The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 121 Mom sells criticism, does a vicious female supporting role have no human rights?

Chapter 121 Mom sells criticism, does a vicious female supporting role have no human rights?
Su Nian put her gaze on Li Beichen.

At this moment, there was resentment in her eyes.

If possible, now Su Nian really wants to kill this damn guy with his eyes!
At this moment, Li Beichen turned around suddenly.

Su Nian, who had no time to change his eyes in the future, caught it in his eyes, and immediately said casually, "What's wrong?"

Su Nian was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, quickly put away his resentful eyes, and quickly put on a gentle look: "Bei Chen, the way Lu Jing looked like just now, seems to want to eat me , but I believe in you, if he really wants to do something to me, then you will definitely protect me, right?"

[Mom sells criticism, does a vicious female supporting role really have no human rights?Obviously I helped this guy take the blame, but I still have to beg him. 】

【However, since God has reborn me, I will definitely not be able to be like my previous life. After this dead licking dog dies, I will have the power in my hands. I must clean up this Lu Jing and make that guy regret it. Put the blame on me! 】

Hearing Su Nian's unhappy voice, Li Beichen said casually: "Protection is fine, but I never do business at a loss. You have to think about how to thank me."

Su Nian:! ! !
【My God, is there any reason in this world?Is there still a law?I'm obviously taking the blame for this licking dog, doesn't this licking dog have a clue?Not only did he not thank me, but he also asked me to thank him. 】

Li Beichen just likes to hear Su Nian's crazy voice.

The more crazy the better.

But when Su Nian thought about it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately, he timidly came to Li Beichen: "Everything inside and outside of me now belongs to the Li family, so there is nothing precious, Beichen, if you don't dislike it, then... I can take my" As he spoke, he lowered his head and pretended to be shy on purpose.

"What do you mean? It's you who thank me, not me. You really take advantage of it."

Su Nian: ...

Su Nian still didn't look up, she was afraid that if she saw Li Beichen, she really wouldn't be able to continue acting.

[Why is this person always so easy to break the lower limit of shamelessness? What does it mean that I can really take advantage, and when I saved him, I didn't see him agree with me! 】

[I have to think of a way to get this guy on the bed and make him meow until he's gone! 】

Li Beichen: "Since you want to thank me, you must show sincerity, so that the people who help you can feel grateful, but since you said that you belong to the Li family inside and out, I want to come to you Xie Li, then it must have nothing to do with the Li family, it's all yours."

When Su Nian heard this, she raised her head and gave Li Beichen a bright smile.

When this bright smile appeared in Li Beichen's sight, Li Beichen couldn't help shaking his head.

"Since it's your intention, then definitely not."

[I'll call someone later and ask someone to borrow some money. Isn't it the Li family's money now? Can you embarrass a smart person like me? 】

Li Beichen took a deep look at Su Nian and just smiled without saying a word.

In the evening, Su Nian started calling people she was familiar with, but she didn't borrow a dime.

Su Nian: ...

She couldn't help but start to doubt herself.

She really doesn't remember that her character in this world has fallen to such a low level, she is now the young mistress of the Li family anyway, she shouldn't be.

(End of this chapter)

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