Chapter 347 King Jin
The rebel army occupied the four cities in the northwest, and Li Lingshuai's army arrived in Fancheng, the fortress leading to the capital in the northwest.

After Li Ling's deployment in Fancheng was complete, he divided the army into three groups. Fancheng left the elite division, and ordered Lieutenant General Liang Jin and Hu Dahai to lead a group of troops to station on the east and west wings of Fancheng. The three groups of troops formed horns.

The army was deployed properly, Li Ling did not rush to attack the city, but waited patiently.

Seeing that Li Ling was holding back his troops, the King of Jin couldn't hold back his temper. He went to Li Ling's tent and asked, "Now that the battle is already in place, why don't we attack the city and take down those rioters while our army is in full swing?"

Li Ling didn't say much to him, but only replied: "The time is not yet ripe, and we need to wait."

Although King Jin is a prince, Li Ling is the commander in chief. No matter how eager he is to make contributions, if Li Ling doesn't speak, he can only give up.

The king of Jin returned to the big tent in a dull mood, and Gongsun Yun, his confidant, said: "There is a saying in the art of war. 'One effort, three times, and then exhausted'. Now the morale of the soldiers is high, but Li Shuai is still unwilling to order to attack the city. , there may be something strange in it."

The King of Jin was a suspicious person, he listened to the advice of his confidant, and said suspiciously: "Mr. Gongsun's words are true. Although Li Ling maintains neutrality between the king and the crown prince on the surface, it is possible that he has surrendered to the crown prince secretly. , with such an attitude, I am afraid that this king will get meritorious service."

Gongsun Yun nodded slightly, and replied: "If so, the prince has to be more careful."

Another three days later, the King of Jin still saw no movement from Li Ling, so he went to Li Ling's tent to test again and said, "It's been three more days now, should Shuai Li wait any longer?"

Li Ling was reading the military newspaper, and when he heard that he looked at King Jin, he asked bluntly, "Prince Jin is so impatient, could it be that he doesn't trust me? Or is he worried that he will hinder the prince's meritorious service?"

Jin Wang's temperament is different from that of the prince. He has a treacherous mind, but also can bend and stretch. He is a smiling tiger.

Seeing that Li Ling was unhappy, the King of Jin knew that this person should not be offended, so he put on a smiling face, stepped forward and put his arms around Li Ling, laughing and saying, "Cousin, what are you talking about? As the saying goes, fighting a brother is a good thing. In the battle of father and son soldiers, we are cousins, I still can't trust you, cousin."

Li Ling was very uncomfortable with King Jin's way of expressing warmth, so he calmly removed King Jin's arm from his shoulder, and replied, "It's good that the prince can trust me."

King Jin was not annoyed when he heard Li Ling's lukewarm words, he still warmed up to him with a smile: "I said cousin, let's come out this time by order, although you are the coach, but I am also the deputy after all. Handsome, what exactly is your plan, can you tell me a thing or two."

This [-] army is also [-] lives. The reason why Li Ling has such a high prestige in the army is that apart from his extremely high military talent, the most important factor is his benevolence and love for soldiers.

Winning battles is important, but the wealth and lives of these soldiers who have wives, children, and parents are also important. A person like Jin Wang who can give up everything just to earn military merits really can't let Li Ling trust him.

Li Ling also knew that Prince Jin was the deputy commander, so it would be inappropriate if the quarrel deepened. He glanced at Prince Jin expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Don't be impatient, Prince Jin. I will give the prince an explanation in three days. that is."

King Jin rolled his eyes again and again after hearing this, but his face was still joking and enthusiastic: "Look at what you said, cousin, it seems that my cousin doesn't believe you, cousin, you use soldiers Rushen, to be fair, you are worthy of being called cousin when it comes to leading troops in battle."

As he spoke, Li Ling of the Jin Dynasty gave a thumbs up.

Li Ling was originally a man of unspoken words, the most impatient and noisy person to deal with, he gave the king of Jin who was shaking his head lightly, and said nothing.

"Okay! Three days later, I'll wait for my cousin to issue a military order!"

As he said that, King Jin couldn't help reaching out to pat Li Ling's shoulder, but Li Ling dodged it, making King Jin's arm stiff in the air.

King Jin withdrew his arm, rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, squinted his eyes and wanted to smile at Li Ling: "Since you won't send troops these few days, why should cousin be so serious, let's go, let's have a drink."

Li Ling glanced at the King of Jin, and said coldly: "There is an order in the army that all generals and soldiers are not allowed to drink alcohol. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed!"

Although Li Ling loves soldiers, he is extremely strict in governing the army. He uttered the word "cut" so loudly that King Jin couldn't help shivering.

Seeing that Li Ling, who was as cold as ice, was so recalcitrant, King Jin had no choice but to leave the tent of the Chinese army in embarrassment.

King Jin left the big tent, the smile on his face faded completely, he went back to his tent with a cold face, and invited a few confidantes under the tent to discuss.

Several counselors under King Jin heard that Li Ling was still unwilling to send troops, and they couldn't help complaining one by one.

"A [-] army is working here, so what exactly is Li Ling thinking?"

"Could it be that he was bought by the crown prince, maybe he was worried that you, the lord, will earn military merits along with him."

"If this is the case, then we can't sit still like this. This time the prince came out, he must take this credit. Otherwise, if he returns without success, wouldn't he be ashamed of His Majesty's arrangement for the prince? Isn't the princeling If you want to take the opportunity to suppress us, then it will be difficult for us to stand up."

"From what I've seen, it's better for us to write a book and report this matter to the sage, and ask the sage to relieve Li Ling from the responsibility of being the commander-in-chief, and promote the prince to be the commander-in-chief. Let's win the four cities in one fell swoop and go back to claim credit."

Although King Jin was very suspicious, he was not a brainless person, and he had a deep understanding of his own abilities. He had never led a soldier, so how could he be a commander in chief? The victory of the battle let him take advantage of it. If Li Ling was really transferred away, how could he handle it alone.

King Jin glanced at the chattering crowd, seeing that none of them had a clever plan to resolve the situation in front of him, he waved his hands and said, "Don't say any more."

Seeing the master's words, everyone closed their mouths one by one. Jin Wang looked at them with a cold face and said: "This time, it is a matter of great concern to the king. You must pay more attention to it. If you can really do it for me It is my ability to find out the reason why Li Ling did what I did, and instead of sharing my worries, you all come up with random ideas here."

Seeing this, everyone knelt down and pleaded guilty.

The king of Jin rolled his eyes at everyone, sighed slightly, and softened his tone and said: "As the saying goes, the king loses the bandit, whether this battle can be won or not is a matter of my king's succession, if this king succeeds, naturally I will not I will treat you badly, but if it doesn’t work out, your future life will naturally be worse than this king’s. This battle can only be won, not lost!”

(End of this chapter)

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