I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 48 "Stupid" Bai Tian

Chapter 48 "Stupid" Bai Tian

Nanyuan Zhang Fuyi took his seat and said solemnly, "Yu Lin, tell me."

Nan Yulin cupped his hands respectfully, and then told the details of what happened in the past ten years without losing a single cent.

Ten years ago, an envoy from the upper realm suddenly sent a message through the boundary stone, asking them to go outside to find the Son of Destiny.

The envoy pointed out that they were in the area of ​​the Misty Bug Ridge, and gave them a spiritual weapon, which would react when they met the Child of Destiny.

However, they searched the outside world for ten years with the spiritual weapon, during which time they found no spiritual weapon, so they had to return home.

Nan Yuanzhang didn't even plan to find such a man of destiny. In his opinion, a cultivator competes with destiny, so why bother to believe in such destiny.

If it weren't for the envoy from the upper realm, he wouldn't even look for it.

Hearing this, he waved his hand, indicating that the matter was over.

"However, you said that you brought back an outside monk?"

Nan Yulin nodded.

This is a trouble, the second brother who is in charge of going out has been busy retreating and breaking through recently, it is not worth bothering about such a trivial matter, and the fourth sister has gone wandering somewhere.

If you want to send her out, you can only wait until the second brother leaves the customs or the fourth sister shows up.

Nan Yuanzhang tapped the armrest of the chair with one finger, "Tell her to live in Fengya Pavilion temporarily, and send her away when your second uncle leaves the customs."

The three of them left one after another.

The second uncle has to retreat for several years before coming out, so the outside monks have to live in the clan for several years!
Nan Zhangzhi's mind began to become active, and his eyes rolled around.

After going outside for ten years, the eldest sister and second brother guarded her, so she couldn't walk around at all, but this gave her a chance.Anyway, just chat and nothing will happen.


Zhang Zheng squatted in the yard, pawing at two sparse flowers and plants on the ground boredly.

She has lived here for four days, during which no one came to look for her, as if she had been forgotten by this world.

She also tried to ask the maids in the mansion, but they would only salute respectfully, and then deal with her sternly.

"Guest, stay patiently. If there is news, the masters will definitely come to look for you."

With a long sigh, Zhang Zheng got up with a flick of his sleeves, ready to go back to his room and continue reading to pass the time.

These books were found by the maid for her, and they were all travel notes.

On weekdays, she doesn't like to read such books, but now she is trapped here, unable to practice due to the restrictions of Jasper, and there is nothing to do every day except farming and practicing spells.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Zhang Zheng opened the door excitedly.

Nan Zhangzhi smiled all over his face, and said in a coquettish voice, "Sister, may I bother you?"

The woman named Jiaojiao among the three...

Why did she come to find herself?
Zhang Zheng let her enter the room sideways, and closed the door again.

Nan Zhangzhi sat down on the chair as if he was familiar with himself, poured a cup of tea skillfully, and also poured Zhang Zheng a cup.

"Sister, come and sit down."

Under her eagerly looking eyes, Zhang Zheng sat across from her and took the tea from her, "I don't know if you have a way to go back?"

Nan Zhangzhi looked ashamed, "Second Uncle is in seclusion, and the array to go out is in his hands, maybe we have to wait until he leaves the seclusion..."

Zhang Zheng was a little disappointed, but at least he was lucky if he was willing to help him, so it doesn't matter if he waits a little longer.

"I don't know who my sister's name is?"

"Zhang Zheng."

Nan Zhangzhi repeated it several times, raised his eyes and smiled and said, "Sister Zhang, my surname is Nan, you can call me Zhangzhi."

Nan Zhangzhi...

The surname is Nan, and the family background is so rich, the clan is strong, and it is far away from the outside world.

Zhang Zheng had a vague guess in his mind that this should be the Nan family, one of the two hermit families.

It really is rich and powerful, luxurious and rich.

"I don't know why Zhang Zhi is looking for me?"

Hearing this, Nan Zhangzhi narrowed his eyes with a flattering smile, and looked at Zhang Zheng sparklingly with his crooked almond eyes.

"Sister Zhang, can you tell me the story outside?"

She entangled her fingers in frustration, and her lips pouted slightly, "The elders don't allow us to go out casually. I heard that it's fun outside. Unfortunately, the eldest sister and second brother stared at me last time when I went out, so I couldn't play."

It turned out that the overprotected little girl in the clan was curious about the outside world.

Zhang Zheng couldn't help but think of the clichés in recent stories about a pure and innocent rich lady who was coaxed by a poor boy and ran away from home.

If she is a romantic and unrestrained man, this Miss Jiao who hastily came to talk to her may be a little dangerous.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng pursed his lips amusedly, and met Shang Nanzhangzhi's expectant gaze, and said kindly: "Although the outside world is wonderful, it is far worse than the peace and tranquility here."

Nan Zhangzhi, who has never experienced the cruelty of the cultivation world, still doesn't understand how rare it is to be peaceful.

Even after ten years in the outside world, she was protected by her brothers and sisters, keeping her away from conflicts of right and wrong.

She retorted dissatisfiedly, her eyes still yearning for the outside world, "It's wonderful, it's so peaceful and boring here."

Zhang Zheng just smiled, neither agreeing nor refuting.

What Nan Zhangzhi wanted to hear was not such a stereotyped answer, so he asked expectantly: "Sister Zhang, why don't you tell me, tell me your story?"

How could this girl be so persistent and so forthright that she asked someone to tell her her own experience.

If it weren't for Zhang Zheng to know that she was really sincere and didn't have much scheming, and there was nothing worthy of prying eyes by the hermit family.

If someone else came, I'm afraid she would have thought that she came here specially to inquire about the news, and expelling her out in anger would be regarded as self-cultivation.

Even so, it was absolutely impossible for Zhang Zheng to disclose his affairs to others, so he had to prevaricate: "I am just an ordinary monk. I started to practice after I detected my spiritual root. The experience is very boring, and I am impatient when I talk about Zhang Zhi. listen."

Nan Zhangzhi obviously couldn't let it go, and wanted to continue to explore.

Zhang Zheng hurriedly found an excuse to say that it was time for his habitual practice, and euphemistically expressed his intention of chasing away guests.

Although Nan Zhangzhi is simple but not stupid, how could he fail to see her intention of expulsion.

I'm afraid it would be annoying to stay any longer, she thought dejectedly, bid farewell to Zhang Zheng, and left the yard dejectedly.

Zhang Zheng looked at her leaving back, feeling very sad and pitiful, and asked himself if he had treated her too much, but he was just a child pampered by his clan.

What's more, she was the one who asked her second brother for help in the first place, otherwise, she might still be wandering aimlessly in the grassland now.

That's all, if we meet again next time, if she is still willing to listen, she can choose some stories to tell her, and it should be an apology and thanks.

After closing the door, Zhang Zheng re-entered the endless journey of enlightenment.

In the empty courtyard, a few scattered flowers and plants swayed and danced with the wind, bathing in the warm sunset that was about to set.

Outside the courtyard, Nan Zhangzhi kicked the gravel on the side of the road in frustration, feeling agitated. She wanted to go out, to go to the outside world to experience the real path of self-cultivation.

She knew that the elders and peers in the clan cared and loved her for her own good.But she is a monk, she cannot be under the protection and wings of others forever.

The great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and people escape one of them...

My father once said that cultivating as a monk is to fight against the sky, to fight against the destiny.

She, Nan Zhangzhi, also wants to be a lifeline beyond the four or nine lives!
(End of this chapter)

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