Chapter 61 Beheading
Turning his gaze to the high mountains and jungles ahead, Zhang Zheng leaped forward, and ripples appeared on the barrier between the two places, and the desert returned to tranquility again.

Only after entering the forest, one realizes that the mountains are steep and the trees are so tall that it blocks the sky and the sun, and the forest is dark and terrifying. If the monks are not sensitive to five senses, they may not even be able to see the road clearly.

Zhang Zheng traveled in China for two days, and saw nothing but a few monsters on the way, so he put aside his thoughts of treasure hunting, focused on training, and occasionally found a safe place full of spiritual energy to practice for a few days.

After wandering aimlessly for more than ten days, Zhang Zheng accidentally found a golden flower of reincarnation in a cave.

Samsara Shengjinhua is a fifth-order spiritual plant, as the name suggests, it is one of the main medicinal materials for refining the fifth-rank top-grade elixir—Small Samsara Pill.

According to the legend, the reincarnation pill can kill human flesh and bones, but after all, it is a holy pill that only immortals have in legend, and no one has really seen it.

This Little Reincarnation Pill is just a name given by the cultivation world as a joke. Although its effect cannot turn decay into magic, it can still save a life, which is rare.

This reincarnation golden flower is worth tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones.

Zhang Zheng waited patiently outside the cave, holding his breath, not daring to let his companion beast notice.

Most of the high-level spiritual plants and rare treasures in the world have companion beasts. The companion beasts wait for the baby to mature and then swallow it to practice and upgrade.

It was lucky that the water fetching group didn't meet the companion beast before.

The companion beast of the reincarnation golden flower in front of me has a strange appearance of half wolf and half bear, and its cultivation base is slightly higher than that of Zhang Zheng, probably in the late stage of foundation establishment.

When the golden flower of reincarnation matures, the companion beast can use it to break through the golden core in one fell swoop.

The soil around Guanlingzhi has already turned a light golden color, and the roots and stems are shining with golden light, so it may not be long before maturity.

The closer it is to maturity, the more cautious and irritable the companion beast will be, and any creature that approaches will be regarded as an intruder and a life-or-death duel will break out.

Zhang Zheng only wanted to win the treasure, but he didn't want to run into the muzzle of the gun and fight it forever, so he kept carefully hiding outside the cave, waiting for a good opportunity.

Such a wait is two days.

The golden light has spread over the stems and leaves of the Golden Flower of Samsara, and the curled buds faintly reveal the golden brilliance, and the brilliance becomes more and more dazzling, almost reflecting the narrow stone cave as bright as day.

The companion beast who had been waiting for a long time showed a bit of slack in its tense posture, and opened its mouth to swallow it alive.

The cold light was directly approaching the skull, and the speed was so fast that a fierce hurricane was set off, flying sand and rocks.

The Companion Beast is not a vegetarian either, so it stepped on the ground with its front paws and hurriedly retreated to avoid it, but in this way, it also missed the opportunity to eat the Golden Flower of Reincarnation in the first place.

Zhang Zheng, who was following the dagger, didn't expect that this blow would kill the companion beast. With a wave of his sleeve, the jade box prepared in advance filled the reincarnation golden flower together with the rooted soil.

After winning the treasure, she faced the glaring companion beast and turned into a solid spiritual prison. The golden needles flew away whizzing away, overwhelming and terrifying.


The companion beast that was trapped by the spirit prison and the golden needle for a while stared at the direction where Zhang Zheng disappeared and roared unwillingly, the blood-red eyes of the beast filled with tyranny.

Zhang Zheng ran wildly all the way, not daring to stop, her little tricks couldn't stop the companion beast for a moment, she covered her breath while running away.


The sound of breaking through the air came from behind, Zhang Zheng turned one side, Gu Lu rolled to the other side, and a few strands of black hair were sharply cut and fell into the air.

The icy ice blade brushed past her and hit the trunk of a giant tree. The trunk instantly turned into ice and shattered into pieces.

Zhang Zheng glanced back, and the companion beast had already caught up with her, less than three miles away.

Bounced swiftly, the aura of the dagger rose sharply, and he stared at the running companion beast with blazing eyes. Since he was destined to not be able to escape, he would have a quick fight.

