The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 1138 It's as if she broke the marriage at the beginning

Huo Linyuan's entanglement with Sun Yinger continued.

Waiting downstairs in the company every day.

He wanted to let the whole world know that he was pursuing Sun Yinger.

People in high society are talking about it.

Some people even came to Sun Yinger specially, and said in a sour tone: "Yinger, you are really guarding the clouds and seeing the moon. People like Huo Shao will look back for you. I really envy you." .”

But Sun Yinger can't be disgusted.

But Huo Linyuan's airs are getting bigger and bigger.

Even Sun Yinger's father came.

Sun Zhuang ran up to Sun Yinger and asked directly: "What are you thinking? I haven't looked for you these days. I thought you had a brain, but I didn't expect that I was thinking too much. Do you know what you are thinking?" doing what."

Sun Yinger felt a headache when she saw the man in front of her.

What she and Su Nian both wanted was to slowly see what Huo Linyuan wanted to do.

She also felt that this Huo Linyuan was just doing this to deal with Su Nian, it was really a bit overkill, so she had to wait slowly, waiting for what this Huo Linyuan was playing.

It was obvious that the man in front of him was not good enough.

"Dad, don't worry about this matter, I have my own ideas."

But when Sun Zhuang heard this, the anger on his face was really as much as he wanted, and he immediately pointed to Sun Yinger and said: "You have your own ideas, come, come, tell me what you think , That's Huo Linyuan, Huo Linyuan finally figured it out, but you got caught, who do you think you are, are you special? It's your luck that Huo Linyuan likes you, if you are like this, if Huo Linyuan really runs away Now, I see that you won't be able to cry when the time comes."

Sun Yinger looked at the man in front of her.

Su Nian's words appeared in her mind.

Su Nian said: "What kind of thing is Huo Linyuan? How can my sister be an ordinary person? My sister is a fairy in the sky. Huo Linyuan is just a toad. I really didn't think that Huo Linyuan, a toad, would have the courage to turn around and eat swan meat."

When Su Nian said this, there was a strong light in his eyes.

It's like a light that can bring itself out of an abyss of darkness.

And now this man is simply two extremes.

Thinking of this, Sun Yinger couldn't help laughing.

Last time, Sun Zhuang felt that this Sun Yinger didn't listen to him and was not doing well, so he felt a little irritable. Now seeing Sun Yinger like this, he became even more angry: "Why are you laughing, you really don't know What is the relationship between our family and the Huo family? If the marriage had been successful, you would have become Mrs. Huo long ago, so the situation of our family is much better now. "

"Do you know how difficult our family has been during this time?"

When Sun Yinger heard these words, the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

This is her so-called father.

What he said was as if he had broken the marriage at the beginning.

Hahaha she wrecked.

"Even if you knelt in front of Huo Linyuan and begged him back then, Huo Linyuan wouldn't marry me. Do you find it interesting that you still blame me? Hahaha, Dad, what's going on with you, you are dementia Is it ahead of time? You are ahead of time, why didn't you tell me, this is a very serious matter. "

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