I climb the fairy ladder by farming

Chapter 71 The Doubt of Inheritance

Chapter 71 The Doubt of Inheritance
The aptitude obtained by relying on evil spells, even if she did not do it, the evil retribution will still befall her in the end, and she will repay it.

Zhang Zheng sighed with emotion, his eyes fluctuated.

Perhaps she should have gone to Huangquan together when the Taixu sect was destroyed. Fate allowed her to have this short hundred years of dazzling and bright time, but she regretted it, took back her Qingyun fairy road, and cruelly beat her back to her original fate.

I really don't know whether this kind of charity to "Zhang Zheng" should be regarded as luck or misfortune...

After waiting for another half an hour, the two elders still hadn't been seen. During this period, many small sects and families gradually dispersed.

Nearly [-] disciples of Wanxuan Sect entered the secret realm during this trip, and only about [-] of them survived, and nearly two-thirds of them fell.

Although life and death in the cultivation world are unpredictable, this is undoubtedly a huge loss and bad news for Wanxuanmen.

From the moment they left the secret realm, all the surviving disciples had dim eyes and mourned in their hearts.

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoxiao still had a flying boat in her hand. She looked at the boundless sky from a distance, and with a flick of her sleeves, a [-]-meter-long flying boat filled with immortal energy appeared out of thin air.

She looked back, calmed down the restless fluctuations in her heart, and said calmly: "All disciples of Xuanmen, go back to the sect first."

Some disciples moved their lips slightly, hesitated to speak, and finally lowered their eyelids with a desolate expression, and set foot on the flying boat with a group of fellow disciples.

The [-]-meter-long flying boat is actually extremely spacious, enough to accommodate thousands of people, and there are many rooms on the boat for disciples to live in.

But at this moment, none of the hundred disciples entered the room. They were all standing by the side of the boat. In front of them were the sea of ​​clouds, green waves, brown soil and green river, all of which flew by and fell far behind.

The clouds do not stop, the wind and rain will come.

At the speed of the flying boat, it will take one month to travel from Henggu Plain to Wanxuanmen, and this is on the premise that there is no delay on the way.

When he came, he was escorted by two Nascent Soul monks, but when he returned, his highest cultivation was only Golden Core, if he encountered someone with a higher cultivation to intercept him, he might not be able to protect himself.

In order to avoid being robbed by bandits on the road, Feizhou hung the logo of Wanxuanmen.

Wanxuanmen is the largest sect in the Xichuan realm, and its reputation and power in the entire cultivation world is not comparable to that of Sidaozong, but it is also one of the best.

With the logo of Wanxuanmen, most bandits who have mischievous minds and make a living by robbery will always have two points of scruples.

Zhang Zheng had never entered the room, and like most of the disciples, he sat cross-legged on the ground without regard to details, listening to the major events that happened in the secret place during this trip.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at this scene with a look of loneliness and sadness. She had a sharp mind and a delicate mind. How could she not know why the disciples didn't enter the room to practice.

One is mourning for fellow disciples, and the mind is disturbed, and the other is that this is not a safe time, and a crisis will come at an unknown time, worrying and worrying, how can one calm down and practice.

Thinking of the master whose trace and whereabouts are unknown, his lowered eyes became more and more dim.

A male disciple was lovingly wiping the scabbard of the short knife at his waist. The word "Wanxuan Lingjian" was engraved on the disciple's badge, indicating that he was a disciple of the Lingjian lineage.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Fenglai with piercing eyes, "Brother Jiang, you are fine now anyway, tell us about the inheritance of the secret realm, and who got it for."

It's a great way to pass the time and relax.

The rest of the disciples gathered around one after another, looking at the group of direct disciples with Qi Ji's eyes, taking the opportunity to openly appreciate the appearance of handsome men and beautiful women, and the stagnant and depressed atmosphere eased by two points.

Jiang Fenglai's ice face, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, is still expressionless at this time, under a pair of straight and sword-shaped eyebrows, eyes are hanging like pearls, and he is upright and serious.

He is not the kind of person who is good at communicating with others. He glanced at the disciple who spoke sternly, his expression unchanged, then turned to Lin Yihan beside him, and said in a flat and unwavering voice, "I'll tell you, Senior Brother Lin, to speak."

