The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 120 Why can this matter be counted on my head

Chapter 120 Why can this matter be counted on my head
Li Beichen worked hard to make his appearance serious!Try not to break the defense because of Su Nian's messy emotions.

Immediately, Li Beichen walked up to Su Nian with a serious face, and said to Su Nian: "I was indeed wrong about what happened before, and I am here to assure you that that kind of thing will not happen, and you will not be subject to any punishment." harm!"

This is Li Beichen's sincere words.

He also wanted to say it a long time ago.

Leaving aside the so-called plot, Li Beichen felt that Lan Ni was not worthy of Su Nian taking such a big risk to donate a kidney for her.

Although Su Nian is sometimes a little unreliable, but he will never let her be like this.

In addition, Li Beichen had wanted to say this for a long time.

He had wanted Su Nian to know that he was no longer the Li Beichen he was before.

As for Li Beichen's actions, it can be said that Su Nian was taken aback.

[No, no, what kind of plot is this? How could Li Beichen tell me this? Before, Li Beichen wanted to tie me to the operating table by means, and he personally took a knife and dug out his kidney. And get it for Lan Ya. 】

[What's going on with this Li Beichen! 】

Su Nian's voice this time made Li Beichen very satisfied.

Yes, he just changed!
However, Li Beichen was not happy for long when he heard Su Nian's sudden realization.

【I understand, he is trying to get him like this, because Huo Linyuan wanted his life before, and Lan Ni didn't take his stand at all. Although Li Beichen is a dog licker, he still has a temper. 】

Although she thought so, Su Nian still admitted that at the moment Li Beichen spoke, she did feel that the man in front of her was a little handsome.

But just a little bit.

"Li Beichen, do you know what you're doing? Do you want to see Nier die? That's Nier, that's our favorite woman, do you know what you're doing!"

Li Beichen took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Of course I know what I'm doing, my attitude is already very clear, Lu Jing, you are a smart person, you should know what to do."

Soon the security came up.

And dragged Lu Jing away.

But Lu Jing really didn't expect that Li Beichen would actually do this.

"Su Nian, you regret it. If you don't save yourself, then I will definitely make you regret it."

Su Nian: ...

[Ahhhhh, why, why can this matter be counted on my head, I am really angry, I have never been angry before, I really feel that I should not be a vicious female supporting role, I'm supposed to be the female partner of the resentful species. Isn't it just me who is pure and innocent? 】

When Su Nian was going crazy, she didn't notice at all, but the people around her looked solemn. 】

The reason for this is that Li Beichen was doing an experiment just now.

When that Lu Jing appeared just now, Li Beichen realized that when he faced Lu Jing, he didn't feel the power of the so-called plot.

It is now known that when he faces Huo Linyuan and Lan Ni, that mysterious power will appear, and he will lose control of this body.

Li Beichen still felt that he should investigate.

See if you really can't contact the so-called hero and heroine.

If it is really impossible to contact, then he can decide what to do next.

(End of this chapter)

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