The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 1139 Young Master Lu is also able to piss off people

Sun Yinger learned a little from Su Nian.

These words must be said.

It is others who are uncomfortable, why should I be polite, if I am polite, then it is myself who is uncomfortable.

This is really not worth it.

Super not worth it.

Sun Zhuang's face was really flushed with anger: "That's not because you are useless. If you were a little useful, then you would have become Mrs. Huo long ago. A woman who can't win a man's heart is a failure. The kind that fails.

Now God sympathizes with you and let Huo Linyuan see you. If you really don't cherish anything, then it will be too late for you to regret it, so you should stop making trouble. Huo Linyuan's patience is really limited. If you are really messing around, then you really can't do it. "

"So hurry up and follow me to find Huo Linyuan and apologize. In this case, your business will be settled."

Sun Yinger really couldn't bear to hear these words.

Even at this moment, Sun Yinger felt that she was no longer human.

It's just a commodity, a commodity that was bought and sold casually by the man in front of him.

The more Sun Zhuang talked, the more excited he became, and he felt that many futures were in front of him, and as long as he moved his hands a little, he could gain benefits.

Absolute benefit.

Sun Zhuang even walked up to Sun Yinger while talking, intending to pull Sun Yinger.

Just when Sun Yinger was about to resist.

Suddenly there was a loud shout: "What do you want to do, what do you want to do."

The next moment, Lu Jing appeared in Sun Yinger's sight.

Lu Jing directly and forcibly separated them.

And looked at Sun Zhuang fiercely.

When Sun Zhuang saw Lu Jing, his expression suddenly changed.

A flattering and flattering expression appeared on his face: "Young Master Lu, what are you doing?"

If just now, Sun Yinger felt that her father's expression was a little disgusting, then now she is deeply disgusted.

Such a face.

It's just the face of a villain.

"What am I doing, you ask me what I am doing, then I want to ask, what do you want to do, what do you mean, what do you want to do to my aunt, please tell me well."

Although the Lu family is not as good as the Huo family, Sun Zhuang doesn't want to offend him.

"It's like this. My Yinger has some things that I can't understand. She is too headstrong. Mr. Huo is infatuated with her. In such a situation, my father is a little moved. I really think she can't be missed. As a father, I am really afraid of her." If you miss it, you will regret it forever."

After hearing this, Lu Jing immediately understood, and his eyes became firm: "Sun Zhuang, I understand what you mean, but you need to know your company, Li and I have helped If you have a little brain, then you should know that this is for Aunt Sun's face, if you do this, are you really not afraid of anything?"

These words really froze Sun Zhuang's face a little.

But he still said with a smile on his face: "Young Master Lu, what do you mean by saying that? Our relationship is really good now. Why do you say that? You really hurt our relationship by saying that. point."

"What is the relationship between Huo Linyuan, me, and Li Beichen? It's obviously the relationship between the enemy. If you want to rush to marry my aunt to my enemy, what is your behavior? It is clearly betrayal. What is the so-called Relationship."

These words made Sun Zhuang panic.

"You have such an attitude, what do you mean, do you still want to eat at both ends? If you really want to do this, then you can tell me, what are your skills, be careful if you eat too much, and you will die, then you will regret it Not good."

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