.The first registration is the first round of screening. Jian Yunshi can preliminarily judge the qualifications of the disciples according to the quality of their spiritual roots. They need to score more than [-] points before they can enter the next round of testing.

Zhang Zheng chose a line by the way, silently lined up at the back, and listened to gossip by the way.

No matter where it is, human entertainment like gossip is indispensable. Although it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, some information can be obtained from it.

For example, at this moment, several people in the team on Zhang Zheng's right were talking about the geniuses who might make a big splash in the student test this year.Of course, most people know this. After all, those children from famous families participated in the test on the first day of registration, which attracted much attention.

Hearing their high spirits, Zhang Zheng also had a little understanding of these geniuses, as if they were those geniuses who had been bragging for a long time.

The Xihuai Realm belongs to the One Dazong, the Three Great Families, and the Two Yin Clans, which are the top forces in the world.

One of the most important sects is the Wanxuan Sect, which is guarded by three Huashen elders, with many Nascent Souls and unrivaled power.

The three families are Lin, Jiang, and Qin. These three families are complicated due to their marriage relationship, so it can be said that one trigger affects the whole body.

The last two hermits are little known because they have been away from the world for a long time. They only know that their surnames are Ji and Nan. It is impossible to know how strong they are, and they did not appear in the disciple test this time.

Although there were many disciples from aristocratic families who passed the disciple test and entered Wanxuanmen in the past, and their aptitudes were considered excellent, they are nothing compared to the disciples from the aristocratic families who participated in the Wanxuanmen disciple test this time.Nowadays, these geniuses can be said to be one in a thousand, one in a million, why all of them suddenly came to Wanxuanmen.

The twins of the Lin family——Lin Yihan and Lin Xiaoxiao, both of whom are ninety-ninety aptitudes;
Jiang Jiajiang came here, and his aptitude was even more excellent, as high as 93. Many people even rumored that he would be the No.1 disciple test this time;
The Qin family, Qin Lingzhi and Qin Shuangyan, are a pair of sisters, with a difference of two years in age, and their looks are also very different.The younger sister, Qin Shuangyan, is known as the most beautiful woman in Xihuai, she is glamorous and beautiful, but her older sister, Qin Lingzhi, lives up to her name. The earthy brown birthmark occupies most of her face, shaped like a ganoderma lucidum. This birthmark is extremely weird, and Lian Huanyan Dan was helpless.But the two are talented, the elder sister is 89 and the younger sister is 92.

In addition to these children from aristocratic families and famous families, there are also many dark horses from poor families. The most eye-catching one is a young man named Zhang Xiaoliang, who is dressed in rags, but has reached 87 aptitude.

You must know that the outstanding talents of the children of the family are the capital accumulated from generation to generation. The ancestors are all outstanding geniuses, and the genes will naturally become more sophisticated.And it is rare in a thousand years for ordinary people to produce a genius comparable to the children of aristocratic families.

Time passed quickly in Zhang Zheng's thinking, and it was time for Zhang Zheng to test his qualifications.

Although he knew that his aptitude was by no means good, and he was already prepared to be dismissed, but when he really came to the stage, he was unavoidably uneasy, and also faintly revealed some expectations.

Seeing that the Yunshi is ten meters high and one meter wide, the cylinder is perfectly round, and the whole body is white and soft with a soft light. Standing in front of it is like facing a stone that reaches the sky, and the heart is calm and natural.

Zhang Zheng followed the elder's instructions and gently pressed his palm against the column.

In an instant, a pure breath poured into Zhang Zheng's body from the junction between the palm of his hand and Jian Yunshi, and an invisible warm current rose from Dantian and Shenfu, and flowed towards Jian Yunshi.Seeing the inside of the Yunshi, it seemed to turn into a cloud of smoke, which rose up a little, and went straight all the way, forty, fifty, sixty... Just when it was about to break through seventy, the Jingze tree entrenched in Zhang Zheng's dantian Suddenly began to swallow clouds and mist, the blue and green clouds covered the entire dantian, the warm current disappeared instantly, the smoke also fell all the way, and finally stopped at above fifty, the white column body shimmered slightly, and the three large characters were indistinct - 51.

Many people have seen this spectacle, and Zhang Zheng is no exception, and she also saw a strange change in her body.

The elder in charge of the test stood up, frowning, this girl had never seen such a situation before, could it be that the luck stone was broken.

Everyone in the audience was also talking about it.

In the end, after discussing with several elders, they decided to ask her to go to another Yunshi for re-testing.

Zhang Zheng repeated the action again, but this time there was no abnormality when seeing Yunshi. The smoke stopped just after breaking through 51, and his aptitude was still [-].

Although the process was a bit strange, the final result was that she had passed the minimum [-]th line. The elders didn't bother to worry about it anymore, so they gave her a sign with Sansanqi engraved on it, and then waved her away to let her go.

Zhang Zheng put away the sign, left calmly amidst everyone's strange expressions, and went straight back to his room.

As soon as Fang returned to the room, Zhang Zheng didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately started to meditate. Since the test of the Jingze tree, it suddenly started to run, and it has not stopped until now, and it seems to be getting faster and faster.

