Chapter 70 Ascension
Accompanied by the soul-stirring roar, a dazzling white light exploded in front of his eyes.

The next moment, Zhang Zheng opened his eyes slightly, adapting to the bright light, and saw the familiar Henggu Plain in front of him, the place where they entered the secret realm of Guyuan.

Hundreds of people stood scattered in front of them.

"Junior Sister Zhang!"

Lin Xiaoxiao exclaimed, and walked quickly to her side, her eyes flashed with shock: "Why are you hurt like this?"

Only then did Zhang Zheng look down at his current appearance. Xueqing's clothes were soaked in blood, dark red and mottled, especially the palms, which were still dripping with blood, and the clothes were torn here and there.

It looked a little too scary.

The moment he left the secret realm, the energy of vitality and aura had already released the lock, and they were automatically working to repair the body.

Zhang Zheng grinned nonchalantly, performed a cleansing formula, and the bloody clothes returned to their original state. She shook off her broken leg, which had almost recovered.

The healing elixir given out was stopped, Lin Xiaoxiao saw that she was indeed alive and well, and did not force her, so she took back the elixir.

As Lin Xiaoxiao gathered in the team of Wanxuanmen disciples, Zhang Zheng suddenly found that almost everyone was dead, and the atmosphere was dignified, which was very strange.

She looked around for a while, her eyes darkened, and then she realized something unusual.

A year ago, there were tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people who entered the Guyuan Secret Realm, but now there are only a few hundred people here.

The Tianmen above the head has been annihilated and disappeared.

No one will come out again...

So many people died in the secret realm this time!

Zhang Zheng was startled and frightened, and terrible conjectures arose spontaneously.

The most important point is why they have been out for so long, but none of the elders who escorted the disciples came forward.

They can never forget that today is the day when the secret realm is closed.

Then there are only two possibilities left.

Zhang Zheng hurriedly closed his eyes, hiding the horror and chill in his eyes, and his heart beating like a drum.

They were either entangled and unable to come forward, or they were already dead...

These are dozens of Nascent Soul stage monks, one of the most powerful forces in the cultivation world. Who can kill such a group?

Reason told her that the former was more likely than the latter.

But Zhang Zheng was anxious in his heart, and he was more inclined to the former possibility.

"Senior Sister Lin," Zhang Zheng whispered, "Where are the elders?"

This time Wanxuanmen leads the team are Jiang Chaorui and Liu Ruqing, and Lin Xiaoxiao is Liu Ruqing's personal disciple.Her master's whereabouts were unknown, and she was even more troubled and uneasy.

Her willow eyebrows were tangled, her eyes dimmed a bit, and she tried to calm down: "Wait a little longer."

Compared with the disciples of the Zongmen family, the casual cultivators with less than half a hundred people fled away when they realized that the situation was not good.

In the extremely suffocating space, the two teams moved suddenly.

Everyone's eyes are on the spot.

It's Ji Nan's family!
He didn't pay attention to it just now, but now he suddenly realized that there are not many people missing from his family, almost all of the twenty or so people who entered the secret realm returned safely.

Everyone looked suspiciously on them.

Nan Yulin Qi Ruohanxing's pupils flashed a dark light, and he looked at everyone's eyes coldly, "What? Do you suspect us of causing trouble?"

These words didn't look like questions, but rather sarcasm. The corners of her mouth were slightly curled up, full of mockery.

I still don't know the truth of the matter, so it is not appropriate to cause conflicts and estrangements.

With the current strength displayed by the Hermit Family, they are by no means the ones who are in vain, so it is definitely not wise to start a conflict at this time.

As the chief disciple of the first sect, it is impossible for Yi Lanshan to stay out of the matter. She raised her eyebrows lightly, took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Friend Nan misunderstood, it is true that too many monks have fallen during this trip, and there are many relatives and friends present here. with grief."

"Compared to the hermit family, it's hard to restrain my grief for a while, and I hope fellow Daoist Nan will be considerate, don't worry about it."

