Chapter 348

Jin Wangqiang patiently endured for another three days, and in the early morning of the third day, Jin Wang couldn't wait to find Li Ling's tent again.

Li Ling got up early and was having breakfast after returning from martial arts practice. Seeing that the King of Jin was looking for him again, he just raised his eyes and asked, "Is the lord ready to eat? Would you like to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks for the lord?"

Jin Wang was so anxious that he went to the room, where he could eat, he just smiled and replied: "I have already used it, my cousin can use it slowly."

Seeing his refusal, Li Ling didn't say any more, and ignored King Jin who was anxiously waiting next to him scratching his ears and cheeks, and continued to have breakfast in a leisurely manner.

The King of Jin finally waited until Li Ling finished his breakfast. Before he could ask about when he would attack the city, Li Ling said, "I'm going to patrol the camp. Do you want to go with me?"

Finally, King Jin couldn't hold back his temper any longer, and asked Li Ling, "Didn't my cousin say that he would give me an answer today? Why didn't you march quickly? Are you going to continue to hide it from me?"

Li Ling glanced at the impatient King Jin, and replied: "Now is the time to patrol the camp, let's talk about it when we get back."

After all, Li Ling didn't wait for King Jin's reaction, so he strode out of the camp, turned over and stepped on the horse, and with his legs clamped, he headed for the training ground of the soldiers like lightning.

King Jin had no choice but to follow Li Ling on his horse and ran out after Li Ling.

The soldiers were practicing, and when they saw the marshal coming to inspect, they worked harder. The sun was shining, and sand and rocks were flying on the endless training ground.

Li Ling rode on a horse and waited after watching the drills of the soldiers. With his legs clamped, the horse under his crotch kicked down from the coaching platform and jogged around the training ground.

As a general, Li Ling came to patrol the camp every day. The soldiers in heavy armor under his command saw Li Ling's figure. The swords, guns, and halberds shot out a dazzling cold light against the rising sun.

Such a mighty and majestic moment makes people's blood boil.

The King of Jin followed closely behind Li Ling, and naturally knew that the loud shouts of thousands of troops and horses were not coming for him. He raised his eyes to look at Li Ling, who was riding upright on the horse, and couldn't help feeling a deep feeling in his heart. Envy.

After Li Ling inspected the military battle, he rode back to the camp. The confidant general Yang Guang who was sent out by Li Ling a few days ago happened to be outside the tent.

Li Ling entered the tent of the Chinese army, sat down on the main seat, looked at Yang Guang and asked, "Have you brought back all the food and grass?"

Yang Guang stepped forward and clasped his fists at Li Ling and said, "If you go back to the marshal, one grain is not a lot, and a total of [-] dan of grain and grass was taken back by the last general."

Li Ling nodded at Zhao Guang, and replied, "It's hard work."

Yang Guang was about to resign. King Jin, who was sitting at the bottom, looked at Li Ling wonderingly, "Cousin, what's going on? What kind of food and grass? Shouldn't the food and grass for our army be escorted by the Ministry of War? What's going on? "

Li Ling hated chattering with others the most. He glanced at King Jin and winked at Yang Guang.

Yang Guang understood, and replied to King Jin: "If you go back to the prince, the grain and grass brought by the Ministry of War were robbed by the mob halfway, and the marshal ordered me to lead people to take the grain and grass back."

The army was mobilized, and the food and grass went first, but Li Ling had an urgent trip to the northwest this time to suppress the rebellion, and the food and grass that accompanied the army was only enough for half a month, and the rest needed to be continuously transported by the imperial court.

Li Ling had expected that these traitors who only knew how to exercise power would play tricks on transporting grain and grass, so he ordered Yang Guang to lead people to lie in ambush on the way early in the morning. When the imperial court ordered officials to escort the grain and grass to the northwest, the princelings spread the news. Well, these escort officers were colluding with the so-called mob, and they wanted to break Li Ling's grain road.

Although these escorts are members of the princelings, they were sent by the court. Naturally, Li Ling would not take the food directly from their hands, but let the so-called mob take it first, and then he would take it from the hands of the mob. Just grab it.

How could these rulers fool Li Ling with their shameless and poisonous tricks that they thought were flawless.

King Jin is not a fool. When he heard this, he immediately stood up, patted the table and said, "What was taken away by the mob? I think it's clear that the escort officers and the mob have colluded. How important is it to transport the military rations? Can a few mobs take away the general food? Hmph! Someone must be doing something wrong."

King Jin was filled with righteous indignation when he said that. Seeing Li Ling's expressionless face, he stepped forward and pulled Li Ling, and leaned in front of him and said, "Cousin, I'm sure the prince is behind this matter. He just wants to put us both to death. Now go back and write a letter to your father, as the commander-in-chief, you should also report this matter to your father."

Li Ling really doesn't like this King Jin, but he can't stand his warm way of being with others even more. Li Ling took away King Jin and took his hand, and didn't answer his questions, but turned to the soldiers under the tent. The order said: "Go and recruit all the soldiers to the tent, the commander has something to announce."

The reason why Li Ling didn't mobilize troops to attack the city early when he arrived in Fancheng was because he was waiting for food and grass.

If he is in a hurry, the battle will be halfway through, and if the supply of food and grass is not enough, then everything will be defeated.Now that the food and grass are in place, it is naturally time to regain the lost city in one go.

When King Jin heard this, his face immediately became happy, and he looked at Li Ling and said, "Cousin, are you finally going to march?"

Li Ling glanced at King Jin and replied, "Exactly."

King Jin clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "The crown prince resorted to such a dark method to put me back in vain, and now this king wants to make unworldly meritorious deeds and show him."

Li Ling glanced at the smiling King Jin, and said with a sneer, "My lord has been urging me to send troops, and now I've decided to attack the city tomorrow, so my lord wants to be a vanguard?"

When Jin Wang heard this, the smile on his face immediately froze, and he replied with a sneer: "Your cousin is really joking, you have such a strong general under your command, how can you use me? Besides, as the deputy commander Since you and your cousin should sit in the rear and plan strategies, there is no reason for the commander to fight in the vanguard."

Li Ling looked at Zhao Jin coldly, if he was just an ordinary person, Li Ling wouldn't even look at him, but this person is the candidate that the Holy One wants to be crown prince.

Li Ling really couldn't imagine what it would be like if the Daqi country, which was guarded by millions of soldiers with blood, fell into the hands of someone like Zhao Jin.

Seeing that Li Ling's face turned cold, the King of Jin came forward with a smile and said, "Cousin, I'm really not trying to shirk. My strength is that I'm good at planning and not good at martial arts. Cousin, let me."

Before he could finish his chatter, Li Ling replied coldly: "You can't be called brothers and sisters in the army. The prince will be careful in his words from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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