Chapter 88

Shen Chang'an choked with anger at her high-spirited expression of having nothing to do with her.

"I know that there is a mansion in the west of the city. The owner of the mansion moved his family to another place more than ten years ago, and the mansion became vacant, and the officials did not take it back."

Shen Chang'an's expression darkened by two points, and he soon returned to normal, "The owner of the house and I are old acquaintances. If this Taoist master doesn't mind, you can come and stay here for a while."

Doze came to send pillows.

Zhang Zheng was happy to take advantage of it, but he couldn't be too blatant, so he bowed his hands and thanked him sincerely: "Young master is really a bodhisattva, and he is willing to do good."

Shen Chang'an's face was stiff with a half-smile, "You're welcome."

Zhang Zheng took out a dozen or so ingots of silver from his sleeve, offered them with both hands, and said with a smile, "Master, you have a kind heart, so we can't take advantage of you in vain. I'm so shy in my pocket, so I can only give you so much. I hope you don't mind, my lord."

These ten taels of silver Shen Chang'an looked down upon in his heart, but he couldn't refuse, he took the silver with cold eyes, with a smirk on his face.

Everyone is happy on the surface.

Shen Chang'an pulled the happy Ni Xiao, turned around and was about to leave.

Hey, I haven't shown her the house yet!
Zhang Zheng had just given out more than a dozen taels of silver, Yu Shen Changan didn't have much, and Yu Shen, who was already poor, also had a huge sum of money, so she couldn't just beat the dog with meat buns and never return.

He walked forward in a few steps in a hurry, smiling, "My lord, I don't know where the yard you mentioned is. It is empty all the year round. Pindao wants to clean it first."

Being stopped in public, Shen Chang'an's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "We have to do some things in the martial arts field in the city. The courtyard is remote and hard to find. If the Taoist master is not in a hurry, can you wait for me to finish the business and take it personally?" you go?"

"It's really troublesome, young master. If you are kind-hearted, you will be rewarded with good fortune."

Zhang Zheng praised without falsehood, and the words of praise blurted out.

Shen Changan smiled slightly, looking at Zhang Zheng with a gentle look.

Ni Xiao, who had just bought a bunch of candied haws, heard the words, and warmly invited again, "Blind half fairy, come with us to the martial arts arena, lest Brother Shen will not find you later."

Zhang Zheng was so happy that he agreed without hesitation, just as she was still a little worried that this "good-hearted man" would abandon her and run away.

Ni Xiao happily walked side by side with Zhang Zheng, chattering non-stop, asking all kinds of questions about being a Taoist priest, endlessly.

Zhang Zheng was very patient, always maintaining a decent smile, saying what he could say, and fooling around with a few words when he couldn't.

There was harmony and tranquility here, Shen Changan was a little behind two steps, silently staring at the backs of the two with dark and strange eyes.

"Here we are, there is the martial arts field in front of us."

Ni Xiao grinned excitedly and shouted that this was the first time she had really entered the arena.

In the past, every time her father held a martial arts competition, she would not be allowed to enter. He used the excuse of saying that girls should not watch the fighting, it was really scary.

This time, she hid it from her father for a long time, and Brother Shen reluctantly agreed to take her in to have a look.

On the tall and majestic wall, hundreds of people's names are engraved on it, and under each name are written their achievements and achievements in tiny characters.

"These are all heroes who have come to the martial arts field to compete. They must defeat more than a hundred people, or defeat one of the people on the wall, before they can be engraved on the wall for the admiration of thousands of people."

Ni Xiao jumped to the wall and excitedly introduced Zhang Zheng, who had just arrived, with a look of honor.

Something like a ring, it's somewhat similar to the list of hundreds of people in the martial arts field of the Wanxuanmen Outer Sect.

Zhang Zheng's eyes fell on a name on the top of the city wall, "Shen Chang'an".

The next pile of petty characters almost took up half of the city wall, and there are countless names in the world.

Among them, the most conspicuous one should be the four characters of "Jade Mian Langjun".

Ni Xiao noticed that Zhang Zheng's eyes fell on "Shen Chang'an", and jumped in front of her with a smile, pointing at the three characters, her eyes full of pride.

"Ah! Blind half-immortal, don't you know? Brother Shen is Shen Changan. He has been practicing martial arts with his father since he was ten years old."

Speaking of this, a look of disappointment flashed across Ni Xiao's eyes, and her rosy lips pursed, "At that time, they went out every day, and they couldn't see anyone all day long, and my father asked grandma to watch over me and not allow me to leave the house."

Seeing Ni Xiao's annoyed expression staring at him, Shen Chang'an helplessly spread his hands, this is not up to him to decide.


Ni Xiao snorted angrily, then remembered the business in a blink of an eye, and continued: "Brother Shen is amazing. He defeated my father who was the number one in office three years ago, and ranked No. 1. And oh, Shen The elder brother is also gentle and handsome, everyone calls him Yumian Langjun! This title is really nice, and I also want to have such a title."

Zhang Zheng had already guessed from her words that she was the daughter of the lord of Changping City, the eldest daughter of the Ni Mansion, and the apple of the eye of Ni Yuanping, the former leader of the martial arts alliance.

He completely cut off the thought of taking her to the world of comprehension.

She had heard that Ni Yuanping had an adopted son who was better than a parent, and she also expected that the one who guarded Ni Xiao every day might be this mysterious adopted son.

But he didn't expect that his adopted son was Shen Chang'an, who was so powerful at such a young age that he could defeat Ni Yuanping.

Zhang Zheng looked at Shen Chang'an feigning surprise, and smiled admiringly when he met his cold gaze, "Mr. Shen is really a young genius, and he is worthy of the title of Jade Faced Lord of Jianghu."

Shen Chang'an could hear the teasing in her words, she smiled tenderly, her eyes were cold and unwavering.

"It's just a joke, that's all, Taoist master just joked."

The word "Taoist" was bitten a little harder by him, insinuating that she was a fake Taoist.

each other.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Zhang Zheng took the lead to look away, and turned to look at the name being engraved on the wall.

The middle-aged man held a light knife with a thin and sharp blade, and when he fell on the stone wall, his strokes were as easy as cutting mud.

"Thank you Ge."

Although Zhang Zheng was a little surprised when he saw the familiar name at first glance, he was not surprised.

After all, he is a monk who has practiced, even if he has no spiritual power, he can run amok in the mortal world with his physical strength and rough attack moves.

But this never appeared, and the name that fell to No.13 as soon as it appeared attracted the attention of Ni Xiao and Shen Changan.

Ni Xiao, who officially came here to watch the competition, naturally would not miss the competition of such powerful people, so he stopped the middle-aged man directly and asked, "Uncle, is this Xie Ge still in the field?"

The middle-aged man pointed towards the wall, "It's still there, here, go in and turn right to the thirteenth corridor, which is his arena."

"Brother Shen, I want to see Xie Ge's competition."

Shen Chang'an looked puzzled, and hesitantly persuaded: "We still need to quickly complete the task entrusted by uncle."

Ni Xiaoxiu frowned tightly, "Anyway, you can't tell me what's going on, you just happened to go alone."

"The people inside are so chaotic, and the weapons don't have eyes, so it's easy to hurt you."

Ni Xiao ignored his expression of disapproval, and jumped directly behind Zhang Zheng, sticking out her little furry head, "I'm not afraid, Master Taoist will protect me."

(End of this chapter)

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