Doesn't Nan Yulin know that there is something in her words, in the end, it's just a secret suspicion, which has no reason to explode.If they were given a chance, I don't know what kind of aggressive attitude it would be.

But she has no time to talk to them now, so she snorted coldly and ignored them.

The monks of the Nan family followed Nan Yulin to board the spirit boat one after another. With a flick of their sleeves, the spirit boat rose into the sky and soon turned into a shadow of a sail in the sky.

Ji Qingyun withdrew her long-sighted gaze, her eyebrows were crescent moon, and her eyes were like spring waves. She lowered her body gracefully, and bowed her hands to the rest of the crowd.

Smiling: "Since we have left the secret realm, the Ji family will also take a step ahead, everyone will meet again by fate."

Although the Guyuan Secret Realm was opened by the Jinan family this time, there is no reason to blame them for any accidents, let alone stop them from leaving.

Everyone frowned, but they had no choice but to watch them leave.

Zhang Zheng was [-]% certain that the person who killed her in the stone room was the work of the Ji family. He had already quietly fixed his eyes on the Ji family, but he did not see any suspicious people.

This made her frown, her eyes darkened a bit, but her eyes never moved away from Ji's house.

Until the Ji family spirit boat was about to take off, a figure standing sideways at the stern of the boat came into view.

She was dressed in a dark black robe, most of her face was covered by a strange ghost face, and her black hair fluttered in the wind, messy and fierce.

Pupils shrunk, eyes shook, Zhang Zheng stared at the direction where the spirit boat disappeared, and moved her lips almost invisibly. She was sure that the man was the man in black who assassinated her in Shishi!
But what shocked her so much was not finding the enemy, but the half ghost face on the man's face.

No wonder, no wonder...

She said why she felt that the man in black was somewhat inexplicably familiar.

The scarred hands, the deep and gloomy breath, and that horrible ghost mask.

Could it be the down-and-out young boy she had met in the market outside Misty Worm Ridge.

A pill costs two hundred low-grade spirit stones, and she will never forget the shock and dumbfounded at that moment.

There's no way, she just couldn't bear the spirit stone.

Unexpectedly, he became a member of the Ji family, and now that they meet again, he will come to kill her!
Who was it ordered by?Or did no one order it?
Zhang Zheng's expression changed several times, unpredictable, and the corners of his mouth twitched strangely.

Could it be that he felt that he had seen his downcast side, so he wanted to kill people to silence him?

This guess is too biased and bizarre, but Zhang Zheng recalled his strange appearance and extremely bad tone and attitude at the market, but he was strangely silent.

It seems that this is not impossible.

Just like the illusion experienced in the secret realm, the "Zhang Zheng" in it rescued the dying Wansheng from the hands of Moxiu, took good care of him, and treated him like a younger brother.

The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear, "Zhang Zheng" regards him as the last reliance and life-saving straw, but Zhang Zheng can find many strange things in it after thinking about it carefully.

"Zhang Zheng"'s physique is not even known to himself, and he has never told anyone about his past experience, only occasionally mentioning it to Wan Sheng who is dependent on each other.

So, who revealed her physique exposure and past experiences?

She was bewitched by him, thinking that if she killed her, she would have no one to fight against her. She was led by him like a marionette, step by step towards the abyss of drowning, and she would never escape.

She could have used the excellent aptitude brought by her physique to spy on the path to the Supreme Immortal, even though the path was difficult and dangerous.

But in the end, she was sentenced to death on her knees in the main hall of Si Dao Sect, her spiritual roots were removed, and she was reduced to a mortal with broken muscles and bones.

Even when he died, he did not wait for the so-called last "relative" to visit him.

Counting it down, since she obtained the aptitude to change the most yin spirit body, her smooth and bright path of practice has only lasted a short hundred years.

She saved Wansheng, thinking that it was the love from God, but in fact it was the beginning of her suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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