The Jingze tree seemed to be able to breathe on its own, and the green clouds and mist were constantly being sucked out by it, and the entire dantian was covered by the green, and even wandered through the meridians of the whole body, faintly overflowing into the divine palace.

At the beginning, when the green mist was only wandering in the dantian and the meridians, she didn't feel abnormal, and even felt a kind of comfort and nourishment in the warm and clear spring, but when the green mist filled the Shenfu and tentatively diffused towards the Shenfu, Zhang Zheng Suddenly felt the crisis of extinction.

Most immortal cultivators have keen six senses, and at this moment her sixth sense is frantically sending her dangerous signals.

The green mist has filled the whole body, and is blocking the front of the Shenfu, intending to invade the Shenfu, but there is a natural barrier outside the Shenfu, blocking it out, and the two cannot compete.However, the Jingze tree was still puffing out clouds and mist, and the barrier began to fall faintly, and there was already a little turbulence.

Zhang Zheng felt the dull pain coming from the Shenfu, and concentrated his attention to try to penetrate a wisp of divine consciousness into the blue mist. In an instant, the green mist clung to the wisp of divine consciousness, and it began to erode and be tightly wrapped by it like insects eating grass. Spiritual consciousness, and quickly spread along a ray of spiritual consciousness to the main body.

The sharp pain came from the branched strand of consciousness, which almost made Zhang Zheng lose his mind. She endured the severe pain and cut off the strand of consciousness immediately.

How dangerous! Zhang Zheng's remaining consciousness began to tremble, not knowing whether it was from pain or fear.If she had hesitated just now, then her consciousness would have been eaten away by the green mist at this moment, and she would only have a shell left.

The crisis hadn't been resolved yet, and Zhang Zheng realized this, and it was like a head and two big ones.

Qingwu can devour her consciousness, if it enters the Shenfu, she will really be over, but she has no idea what the Jingze tree is and what it does.What can I do?
With a click, the barrier has cracked a gap, and the blue mist is still perseveringly striking, and tiny spider silk cracks can be faintly seen climbing up the barrier.

Zhang Zheng's mind was in a storm, and thousands of thoughts appeared and disappeared in an instant, making her unable to grasp or see clearly.

Jing Zeshu has been silent since he entered the dantian, and has never made any movements. Why did he suddenly attack himself frantically this time?What kind of inductive role did Jian Yunshi play in it?
That breath, the mysterious breath that entered her body from Jian Yunshi!
Zhang Zheng suddenly realized.

She calmed down, calmed down the restless emotions, and began to feel the foreign breath in her body. After a quarter of an hour, she opened her eyes, and sure enough, there was no breath anywhere in her body, and the last remnant was hidden in her divine palace. Tightly entangled and fused with her divine consciousness.

If it weren't for the abnormality of the Jingze tree, she might not have noticed this slight change at all, and it would be difficult and dangerous to peel it off now.

Jing Zeshu was still persistently attacking the barrier of the Shenfu. The barrier was already full of cracks and was crumbling. The time left for Zhang Zheng should not be wasted.

She kept reciting the Meditation formula in order to seek peace of mind, so that she could feel that breath, and then tried her best to strip it off.If this process is changed to the usual one, although it will take a little longer, it will never fail, but now it is an internal and external trouble.

The threat that Jing Zeshu might invade the Shenfu at any time, and the dull pain from the attack on the Shenfu made it difficult for Zhang Zheng to concentrate on stripping off the breath.This breath is very stubborn, and if one is not careful, it will cling to the consciousness again, and it is inseparable.

She seemed to have returned to the dangerous situation where the ice and fire doubled, the cliff where life and death were on the line.

She can't die, she has broken through so many gates of ghosts, and even survived in the Land of Absolute Spirits, how can she die here!
The will to survive once again gained the upper hand, suppressing the fear with the momentum of thunder, and the Meditation Art no longer needed her to actively operate and operate on its own.

At the critical moment, the barrier of the Shenfu was completely breached, the mysterious atmosphere was completely stripped away, and they were thrown out of the Shenfu in a ball by Zhang Zheng.

She had never been so timid at this moment, and was forced to be a gambler once, risking her life. Time was stretched infinitely at this moment, and she could even hear her heart beating violently.

Fortunately, she was right.

The menacing blue mist swallowed the breath easily, and then tentatively probed an inch into the Shenfu, sniffing like a living thing, and there was no such annoying breath, the blue mist instantly disintegrated and melted into her body, even Shenfu, but this time she didn't have any sense of urgency.

The tense mind immediately relaxed, Zhang Zheng only felt comfortable in the whole body, but the spirit was very uncomfortable.

After solving the threat of Qingwu, she couldn't completely let go of her heart. She tried to repair the barrier of the Shenfu that was breached by Qingwu, but it was in vain. What was that breath?Why did it make Jing Zeshu so crazy.

Thinking was temporarily interrupted, and the token engraved with [-] was trembling slightly, and a few words appeared on it - hurry to test.

(End of this chapter)

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