Chapter 72


There was a deafening bang, and the flying boat suddenly shook violently. All the disciples turned their eyes and stabilized their minds.

Lin Xiaoxiao tried her best to control the flying boat to fly smoothly, and her forehead was dripping with sweat instantly.The flying boat is a fourth-higher magic weapon, and consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Even a golden core monk can hardly last for two moments.

The attacks kept falling on the flying boat, and the vibration was so strong that it was impossible to break through. Lin Xiaoxiao made a decisive decision and shouted in a strict voice: "All disciples are ready to meet the enemy."

Jiang Fenglai, Lin Yihan and other direct disciples flew forward to block the rest of the disciples, with serious expressions.

The flying boat stopped rushing forward and quickly landed on an open ground.

As soon as it landed, Lin Xiaoxiao waved her sleeves and brought the flying boat back into the mustard space. All the disciples gathered into a circle, and the ones with the highest cultivation were on the outer layer.

At a glance, there are about fifty or so people on the other side, with varying levels of cultivation, two people above Jindan, more than thirty people who have established foundations, and three people are in the late stage of Qi refining, and their clothes are casual.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened when she met the fierce expressions of the two Golden Core cultivators, and her expression was stern.

"I don't know what you mean by stopping my Wanxuanmen flying boat?"

The two Jindan monks were a man and a woman. The man wore a black robe with bare arms, thick eyebrows and sharp eyebrows, and an ordinary face.

Compared to the ordinary men who couldn't be identified in the crowd, the woman had a charming appearance. She was dressed in a thin and misty red dress with a bare waist and delicate and smooth skin. She wore a golden bell on each pair of white bare feet.

Zhang Zheng's cultivation base was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she was standing inside the circle. As soon as Fang landed, she noticed the figure of the Jindan female cultivator.

Not only because of her high cultivation base, but more importantly, her appearance is very similar to the female cultivators among the five demon cultivators encountered in Zhangshuizhou's trip to eliminate demons.

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, the charming woman had boneless hands, half-covered her face and chuckled, looking at Lin Xiaoxiao affectionately with a pair of peach blossom eyes, "This sister is joking, I just came here to share with you because the journey is boring. Just for fun."

Even the speaking style was so similar, Zhang Zheng couldn't help but sink, and secretly rumored to Lin Xiaoxiao: "Senior Sister Lin, I'm afraid they are demon cultivators."

Lin Xiaoxiao's expression was solemn and cold when she heard the words, and she thought in her heart, if it was just an ordinary bandit, maybe she could exchange property for a life, but if it was really a demon cultivator, this encounter might be close to death.

It's just, why are there so many demon cultivators suddenly appearing here, and there are still two golden core stages.

The woman's affectionate eyes moved away from Lin Xiaoxiao's body, her beautiful eyes turned around, and fell on a group of disciples as if provocatively.

An ambiguous atmosphere filled the entire space, and some disciples who lacked confidence were already in a trance, their cheeks flushed.


Jiang Fenglai drew his sword out of its sheath, the sound of the sword was clear and clear, as if the sound was in the air, all the disciples recovered from the bewitchment in an instant, their eyes were clear.

The sword is out of its sheath, and there is no end to fighting.

The atmosphere on both sides is tense and the crisis is imminent.

Moxiu's methods are so vicious, if they fall into Moxiu's hands without dying today, they will surely die.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were dark, and suddenly there was a hint of the intention to die. She made a tactic with her hands, and the ice was cold, and the snow covered thousands of miles. Those who are killed will be killed immediately."

As soon as the words fell, Moxiu no longer concealed them, and sacrificed magic weapons one after another.

Lin Xiaoxiao flew up and challenged the golden elixir woman alone, while Jiang Fenglai, Lin Yihan and other direct disciples jointly resisted another golden elixir male cultivator.

Excluding the two golden core monks, there are only a few dozen foundation building demon cultivators left, only half of our number.

Zhang Zheng was alone against the enemy, a demon cultivator in the later stage of foundation establishment, and seemed a little powerless, losing consecutive defeats.Looking at the rest of the disciples, it was actually a sign of decay.

The Jindan male cultivator has no weapons, but there is a powerful bloodthirsty demon vine, which is rooted three inches above the male cultivator's navel. The top of the vine split into seven petals, giving birth to blood-stained fangs.