She didn't believe it anymore, with so many treasures and spells, she still couldn't consume a born monster.

Losing Lingzhi, who had been guarding her for hundreds of years, all previous efforts were wasted, and the companion beast was so angry that it almost went mad, showing fierce eyes and clutching Zhang Zheng's figure.


With a sound, the sea of ​​flames swept across the sky and the earth, and rushed towards the companion beast, the ice blade was vulnerable to the fierce sea of ​​flames.


Bursts of explosions exploded, black smoke and water vapor steamed up, and an agile and vigorous figure broke through the sea of ​​flames, and sharp claws as sharp as blades attacked head-on.

Zhang Zheng dodged sideways again, and with a flick of his figure, he had already landed behind the companion beast.

As soon as it fell, dozens of ice skates suddenly wrapped up. Zhang Zheng showed horror and made a tactic with both hands. The water curtain suddenly rose and covered his whole body.

When the two collided, the water curtain trembled and fluctuated violently, and the ice blade melted inch by inch into the water curtain and collapsed at the same time.

When the crisis was lifted, Zhang Zheng didn't dare to underestimate it anymore. The green vine spirit rose firmly from the ground and trapped the companion beast. The dagger lay across his chest, and the spiritual power poured in from his whole body.


The phantom slashed down vertically. Wherever it passed, the air was stagnant, and it was almost cut in half.

The pupils of the accompanying beasts trapped in the spirit prison expanded, and the crystal blue phantom occupied the entire pupils, causing unprecedented fear.

The phantom fell, the ground shook violently, and the smoke and dust flew hundreds of miles away.

Zhang Zheng didn't dare to relax, his mind was highly concentrated, paying attention to the situation in the dust.

Suddenly, Zhang Zheng soared into the air, and was smashed by the bloody monster on the spot. From his back to his head, there was a horrific knife wound with bone deep visible.

The companion beast raised its head and stared at Zhang Zheng's figure, its pupils contracted to the extreme, with a bloody color, and launched a dying counterattack.

With a loud roar, the ice lay hundreds of miles away, and the arrows flowed like light. The biting chill made it difficult for Zhang Zheng to bear it. He resisted with his spiritual power, and couldn't help trembling and clenched his teeth.

The sharp ice arrows easily pierced through the defense, the "puchi" pierced through the body, the wound was covered with ice, and the severe cold soaked the heart and lungs.

The ice-cold feeling became more and more intense, penetrating deep into the dantian of the bone marrow, and the aura froze, unable to move at all.

It's really a level difference that crushes people to death.

Seeing the frost covering the corners of his coat and clinging to his limbs, Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth cruelly. The aura in his body boiled wildly, breaking apart and solidifying, melting the frost.

The fire stick suddenly appeared, and he clenched his hands tightly, a fishy sweetness gushed out of his throat, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his body was like electricity, and he dived rapidly.


The monster fell to the ground with a bang, dying with regret.

Zhang Zheng couldn't control it any longer, leaned over on the ground, and vomited a large pool of blood clots. His internal organs were in unbearable pain like being cut with a knife and an axe.

Regardless of wiping the blood on his face, he suppressed the severe pain a little, put the fallen monster into the storage bag, and fled away quickly.

If there is such a big commotion, if it attracts other monsters or human cultivators, given her current weak state, it may really become a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit.

Just hiding in a hidden cave that he had found earlier, Zhang Zheng couldn't hold it anymore and fell hard to the ground.

The limbs were sore and limp, and the whole body was clamoring for pain.

Just lying on the ground, the vital energy circulated slowly, swimming through the whole body, and expelling the deeply rooted cold air.

Eyelashes, hair, and even the skin of the whole body were covered with layers of frost, which turned into snow, and the breath turned into frost, as if the whole person was frozen into a snowman.

The storage bag trembled suddenly, and the mysterious water ball that she had just snatched not long ago rolled out of the bag, rolled to the center of her forehead and stopped, shaking as if she was thinking about something.


The water mass suddenly collapsed like water, but the fist-sized water mass almost flooded the entire cave like a river at this time, enveloping Zhang Zheng in it.

The dark blue and ink-colored water starlight suddenly appeared, brilliant and gorgeous like quicksand, completely hidden in Zhang Zheng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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