The High Gate Mistress of Rebirth

Chapter 349 The Awkwardness of the Young Couple

Chapter 349 The Awkwardness of the Young Couple
Uncle Lan's wife's condition has not improved, but Pingyang is thinking about the young children in the family, so he returned to the government after staying at his uncle's house for three days.

Pingyang returned to Xianglin Garden, but he didn't see Li Xiang. After asking the maids and learning that Li Xiang had been living in the Kuayuan for the past few days, Pingyang felt a little unhappy. She ordered someone to go to the Kuayuan to arrest Li Xiang I found it back.

After a while, Li Xiang returned to the main room. He saw Ping Yang and asked, "When did you come back? Why don't you order someone to come back and tell you in advance, so that I can pick you up."

Pingyang was feeding Sister Wan fruit on the couch, heard that there was no conversation, after feeding Sister Wan, Pingyang took her daughter to Baoxia and handed it to the wet nurse, and then went back to the main room.

Li Ling sat on the armchair, glanced at Pingyang's dull face, and asked again: "What's the matter? Has my aunt's illness not recovered?"

Only then did Pingyang look at Li Xiang, and said displeasedly: "If you really miss my natal family, you should visit me in person these days. If you don't care, why bother to ask me so hypocritically."

Pingyang is not a bad tempered person, but her uncle and aunt have always been kind to her, so seeing her aunt's illness not getting better, she will inevitably feel irritable.

Li Xiang simply closed his mouth resentfully after hearing such gunpowder-flavored words like Pingyang's.

There were only the husband and wife in the room, and neither of them spoke. The huge main room immediately fell into a suffocating silence.

In the end, it was Ping Yang who broke the stalemate first. He looked at Li Xiang and scolded her: "Your position as the left collar of brocade clothes was obtained through the efforts of your uncle's cousin. My aunt has been ill for so many days. Anyway, you should go visit and do your best."

Li Xiang's face became gloomy after hearing this, she was silent for a while, and said: "If you want me to visit your uncle's house, just tell me directly, why bother to involve anything else."

After saying that, Li Xiang didn't wait for Pingyang to speak again, he got up and left Pingyang and went out of the house by himself.

Seeing Li Xiang leaving like this, Pingyang felt even more depressed, and she couldn't help crying silently while sitting on the bed alone.

Yuzhu, who was busy outside the house, saw Li Xiang coming out with an uneasy expression, so she hurried into the house. Seeing Pingyang weeping on the bed, Yuzhu hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "You just came back, why are you making trouble with my uncle?" Not happy?"

Pingyang is a person who can't keep his words in his heart. When he saw Yuzhu coming in, he wiped his tears and told Yuzhu about the quarrel between the two just now.

After hearing this, Yuzhu sighed slightly and said: "You and my uncle have had quite a few disagreements about my uncle's promotion, and I advise you not to worry about my uncle's career in the future, and don't mention it to him again. The eldest son of the master's family helped my uncle get promoted."

Pingyang twitched and said wronged: "I didn't do this for his own good, I just don't understand why he just doesn't appreciate it?"

Yuzhu knew that her princess had been spoiled and raised with a simple mind since she was a child, so she persuaded her: "My uncle is the son of the eldest princess. If he really cares about his official career, as long as the eldest princess says a word, he can't get any job done. Since he is so You are willing to stay in one position for many years, which shows that my uncle doesn't care about these things at all. Since my uncle doesn't care, you have to do everything possible to stuff it into his hands. This will make my uncle feel that you look down on him. It’s inevitable that there will be suspicion in my heart.”

After hearing Yuzhu's words, Pingyang lowered her eyes and thought for a while, wiped away her tears, and asked, "Where did he go?"

Yuzhu changed her mind when she saw her princess so quickly, she sighed helplessly and said: "Don't take the initiative to reconcile with my uncle when you have a quarrel with my uncle, and wait for my uncle to come to you."

Ping Yang smiled through his tears, pouted and said: "I don't think what you said is quite reasonable. I used to think about these things too simply."

Yuzhu glared at Pingyang: "Even if you are at fault, you should bow your head first every time."

Saying that, Yuzhu went to the table and poured a cup of hot tea for Pingyang, Pingyang took a sip of the teacup, smiled at Yuzhu and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you this time, don't go looking for him, Just wait for him to take the initiative to find me and make peace."

Yuzhu smiled and nodded at Pingyang, then sat down beside her, and said hesitantly: "You have been away for the past three days, my uncle has gone to the courtyard twice."

Ping Yang was immersed in the self-blame of the dispute with Li Xiang just now, she listened to Yuzhu's words, raised her eyes and asked her: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Yuzhu said with a dark face: "There is nothing wrong with it, but I don't usually see my uncle going so often. You have only been at uncle's house for three days, and my uncle went to Kuayuan to stay for two nights."

No woman would want her husband to touch other women. Hearing this, Pingyang felt a little disappointed. She sighed slightly and said, "My husband is just a concubine. I'm not at home. He It is inevitable that a person will be lonely, just go.”

Li Xiang came back during dinner, Pingyang saw that he was still sullen, and wanted to take the initiative to reconcile with him, but thinking of Yuzhu's warning today, she finally held back.

The two ate dinner silently facing each other, Ping Yang took the children out of the house and played with the birds on the porch, while Li Xiang stayed in the room alone, leaning on the couch and reading a medical book he just got.

After the sun set and it was dark, Pingyang sent the children to Baoxia. She personally gave the two daughters a comfortable hot bath, and then carried them to their respective small beds. After the children fell asleep, , Pingyang explained to the nurse again, and then returned to the main room.

At this time, it was Liushao on the Moon, Li Xiang saw Pingyang coming back, he looked away from the book in his hand, looked at Pingyang and asked: "Are the children asleep?"

Ping Yang nodded, and replied lightly: "Sleeping."

Li Xiang put down the book in his hand, sat up, looked at Pingyang and said, "I will accompany you to visit your aunt at your uncle's house tomorrow."

Pingyang is a person whose temper comes and goes quickly, and the anger in her heart has long since dissipated. Now that Li Xiang took the initiative to put down her figure, she couldn't help but put on a smile on her face. She raised her eyes and asked Li Ling. : "Aren't you going to be on duty tomorrow?"

Li Xiang replied with a smile: "Although I have an errand, it's not impossible to ask for leave. Anyway, my top striker is not your cousin."

Ping Yang glared at Li Xiang, covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Now you know the benefits of someone covering you? You won't keep blaming me for meddling in your affairs."

Li Xiang put down the book in his hand, walked to Pingyang, looked down at her and said, "I don't blame you, so don't get angry with me anymore, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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