The gap between Jindan and Jianji was as big as a moat, even a dozen or so talented direct disciples could barely withstand the attack of the demon vine.

Nanxiu didn't make a move, he glanced at the battle situation below, and proudly turned his gaze to the front, watching the demon vine attack with leisure.

All kinds of magic weapons showed their power together, their supernatural powers were displayed, the dazzling light filled the sky, and the sound of rumbling cracks and screams could be heard endlessly.

Jiang Fenglai looked at the situation under his eyes calmly, his heart was calm, and he and Lin Yihan looked at each other, their eyes were very peaceful.

"One cut—Duan Qiong."

The sword moved with his heart, and the long sword with cold light came out of his hand, hanging in the sky above Jiang Fenglai, and he made a tactic with both hands, as quickly as a shadow.

The long sword transforms into form, and the indomitable sharpness of the sword condenses on the body of the sword, and the light of the sword suddenly emerges, as dazzling as the sun, with great momentum.

Jindan male cultivator's contemptuous expression instantly subsided, and he stared at Jiang Fenglai with fierce and dark eyes, this child must not live.

He has not yet reached the golden core, but he has already comprehended the triple level of swordsmanship - the state of sword light. If he is allowed to grow up, it will be a great help to the righteous way.

Cut Qinghong with one sword, and cut off the sky three times.

Jiang Fenglai stood under the sword hanging in the air, his right hand was like a sword standing in front of his body, his black hair danced without wind, his clothes fluttered, his eyes were closed and protruding, like hanging pearls, and the cold light was like a sword.

The sword finger fell horizontally, the sword's light was dazzling like a rainbow, and the aura opened up the world, and it was cut down quickly. With this cut, the air was broken, the sword roared, and Qinghong was cut.

The Jindan male cultivator felt his whole body stagnant, unable to move an inch, the horror in his eyes stood out, and he gritted his teeth, not daring to underestimate him, and threw out his armor to block in front of him.


The roar shook the sky and the earth, rocks cracked and the ground collapsed for a hundred miles around, the earth was broken and dust was blown up, the sky was dim, covering the sky and the earth.

Before it was finished, the aura of the sword rose sharply, two sword lights cut down one after another, like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring, three cuts cut off the sky, the wind stopped instantly, and the clouds were cut off.

Taking advantage of the commotion, Zhang Zheng had already fled thousands of miles away. Behind him, the demon cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment was chasing after him, and he laughed slyly: "Little beauty, what are you doing running away? I'm not afraid that your senior sister will kill you."

"Quickly tell my brother to love you so much, and feed your soul to my sweetheart."

Zhang Zheng didn't turn his head, and ran the "Qing Ling Jue" to fly away. It wasn't enough, it wasn't enough, at least he had to run thousands of miles.

Seeing Zhang Zheng toasting and refusing to eat the fine wine, Moxiu's eyes were fierce, and he speeded up to catch up, and his tone showed two signs of urgency: "Stop for me, or I will tear you to pieces!"

How could Zhang Zheng listen to him, speed up again, hang Moxiu from a distance, but don't let him fall down.

After ten breaths, the scene in front of him had become a deep forest. Zhang Zheng guessed that he had escaped thousands of miles, and disappeared in a flash.

Moxiu, who had finally caught up with him, was exhausted and out of breath, but suddenly realized that Zhang Zheng was gone, and his eyes widened suddenly. He was too urgent to think deeply, but now he reacted instantly.

Hastily cast out the spell, and as soon as he turned around and was about to flee, a figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, the cold light was like lightning, reflecting his sharply constricted pupils, it was already in front of him, and he couldn't avoid it.


The falling figure stirred up fallen leaves and dust, a huge blood hole between the eyebrows was bubbling, and the eyes that were not closed were still in horror and fear.

Zhang Zheng put away the dagger, and neatly removed all the storage bags and belongings from Moxiu's body and put them in his pocket.

She looked back and could no longer see the direction of the flames of the battle, she frowned to hide her grief, and did not dare to procrastinate any longer, she simply fled in the other direction.

I hope as many people escape as possible.

It turned out that Lin Xiaoxiao's stern warning was not true, she intended to confuse Moxiu with these words, and she spread the word to all her disciples at the same time.

"Jiang Feng and I have come to hold back Moxiu. You look for opportunities to escape quickly and don't love to fight. This is an order, don't disobey it!"

(End of this chapter)

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