Chapter 174 What attitude do you want from me
In fact, Li Beichen really thought it would be better for Su Nian to stay with the old man.

Just like this moment.

Lu Jing broke in and kept chattering.

Li Beichen counted with his fingers, and it was almost half an hour since he came in, and this guy didn't even intend to stop talking.

If it wasn't for this Lu Jing being useful, then he really wanted to drive this guy out!

And Li Beichen's unresponsive appearance made Lu Jing dissatisfied: "Li Beichen, what kind of attitude do you have? You're already like this. Why are you still doing this? It's none of your business. There is no Ni'er, if you didn't rob me at the beginning, then how could Huo Linyuan take advantage of it, maybe now my second child and Ni'er are both born."

"What attitude do you want from me?" Li Beichen turned the pen in his hand casually.

"What kind of attitude do I want from you? What kind of attitude can I want from you now? Of course, I want to find a way to get Su Nian out. Didn't you listen to me at all? Your old man is too, so why meddle in his own business?" Lu Jing said. Then he gave Li Beichen a contemptuous look: "You too, you are such an old man anyway, why are you still afraid of your old man?"

"Now I really understand why Ni'er didn't choose you. After all, that woman is willing to choose Dad Baonan."

Li Beichen stopped turning his pen when Lu Jing said, "Of course I want to find a way to get Su Nian out".

Such a sentence, if you don't know it, then you may think it is talking about catching some kind of animal.

"What we have to do now is to find a way, not to make trouble here." Li Beichen finally spoke.

But these words didn't calm Lu Jing down, on the contrary, he became more and more agitated: "Did I make a fuss? It's so hot now, why are you so calm? If you want me to tell you, why don't you just keep doing it and let us break into you?" The old house directly snatched that Su Nian out, and then tied that woman to the operating table, so nothing happened."

These words made Li Beichen's fists clenched.

Straps directly to the operating table.


When Lu Jing heard this, he suddenly became furious: "Why not? Didn't you hear what the doctor said now, there is no way for you to drag it on."

"It's because you didn't listen. The doctor said that she is very weak now and may not even survive the operation. You tie Su Nian here now, then dig it out and put it somewhere."

It was only at this time that Lu Jing remembered Lan Ya's actual physical condition.

He sat down on the sofa at once: "Although this is the case, Su Nian is not within our control. I really feel like there is a sword hanging above our heads, a sword that may fall down at any time. I It’s really hard to sleep day and night.”

Hearing Lu Jing venting his complaints, Li Beichen knew that the opportunity had come: "I can understand your feelings, you and I are sincere, but I feel uncomfortable in my heart, obviously there is a culprit in Lan Ni, but that culprit is I don't care about Lanya, and Lanya is still waiting for him to appear."

These words immediately ignited Lu Jing's firecracker: "You're right, Lan Ni became like this because of her relationship with Huo Linyuan, Huo Linyuan has no one now, it's entirely our concern, it's really disgusting. "

"I think this is an opportunity for Lan Ni to see who is the best for her, so that she can turn around in time." Seeing that Lu Jing was hooked, Li Beichen continued.

(End of this chapter)

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