Chapter 60 Depot

When the sword penetrates into the flesh, a foot of cold light is as cold as a cloud, and a foot of red blood splashes yellow sand.

Zhang Zheng leaped out of thin air, letting his hair fly freely, the ten-inch dagger reflected the sharp light of the knife, easily pierced through the hard armor of the sand scorpion, cut it into two pieces, and the momentum of the knife remained undiminished, cutting off three sand scorpions in a row, killing them neatly .

After ten breaths, corpses and limbs were scattered all over the place, the yellow sand was dyed cinnabar bright red, just like the red sun hanging in the west, and the stench of blood lingered for a long time.

Half a month had passed since she entered the secret realm, and Zhang Zheng was on the road day and night, not daring to stop for a moment. She had killed countless sand scorpions, but now she was proficient enough to cut three with one knife.

Almost numb.

The desert vultures circling in mid-air were impatient to wait, most of them left, and the rest waited stubbornly.

Even so, Zhang Zheng didn't dare to fly in the air. If she was surrounded by desert vultures again, she didn't know if she would survive.

The strong smell of blood permeated his nostrils. Zhang Zheng squinted his eyes at the boundless desert, got up and continued on his way.


Zhang Zheng stopped suddenly, and stared at a green spot in the sand a hundred miles ahead, in a daze.

finally reached……

A few days ago, she felt the faint breath of vitality coming from the south. It was so faint that it seemed that even the slightest breeze could blow it away.

He searched for breath all the way and chased after him, because of the delay of the sand scorpion, he traveled for five full days.

Zhang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the oasis less than a hundred miles away.

The reason why the oasis in the desert can form an existence that is mostly attached to its underground river, but Zhang Zheng's spiritual sense explored the desert for hundreds of miles, and found no trace of the dark river.

There is definitely something weird about the oasis in front of you.

Zhang Zheng hesitated for a while, then made up his mind and rushed towards the oasis.

For a whole month, the secret realm was open for a year, but she was trapped in this shabby place for a whole month.

Except for the oasis in front of me, there is no other discovery.

No matter how many puzzles it has, even if it is a glaring trap, she can only break through it.

As soon as Fang stepped onto the oasis, the fresh air rushed in, as if he had passed away, and the soft green grass under his feet, dotted with small flowers, was truly lovely.

Zhang Zheng didn't dare to relax, gripped the dagger tightly, and cautiously went to the center of the oasis, where the water vapor was the strongest.

In just a few miles, she walked for a quarter of an hour.Until the station reached the center of the oasis, the surroundings were peaceful and peaceful, and nothing happened.

The water vapor in the air was so thick that it condensed into water mist on Zhang Zheng's eyelashes, and when he exhaled, the white mist evaporated and gathered into water droplets, but there was no trace of the source of the water vapor that was so heavy.

Zhang Zheng closed his eyes and focused his attention, immersing all his thoughts in the water mist. The transparent, clear and blue water aura lingered around his body, tentatively exploring the depths of the water mist.

found it!
Eyes opened suddenly, a flash of dazzling brightness and determination flashed, and the dagger surrounded by the cold light suddenly pierced through the air, with momentum like a rainbow, directly stabbing at the strange treasure hidden in the mist.


With a clear sound, the hazy scene changes rapidly like a water curtain, and it fades away completely in just one breath.

Although the environment is still shrouded in unusually thick water vapor, it no longer feels foggy, the confusion disappears, and a sense of reality arises spontaneously.

Zhang Zheng's body was like an arrow, and he took the rare treasure into his bag with a quick leap.

The moment the rare treasure disappeared, the surrounding water vapor dissipated instantly, disappearing in the scorching desert.

How can there be any green grass and brocade flowers, all of which are illusory.

After Zhang Zheng won the rare treasure, he flew away from this place and dared not stop until he was hundreds of miles away, lest there would be a vision.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the oasis had disappeared, and only the faint water vapor in the air remained, showing the difference between it and the surrounding desert.

There seems to be no danger.

