I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 47 The Hidden Family

Chapter 47 The Hidden Family
This is an ordinary day like the previous eight years. After Zhang Zheng stopped practicing as usual, he began to concentrate on farming.

She had already planted tens of thousands of flowers and plants, so she wanted to try her luck to see if she could plant another seed in the jasper.

It's a pity that until now, there is only a lonely grass in the boundless jasper.

Now she no longer hopes that these flowers and plants will give her back. She just planted two when she has nothing to do, just to relax her body and mind.

Just after she gave birth to another grass seed, life waves suddenly came from afar.

She has become accustomed to using the Neutralization Transformation Art to investigate the situation, the scope is far beyond the coverage of the spiritual sense, and the hidden talisman cannot be hidden.

It's a pity that the only shortcoming is that it can only feel the existence and strength of life fluctuations, unlike the divine consciousness that can see the shape and cultivation level clearly.

There were a total of 13 people who came, and the team was orderly, heading east.

Eight years!She has been walking this place for eight years, and there is always only the endless grassland in front of her eyes. It is the first time in eight years that she sees people!

Not knowing what level of cultivation the person opposite him was, Zhang Zheng didn't dare to step forward rashly, so he trailed behind him all the way.

Suddenly, life fluctuations disappeared in one place.

Could it be that there is a teleportation array?

Zhang Zheng rushed to the suspicious place in a hurry, but there was nothing in front of him, and there was no teleportation array as he imagined.

After groping for a long time, she still couldn't find anything strange. Zhang Zheng felt a little frustrated, but she refused to leave. Since there may be a teleportation array here, she will wait here, and she will always find a chance for her.

Although he was waiting here, Zhang Zheng still kept a certain distance.

If this is really the entrance and exit of some place, blocking the door of other people's house by oneself may arouse suspicion.

This wait is another two years.

After finally waiting for the figure to come, Zhang Zheng couldn't care less about meeting someone wrong, it was better than dying of old age here.

As soon as Zhang Zheng came forward, he realized that the figure waiting for him could be considered a meeting.

Aren't they the three strange guys that I met in Misty Worm Ridge back then?

The three of them had also noticed her earlier, but they didn't take too much precautions. However, in the early stage of foundation establishment, there was nothing to be afraid of.

The girl with a beautiful face was the first to speak, and her voice was also charming, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Zhang Zheng greeted them politely, and told her story in detail, but skipped some of the details, such as the details of overhearing their conversation.

She looked composed, not like a liar.

Jiaojiao then turned to Nan Binghe, who was frowning and thinking, and asked for help: "Second brother, this monk seems to have entered the teleportation array we placed by mistake, what is going on now?"

She is the youngest in the clan, she is loved and protected, she has never seen any danger in the world, and she is the most sincere heart.

At this moment, there are two points of pity for Zhang Zheng in his eyes, just because he wants to help Zhang Zheng.

How could Nan Binghe fail to see his sister's pleading, but...

He exchanged glances with Nan Yulin, who was watching from the sidelines, and made up his mind.

"This is the secret place of our clan. The teleportation array leading to Misty Bug Ridge has failed. If you want to leave, you can only ask uncle for a teleportation disk with our Hui clan."

This is already the best way. Although he doesn't know the details of the three of them, Zhang Zheng has no choice but to agree gratefully.

Nan Yulin took out a piece of round jade, and fiddled with two strokes on it, the round jade burst into luster, and a human-high teleportation formation was formed.

Zhang Zheng followed the three of them into the teleportation array.

As soon as the scene in front of me changed, I arrived at a lively market.

A young monk was guarding outside the teleportation formation, and when he saw the three of them appear, he immediately got up to salute.

"I have seen the young master."

Nan Yulin flicked his hands to signal him that there is no need to be formal.

Along the way, Zhang Zheng followed behind the three of them, looking at the places they passed, almost everyone saluted them, and couldn't help being startled.

It seems that I have entered the territory of a certain big family by mistake.

The market in front of me is extraordinarily luxurious, most of the items sold are rare items, and even third- and fourth-tier pills are visited on the street stalls.

One must know that the highest-grade elixir known in the comprehension world is no more than seventh-grade, and the reward given by Wanxuanmen to the disciples who built the ninth-grade Lingtai is only a bottle of third-grade elixir.

What exactly is this place?
After walking through the market for another half a quarter of an hour, the few people stopped in front of a simple and luxurious pavilion.

Zhang Zheng was once again shocked physically and mentally. The building in front of him, covering an area of ​​[-] hectares, was almost entirely made of Dongyuan Qingling wood, and the decorations and carvings were all kinds of natural treasures hidden in spiritual light.

Whichever one is put in the cultivation world is something that makes people jealous.The Wanxuanmen Chamber of Commerce did not dare to be so extravagant and restrained.

How rich is this!If you can deduct a piece of Dongyuan Qinglingmu and sell it outside, you can make a lot of money.

Look again, she will lose control of her evil thoughts.

Zhang Zheng restrained the desire in his eyes, forcibly retracted his eyes glued to it, and looked at the backs of the three people in front of him without squinting.

As the three of them entered the mansion, Nan Yulin beckoned for a woman dressed as a maid.

"This is a guest from outside, take her to Fengyage and arrange a room for her."

The woman walked up to her respectfully, bowed her head and said, "Guest, please come with me."

From the beginning to the end, the three of them didn't say a word to Zhang Zheng, which made Zhang Zheng feel uneasy, but after all, she was in someone else's territory, so she could only suppress her unhappiness.

The most important thing is that the maid in front of her is all at the late stage of Qi training, and the strength of this family is really too terrifying, she dare not object.

Following the maid, turning left and right, I finally arrived at Fengya Pavilion.

The maid led her to a house, bowed and bowed before retreating.

Zhang Zheng didn't have time to ask any questions, so he entered the room sullenly.

Forget it, she is much stronger than herself, if there is anything in her that is worthy of others' schemes, even if she has, she may not be able to resist.

The decoration inside the room is as luxurious and expensive as the outside, revealing the aura of rich people everywhere, but it also complements the simple and simple Dongyuan Qinglingmu, and it is not obtrusive.

Zhang Zheng felt the rich aura, even the Fahua Mountain with three spiritual veins was incomparable.


"Sister, why don't you let me talk to her?"

Nan Yulin patted his younger sister's head, and explained helplessly: "She is an outsider, and helping her is a matter of affection, so it's not good to involve her too much."

Nan Zhangzhi pretended to be annoyed and said angrily: "No, you are just afraid that I will tell the family's affairs."

Nan Yulin and Nan Binghe looked at each other and smiled, unexpectedly their sister became smarter, and she still had some self-knowledge.

Nan Binghe hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, "You are sincere, and we are also worried that you will be deceived."

"Forget it," Nan Zhangzhi waved his hand, and changed the subject nonchalantly, "However, father won't blame us for not finding that man of destiny, right?"

Before the two had time to answer, a vigorous and hearty laughter suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

"Look, our little Jiaojiao is still afraid of being scolded by her father!"

Nan Zhangzhi turned his head to look at the man who came from outside the courtyard, his eyes lit up, and he trot forward in surprise, hanging on the man's shoulder, with a cheerful tone.

"Daddy, why did you come back so soon?"

Nan Yuanzhang agreed with a doting smile, and waved his hands to signal Nan Bing and the two to get up.

"Daddy rushed back here on purpose, just to see us Jiaojiao as soon as possible."

The father and daughter had an intimate fight, and Nan Yuanzhang called the three of them into the room to talk in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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