Lin Yihan caught a glimpse of a blush behind his ears, held back the sneer that was about to blurt out, and smoothed things over with a smile: "Senior Brother Jiang is not good at telling stories, if you don't mind, Senior Brother Lin, let me tell you, are you still willing to listen?"

The disciples were naturally extremely happy, and they all nodded their heads.

Zhang Zheng also joined the disciples, pricked up his ears, and listened attentively.

The inheritance left by the ascension monk can be called the supreme classic, and it will be a bloodbath if it falls into the world.

She didn't even see a shadow, and she didn't know what she looked like, so how could she not be curious.

Brother Lin is worthy of being praised as a gentle god by the disciples of Wanxuanmen, and he is deeply respected by everyone.

He talked about the inheritance of the secret realm with great humor and ups and downs, which attracted many disciples to immerse themselves in it, as if they had personally experienced it.

"In the end, the inheritance went to the disciples of Jade Sword Sect. Hearing his brothers and sisters from the same sect scold him, he seems to be called Chen Mang."

All the disciples' hearts fluttered when they heard this, their eyes showed longing, and then turned into two points of disdain and contempt.

A female cultivator couldn't help but said softly: "But Chen Mang's abandonment of the sect is really an act of a villain, and the world should be ashamed."

"You are the benevolence of a woman, you are really short-sighted!"

The female cultivator's face was flushed, her almond eyes were wide open, she looked at the male cultivator who spoke out and criticized, and retorted angrily: "Bah! You should be ashamed for being unkind and unrighteous. I think you are still proud of it. It really insults me." The reputation of Wanxuanmen disciples."

The male cultivator stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth and wanted to curse back, but just happened to look at Shang Jiangfeng with a stern look, his voice choked, he hummed in dissatisfaction, and turned away to ignore it.

After listening to the entire process of obtaining the inheritance, Zhang Zheng pursed his lips in dismay, thinking that he would go through such a complicated test, but the process turned out to be such a child's play.

Is this Dongyuan Zhenjun's selection of the inheritor so casual?
It's a pity that the senior brothers and sisters missed the Supreme Inheritance.

Zhang Zheng sighed regretfully, then closed his eyes and prepared to meditate on the spot for a while.

The aura penetrated into the body and traveled along the meridians. Just after a small cycle, Zhang Zheng suddenly stopped practicing.

Her eyebrows were like distant mountains, wrinkled into a ball, she just had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly discovered the strangeness of the inheritance.

Today's world of self-cultivation is no longer like in ancient times, respecting teachers and respecting Taoism. A disciple can worship multiple masters, and a master can accept many disciples, even if it is only in the name, it is still considered a master-apprentice if it is not taught.

True Monarch Dongyuan ascended millions of years ago, and the world of cultivation at that time was not much different from what it is today. If so, why did he insist that his disciples only worship him as their teacher.

More importantly, he didn't choose so many casual cultivators who didn't have a master, but he chose a disciple who had abandoned his master.

You know, the more you practice, the more important it is to realize the Tao. Correspondingly, a perfect and tenacious Taoist heart can almost be called the root of the achievement of Qingyun Xianlu.

Because of the decline of ten thousand dao, monks in this world may not be clear about this point, but Dongyuan Zhenjun is an ascension monk, and he will not be ignorant of this truth when he comes into contact with the source of the great way.

The master-student contract is formed according to the rules of heaven. A disciple who turns his back on his master and regrets the master-student contract has already lost the protection of heaven. If there is no great opportunity in the future, how can he achieve tenacity and the road of immortality? .

Then, it really doesn't make sense for him to choose such a disciple with no future.

Zhang Zheng subconsciously stroked the palm of his hand lightly, feeling numbly that a piece of flesh had been bitten off there, and the new skin was extremely sensitive.

Senior sister Lin and Yi Lanshan, they fell into the dark abyss together with her, why did they arrive at the inheritance hall, but she fell into the place suppressed by the killing order?

Is it really because they have the secret orders of the Dongfu that they get special treatment from the Dongfu?
(End of this chapter)

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