Then Zhang Zheng took out the rare treasure he had just seized and examined it carefully.As soon as the Qibao came out, the air in a radius of several miles was instantly moistened, and a heavy mist appeared, which made those who had suffered too much dryness feel unbearable to sigh.

Fist-sized balls like a ball of water.

She pinched it a little harder, and the dark blue water ball sank into a big pit, which was cold to the bone, soft and comfortable.

Feeling a little familiar, Zhang Zheng thought hard, and suddenly realized that this rare treasure was [-]% similar to the water ball she ate in Dongtianju.

It's just that the color of the latter is lighter, and the whole body is as clear as green white jade, and when she held the water ball, she didn't see such a spectacle as water mist.

Every inch of light flashed in Zhang Zheng's eyes, could it be that this thing in his hand is a treasure that is even rarer than that water ball!
After a lot of fantasies, Zhang Zheng put the baby back into the storage bag, ready to explore the oasis again.

After only a dozen miles or so, she stopped suddenly, and some strange phenomena that had been ignored entered her mind.

The next moment, she took out the water ball, turned around, stopped going to the oasis, and went straight to the distance.

The afterglow of the setting sun was replaced by a cool and bright moon, and another round of red sun rose.

Zhang Zheng stopped and looked up at the few desert vultures scattered in the air.

She just said that she always felt that something was missing. Usually, a lot of sand scorpions popped up a few miles away. Since she got close to the oasis and got the rare treasure later, she never saw a sand scorpion again. There are far fewer desert vultures staring at each other.

It seemed that what they were afraid of was the water mass in her hand.

Although I don't know why it was so far away from the oasis before, the sand scorpion dared to come out, but the desert vulture dared not go down to the desert.

If you can't figure it out, use practice to prove it.

Zhang Zheng looked up at the sky, staring at the few ferocious desert vultures, his bright eyes showed that he was bound to win.

With one foot on the ground, the snow-blue figure soared into the sky and flew straight towards the desert vulture in mid-air.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Panicked wings fluttered, crowed feathers fluttered all over the sky, and the desert vulture, which was originally looking fierce, fled in panic, creating chaos.

The desert vulture is extremely fast, and Zhang Zheng is definitely not as fast as Zhang Zheng in terms of endurance, but her purpose is not to kill the desert vulture.

The eyes are bright, staring straight at a desert vulture, it is inevitable to get past it.

A shrill bird song pierced the sky, and the huge desert vulture was tumbling in the air, trying to throw off the uninvited guest on its back.

After a full hour, the desert vulture finally stopped struggling, exhausted, its jet-black feathers were all scattered, like a bald bird.

On her back was Zhang Zheng, who was also in a mess, hurriedly "peh pee", spitting out a mouth full of fluff.

Regardless of the disheveled clothes and hair, she locked the vulture's neck tightly with one hand, and pressed the dagger against its head with the other hand, her pretty face pressed against the side of the vulture's furry head.

The smile was amiable, and the tone was extremely threatening and unfriendly, "Cooperate, we both will suffer less, I don't need water balls to torture you, just take me out of this damn place obediently."

"At that time, I will let you go free, regardless of your previous sins of wanting to eat me, how about it?"

The desert vulture didn't develop intelligence, but the monster's instinct made it feel mortal fear, and it didn't dare to resist. It flew wildly in one direction with Zhang Zheng, its wings flapping so that it was almost invisible.

Ten days later...

A sturdy, but disheveled desert vulture fell to the desert ground in panic, and a handsome female nun jumped from its back. It was Zhang Zheng.

One mile ahead is the edge of the desert, and outside are lush green mountains.

Finally found the exit!
Zhang Zheng couldn't help sighing, and once again felt that his decision to ride a bird was wise and powerful. If he ran by himself, he might not be able to get out if he broke both legs.

It's nice to have a mount!

She couldn't help turning her head to look at the tall desert vulture cowering coweringly beside her, with its wide wings almost curled up under her body.

The faint desire that had just been born disappeared, and he smiled easily, "See you today, we will see each other forever."

The desert vulture seemed to have sensed it, flapped its wings and rose into the sky, and became a speck of dust in the sky in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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