The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 311 Wife and Concubine

Chapter 311 Wife and Concubine
In the small courtyard of Xianglin Garden, Jiao Xing was leaning on the couch and staring at the plum branches protruding from the corner through the window, with a sweet smile on her face.

The servant girl Xiaohong glanced at her master and said curiously: "Aunt Xing, I saw you just staring at these plum branches yesterday, I really don't understand, what's there to see?"

As she said that, she also lay on the window and followed Jiao Xing's gaze, and said in surprise: "Ah! It's summer, why are there two flowers blooming on that plum tree?"

Jiao Xing hurriedly gestured to Xiaohong to shut up. Seeing this, Xiaohong quickly covered her mouth, turned her head and looked outside, and saw that the little girl Suyue from the main room was not there, so she quietly He whispered to the master: "Did the third master make this again?"

Seeing that the master was silent, Xiao Hong leaned towards the master, and said in a low voice with a smile: "Yesterday was Qixi Festival, although the third master is with his wife, he still has a heart for my aunt."

Xiaohong has accompanied Jiao Xing back to the mansion for more than a year. As Jiao Xing's personal maid, she has already understood that although the third master respects and loves his wife, his aunt is the one in his heart.

It's just that although the third master loves his aunt very much in his heart, he is extremely forbearing. Only she in this house knows the inside story because she serves her aunt personally. I'm afraid that no one knows the third master's deep love for my aunt.

"The maidservant vaguely heard that Madam seems to be pregnant again. If you give birth to a boy this time, you can also give birth to a child for the third master."

Xiaohong knows that her aunt has always wanted to have a child for the third master, and the third master is also looking forward to it.

Jiao Xing glanced at Xiaohong, and reprimanded: "Whether the concubine's room can have children depends entirely on the eldest lady. Even if the wife gave birth to a boy, it is not certain whether I will be allowed to have children, and it all depends. That’s what God’s Will and Madam meant.”

Li Xiang grinned and asked Jiao Xing, "Do you like it?"

"Tch! Liar, I just saw that you were looking at that plum tree."

"I have something to give you."

Pingyang came back from Luo'an Hall, rested on the soft couch for a while, and asked Yuzhu to hug Sister Qing over.

Only then did Li Xiang realize that his wife was using her dowry to pave the way for his official career.

Li Xiang leaned on the window sill, pulled Jiao Xing and pointed at the plum tree and asked, "How is it? I made the silk flower with my own hands. Is it the same as the real thing?"

Sister Qing was gently coaxed and photographed by her mother, and after a while, she really fell asleep sweetly.

"As the saying goes, 'greed creates worry, greed creates fear.' If we want to keep the only warmth in this world, we must not have greed."

Jiao Xing nodded to Li Xiang, and replied: "I like it, but don't do such a thing in the future, if people know about it, it will be great."

Yuzhu replied with a smile: "I'm afraid this matter is out of your control."

Although Xiaohong half-understands what she said, but seeing her master speak so earnestly to her, she dared not talk nonsense anymore, she just replied in an embarrassing way: "I understand, I will go to the kitchen to get you some Snacks."

With that said, Ping Yang took out a wooden box from under the dowry and handed it to Li Xiang.

Just as Xiao Hong was about to go to the ground, she saw Li Xiang walking in.The little girl couldn't help jumping up when she saw Li Xiang: "Auntie, the third master is here, the third master is here."

"Then you still come to ask me?" Jiao Xing asked Li Xiang angrily.

Li Xiang said helplessly: "So, it's really hard work for you."

Li Xiang opened it, and saw that there was a neat stack of bank notes, all of which were in denominations of one thousand taels, stacked thickly together, amounting to tens of thousands.

"Third Master!"

Just as he was talking, Li Xiang walked in slowly, seeing his wife leaning on the couch with a pale face, Li Xiang walked over and asked with concern: "But are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

Ping Yang nodded to Li Xiang.

There were only two people in the room, Li Xiang stepped forward and grabbed Jiao Xing, and asked with a smile: "What were you looking at by the window just now?"

Pingyang smiled and said, "It's hard work being a mother."

Jiao Xing nodded and said: "It is indeed possible to confuse the real with the fake."

Seeing that he asked knowingly, Jiao Xing deliberately replied: "I didn't see anything, I just stared at the sky in a daze."

Seeing Xiao Hong's aggrieved appearance, Jiao Xing couldn't bear it anymore, and patiently explained: "The identity between me and the third master is very different, there shouldn't be any real love between us, if this love is carefully hidden There is still a sliver of happiness for us, if people know about it, we will definitely not be tolerated by this world."

Li Xiang sat down on the chair, discussed with Ping Yang: "Now you are working hard in pregnancy, let sister Qing sleep with the nurse from now on, so that you can sleep more peacefully at night."

This is her and Li Xiang's first child, Ping Yang is very caring for her daughter, and does everything by herself.

Ping Yang said: "I have already told the third master that if this baby is a son, he also agrees not to have it anymore."

Ping Yang propped himself up, took his daughter from Li Xiang's arms, held her in his arms and patted gently: "My sister is probably sleepy."

Pingyang was pregnant again less than half a year after giving birth to Sister Qing, and she really couldn't take it anymore, she reluctantly handed her daughter over to Yuzhu, leaned on the couch and gasped slightly: "It's really hard work to have a baby, if this baby... If I can get a boy, I don’t plan to regenerate from now on.”

Xiao Hong hurriedly put on their shoes and got off the ground. When they went out, they closed the door tightly.There is a little girl in this room who was rewarded by the main courtyard, if the door was open, the two of them had a hard time meeting each other, and it was inevitable that they would not be able to let go.

Ping Yang smiled and said: "How long have you been a Zhonglang general? I heard that the inner court is short of a Zuoyi commander, and the servants in the inner court are all noble relatives, so you have to do more work."

As soon as Li Xiang finished speaking, the baby girl Qing began to cry. Li Xiang got up, took her daughter clumsily and said, "What's wrong? Could it be that this little guy can understand what adults say at such a young age?"

"Shut up!" Before Xiao Hong finished speaking, Jiao Xing stopped her sharply.

Li Xiang looked at Pingyang suspiciously: "Why did you give me so much money?"

Jiao Xing looked at Xiao Hong helplessly, and waved her hand: "Go down and do your work first."

Xiaohong pouted and said: "I really don't understand, the third master cares about you so much, why are you still so cautious to the madam, even if you beg the third master to express your feelings to the madam, I don't believe that the madam will stop you, what are you doing

Ping Yang carried the children to the bed, smiled and said to Li Xiang: "It seems that this child has already recognized someone, but he can't leave me."

"Hold me."

Li Xiang seldom hugged his daughter, and he was clumsy when he hugged his daughter. Sister Qing fell into his father's arms and cried even more fiercely.

Pingyang coaxed sister Qing in her arms for a while, then Yuzhu stepped forward to persuade her: "You are delicate now, you should rest more and let the maidservant hold sister."

As she said that, she pouted towards the banknotes Li Xiang was holding: "These banknotes are still in storage, you can just use them to clear them."

"I know that when you got married, my uncle gave you a lot of dowry, but these are all your private property, so you should keep them for yourself." After saying that, Li Xiang put the box of silver notes back into the original box. He put it back under his wife's dowry without moving.

Seeing that Li Xiang refused to accept it, Pingyang pouted and said, "We are husband and wife, my money is yours after all, why bother to treat others like this."

Li Xiang patted his wife on the shoulder and replied: "I'm not alienating you, I just don't want to spend your dowry. If you expect me to be promoted, then I will just work hard in the future."

Li Xiang still looked gentle, but there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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