Chapter 310
Today happened to be Li Ling and Li Xiang taking a rest, so in the evening the eldest princess invited several children to Luo'an hall for dinner.

The eldest princess has now moved back to the Zhen Guogong's mansion, and lives with the Zhen Guogong in the newly renovated Luo'an Hall.Perhaps these older princesses are fed up with the deserted and lonely life of living alone, and now that they have free time, they want to get together with their children and grandchildren.

In the evening, Li Lingjingshu brought her two children to Luo'an Hall.

It turns out that Duke Zhen lived here alone all the time, and all the buildings and furnishings here have long been outdated. Li Ling ordered people to repair them several times, but Duke Zhen refused. Ever since the eldest princess moved back, Duke Zhen has personally ordered People not only rearranged the inside and outside of the Luotangju, but also opened up the back garden next to the yard.

There are exquisite pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants compete for beauty.

Li Ling walked inside with his wife, looking at the magnificent Luo'an Hall, he said to his wife in a low voice: "Father has always been frugal, but now he has spent a lot of money to please mother."

Jingshu replied: "Mother has always loved flowers and plants, and you will order someone to find some good ones and send them over later."

"No need, I think my father is going to turn this place into a garden, so what am I doing for fun?"

Jing Shu glanced at her dull husband: "No matter how good the father is, it's his husband's intention. As a son, you should do your best for your mother."

Li Ling scratched his head, frowned and said, "It's reasonable, but I really don't know what flowers and plants my mother likes. After you go back, you can tell me carefully."

When the eldest princess saw her little granddaughter, she hugged brother Xuan to the Duke of Zhen, and it was rare for her to take over her little granddaughter-in-law.

"There is also the forest over there. I want to order everyone to bring it down. After it is leveled, it will be used as a training ground. We can ride and shoot in our spare time."

"Look at these black swans. I ordered people to buy them back from the south. I spent a lot of effort. I was worried that they would not adapt to the water and soil. Haha, I never wanted to raise them for so long. .”

Sister Qing was only four months old, and the little guy was wrapped in swaddling clothes, pouting his mouth and spitting bubbles, very cute and cute.

The eldest princess immediately handed over the knife, and said angrily: "You are suffering from a cough, how can you drink strong alcohol?"

In summer, the water is cool and cool, and the family gathers here, which is very comfortable and comfortable.

Zhen Guogong stood beside the eldest princess, looked down at brother Xuan, nodded and said: "It is true that he is becoming more and more like his father, as long as he grows up to be like his father, just be a cold face. "

Among the three children, the eldest princess likes the eldest son the most. Hearing what her husband said, she glared at Duke Zhen, and retorted: "How many generals are not cold-faced? joke?"

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Grandma Ju ordered to serve dinner in the pavilion.

The eldest princess likes Phoenix wood the most, so naturally there is no reason not to agree.

After a while, Li Xiang, Pingyang, and the third girl, Jin Yan, also rushed over with Sister Qing.

Zhen Guogong looked at his son with a smile, and was about to speak, but glanced at his wife's face, shut his mouth in a hurry and resentment, and only smiled at the eldest princess as if to please him.

Jing Shu quietly glanced at her parents-in-law and said with a smirk: "I think father's posture is going to turn over the mansion again."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Duke Zhen responded to his wife in a hurry, looked at the eldest princess with crooked eyebrows and said, "It's just that I'm old now, and there are more wrinkles on my face, don't you just look at me?" It won't be cold anymore."

The whole family sat together, talking and laughing, just halfway through eating when Pingyang turned sideways and retched.

Seeing his father's obsessively pleasing appearance, Li Ling secretly sighed inaudibly. The third girl pursed her mouth and turned her head to admire the scenery.

"I've thought about expanding this lake for a while, bringing in the river water from the back mountain, so we can go boating on the lake and pick lotus."

Seeing his father's unprincipled appearance in front of his mother, Li Ling shrugged and pulled his wife aside to enjoy the scenery.

Li Xiang hurriedly put down the jade chopsticks to caress his wife's back. After Pingyang calmed down, he announced to everyone with a smile that Pingyang was pregnant.

I only heard Duke Zhen and Princess Chang chatting endlessly: "I plan to wait for the spring to plant a large piece of poinciana on the other side of the lake, and plant a piece in the small garden in front of our palace, so that you can see it as soon as you look up. How about going to the sea of ​​fiery red flowers?"

But the ear is not clean.

Li Ling shook his head when he heard it, and muttered in a low voice, "How much money is this?"

As he said that, Duke Zhen grabbed the grain of rice and raised it towards the water, and a dozen or so swans swam over with their wings flapping.

The eldest princess smiled and took her grandson, hugged her in her arms, and said to Zhen Guo: "Look at this child, he looks more and more like Bo Yue."

The adults were delighted to see it, Brother Xuan and Sister Bao were even more excited. Brother Xuan was so happy that he even moved his hands and feet in the arms of the nurse, waving his small arms and fat legs towards the water. The elf babbled.

The chronic illness of more than ten years can be forgotten as soon as it is said.

"The garden there also needs to be rearranged."

The two talked all the way to the front of the main hall. Zhen Guogong accompanied the eldest princess to lean on the railing to appreciate the lotus in the waterside pavilion next to the hall. When Zhen Guogong saw Li Lingjingshu, he waved to the two of them and said, "Set the meal here today. And come here."

It turns out that Duke Zhen has always lived in seclusion, even when he gathers with everyone during the holidays, he seldom listens to him. Now that the eldest princess returns, he has completely changed. Also increased.

The eldest princess hurriedly said: "What's the matter? But did you eat the wrong thing?"

Because the Duke of Zhen and Princess Chang had old illnesses, Nanny Ju only ordered light fruit wine to be served. Seeing that the wine was light, Duke Zhen waved his hand and said boldly: "It's rare for Bo Yue Zhongxuan to get together at leisure today. , and bring some tasty wine"

Li Xiang is the gentlest of the three brothers and sisters, only he smiled and helped smooth things over and said: "Father loved alcohol when he was young, but he has never dared to drink since he got sick. It's normal to be addicted to alcohol once in a while."

Seeing this, Duke Zhen calmed down immediately, but being scolded by his wife in front of his children, Duke Zhen still couldn't bear it, but he didn't dare to lose his temper at all. Forget about having a cough."

The pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions are all newly built by Zhen Guogong. The pavilions and terraces in the waterside pavilions are scattered and very spacious. There are not only tables and stools for banquets, but also soft rocking chairs.

Li Ling helped his wife onto the covered bridge, and slowly walked towards the pavilion in the water.

Prosperity is the blessing of the whole family, everyone was happy when they heard the news, but the eldest princess was not happy.

Pingyang is both her daughter-in-law and her own niece, so the eldest princess naturally loves her more.Women's childbearing is the most harmful to the body. Pingyang is pregnant again less than half a year after giving birth to the child, so the eldest princess will naturally feel sorry for her niece.

"This baby is coming soon, and we must take good care of it." The eldest princess is a soft-spoken person, and she will not babble like ordinary women. Although the words of advice are short, her expression is unusually concerned .

"Don't worry, mother, I will take good care of Pingyang." Without waiting for Pingyang to answer, Li Xiang on the side smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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