Chapter 89


Shen Changan's face was unhappy, and he looked at Zhang Zheng calmly with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhang Zheng, who had exceptionally keen five senses, sensed the hidden killing intent, and his lowered eyes froze and turned dark.

When they first met on the street that day, this Shen Changan had already harbored malice towards her, and he used threats to coerce her when they first met.

Today, when they met again at the shop, Ni Xiao wanted to invite her to the house, but before she said anything, he once again cast a resentful look at her.

Before that, although she was a little bit dissatisfied, she could understand that anyone who saw a "fake Taoist priest" trying to lure the precious person who had been raised by her family to practice Taoism would feel angry.

Therefore, if she was happy to cheat him for some money, she should be rewarded for being repeatedly hated by him.

However, he had an inexplicable killing intent towards her, and it was so strong that Zhang Zheng had to be very vigilant.

There are also many people in the cultivation world who want to kill her for no reason, but most of them are stronger than her. She can only try her best to escape with aggrieved feelings.

But in this mortal world, even if she can't use her spiritual power, she doesn't need to be careful and shrink back like a turtle.

If you can't fight, you can always escape.

Since she didn't do anything, he wanted to kill her, and she had to see what would happen to him if she did.

After thinking about this, Zhang Zheng smiled, raised his eyebrows at Shen Changan and said, "Young Master Shen, don't worry, I will try my best to protect Miss Xiaoxiao."

Ni Xiao didn't recognize Shen Chang'an's darkening complexion, and said with a bright smile: "Listen, Master Humanist has said that he will protect me. Brother Shen, you can go about your business with peace of mind."

She made a stern expression, stood up straight and promised, "I promise to only watch it at the Xie Ge ring and not go anywhere. Brother Shen will come to us after finishing his work, and take the Taoist master to see the house by the way."

The latter sentence was another knife stabbed in Shen Changan's body, but he couldn't get angry at Ni Xiao, so he had to compromise, and repeatedly asked: "Don't run around."

"Good good."

Ni Xiao absent-mindedly responded to his instructions, then pulled Zhang Zheng and ran into the wall, turning right into the Thirteenth Corridor.

The martial arts arena is in the shape of a semicircle as a whole, with 33 corridors, each leading to a martial arts arena.

In the center of the semi-circular arc, that is, the arena leading to the first corridor is the largest arena in the competition arena, and it will be the competition venue for this "Leader's Order".

As evening approached, the night was dark, and the bright night pearls and bright candles illuminated the entire arena, as bright as day.

Along the way, Zhang Zheng felt more and more unfathomable about the financial resources of the lord of Changping City. It is said that he alone paid for the construction of this huge martial arts arena.

Every brick, every tile, every jewel and every treasure inside belong to him.

Thinking of my poor life and my family's utter desolation, it really makes people jealous.

"Let's go, let's go! Come and place your bets, don't wait for the time."

Before I saw the ring, I heard the rough voice yelling for gambling.

Turning the corner, a wide arena with a height of one foot came into view, surrounded by circular stairs for people to sit around and watch the competition.

At the top of the stairs, a large white cloth hangs down, with three large characters dyed in red paint——"Bet Point".

A big man with a full beard curled up behind the small table next to the white cloth in a strange posture, shouting about gambling business in a grand manner.

There were quite a few people who placed bets, and there was a long queue like a dragon.

Zhang Zheng took a closer look and saw that it was Xie Ge and a man dressed as a scholar with a big ax on the stage.

Most of them bet on Xie Gesheng, and the odds reached ten to one.

This is a good opportunity to make money.

If disciples are recruited in the next period of time, in two months, besides the already solved accommodation problem, eating is also a trouble that needs to be considered.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng coughed lightly.

The familiar voice entered his ears, Xie Ge looked down the stage, and met Zhang Zheng's eyes.

Zhang Zheng turned his head and glanced at the "betting point", and the two of them had a good understanding.

Xie Ge slightly nodded his head almost invisible.

Weighing the remaining 15 taels of silver in his hand, Zhang Zheng changed his mind, and asked Ni Xiaojue with a shy face: "Miss Xiaoxiao, can you lend me some taels?"

Ni Xiao, who was concentrating on watching the competition between the two in the arena, did not turn her head, and casually untied her purse from her waist and threw it to Zhang Zheng.

"The blind half-immortal can take as much as he wants. I don't have much else on me, and I'm never short of silver taels."

It's really touching.

Zhang Zheng opened the purse, and the glittering gold was dazzling.

Winning too much inevitably raises suspicions.

He dug out a few pieces of silver from a pile of gold, returned the purse to Ni Xiao, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Miss Xiaoxiao, I will return the hundred taels of silver later."

Before the start of the competition, Zhang Zheng made a smooth bet, betting that Xie Ge lost.

The bearded man politely reminded, "They all bet on Xie Ge to win after watching the competition."

Zhang Zheng raised his eyebrows, "It's nothing, I'm just looking for fun."

Now that the man said so, the bearded man stopped trying to dissuade him, and put a hundred taels of silver into the bag.Shaking his head silently in his heart, he couldn't see it, he was still a wealthy master who spent a lot of money and had fun.


The gongs and drums sounded, and the competition officially began.

The slender scholar was the first to attack, holding an ax that was seriously out of shape with his body, he lowered his waist and lifted it vigorously, and the ax weighing a thousand catties was lifted high.

The sharp ax blade was so clean that it reflected the bright pearl light around it, and the cold light flashed across.

The scholar threw out his hand vigorously, the ax rose into the air, and spun towards Xie Ge.

Xie Ge didn't move, but when the ax was about to reach him, he tapped his toes and flew forward. With a seemingly light step, the ax collapsed and fell deeply into the ring.

"call out--"

Without waiting for a moment's pause, Xie Ge spun his right hand, and the spear pierced out, piercing through the air, and aimed at the scholar's eyebrow.

The scholar's face darkened, he lowered his waist and retracted his abdomen, and put his hands horizontally in front of his abdomen.


He opened his mouth wide, and the deafening shout seemed to come from the sky, like thunder billowing, turning into sound waves and rushing out.

The two collided with each other with a bang, and the rumbling sound pierced the sky.

This scholar looks so thin and slender, with weak willows and strong winds, and he is just carrying a giant ax that is out of place. He never expected that he is actually the heir of the lion's roar skill.

No matter how surprised everyone is.

Xie Ge paused quietly, and the spear split from the tip.

"Crack clap..."

The spear split into pieces of wood and fell down one after another.

"I surrender."

Xie Gefei stepped back and landed on the ring.

A much-anticipated competition ended in such a ridiculous way, and the end was hastily cut off just after seeing the climax of excitement.

Like a broken spear, the hearts and purses of the audience off the stage were also torn open.

"No way! My money!"

"I just beat Xie Ge in the first round, and he lost to me?"

"Where did this scholar come from!"


All of a sudden, there were voices of resentment.

As one of the parties involved, Xie Ge had already quietly exited the scene.

Seeing this, Zhang Zheng, who had made a lot of money, couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It's really not easy to be a gambler. If you're not sure, it's better to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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